



By Douglas Dean Johnson





ラウンズ-シューマーUAPDA (SA2610) 7-11-24

ラウンズ-シューマーUAPDA (SA2610) 7-11-24.pdf








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 提出されたラウンズ-シューマー間の文言を精査する機会はまだないが、2023年7月27日に上院を通過した24年度NDAAに盛り込まれたシューマー-ラウンズ間のUAPDAをほぼ踏襲しているように見える。UAPDAの2023年バージョンは、その後下院との協議交渉で、主に国防総省の反対により削られた。(国立公文書記録管理局(National Archives and Records Administration)に特定のUAP関連記録の収集を義務付けるという、かなり狭い条項が制定された)。



また、"非人間的知性"、"起源不明の技術"、"未確認の異常現象"、"レガシープログラム "といった重要な活動用語の定義も、眉唾ものである。









しかし私は、UAPDAが今年上院を通過した 場合、まず何らかの広範なパッケージ取引(例えば、複数科目の「マネージャー修正案」の一部として、あるいは「代用修正案」と呼ばれる法案全体の書き換えの一部として)を通じてNDAAの一部となる必要があると予測する

これは、上院議場での討論や 点呼投票ではなく、舞台裏での交渉を通じて行われる。



UAP 関連条項がそのような採決を受けることになるとは、非常に驚きである。 今までUFO 関連の修正案上下 両院の議場で、個別の課題別点呼採決の対象となったことはない。









●Senators Rounds and Schumer submit UAP Disclosure Act as possible amendment to NDAA

Senators Rounds and Schumer submit UAP Disclosure Act as possible amendment to NDAA
The UAP Disclosure Act returns to the U.S. Capitol.

By Douglas Dean Johnson

@ddeanjohnson on X/Twitter // my gmail address is my full name

Initially posted Saturday, July 13, 2024, 2:45 PM EDT.

Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) has introduced a version of the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act (UAPDA), with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) as lead co-sponsor.

Senator Rounds, who is a member of both the Intelligence and Armed Services committees in the U.S. Senate, on July 11, 2024 submitted the UAPDA text as a possible floor amendment (SA 2610) to the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA, S. 4638). The text of the new Rounds-Schumer UAP Disclosure Act appears on pages S4943-4950 of the July 11, 2024 edition of the Congressional Record, which was posted on line on July 13. The entire text of the Rounds-Schumer amendment is embedded below as a PDF file.

Rounds-Schumer UAPDA (SA2610) 7-11-24

Rounds-Schumer UAPDA (SA2610) 7-11-24.pdf

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While I have not yet had the opportunity to thoroughly review the Rounds-Schumer language as submitted, it appears to largely track the Schumer-Rounds UAPDA that was incorporated into the FY24 NDAA that passed the Senate on July 27, 2023. The 2023 version of the UAPDA was later gutted in conference negotiations with the House of Representatives, due mostly to opposition from the Pentagon. (A much narrower provision requiring the National Archives and Records Administration to collect certain UAP-related records was enacted.) The new Rounds-Schumer proposal retains controversial provisions providing for creation of a presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Review Board-- a temporary federal agency with broad powers, including subpoena and eminent domain authorities. It also retains eyebrow-raising definitions for such key operative terms as "non-human intelligence," "technologies of unknown origin," "unidentified anomalous phenomena," and "legacy program."


Senate Majority Leader Schumer has not yet announced when the full Senate will take up NDAA. So far, over 800 possible floor amendments have been filed. Under Senate rules, each senator has the theoretical right to offer any number of freestanding floor amendments to an authorization bill such as NDAA, and perhaps to force roll call votes on each – but in practice, there are many constraints. The managers of the NDAA, of both parties, would not be disposed to subject the bill to a wide-open floor amendment process, which would be politically fraught and could consume many days of floor time. Moreover, any senator has the power to create a 60-vote hurdle for any amendment. Thus, each year agreements are negotiated to limit the number and subject matter of amendments to the NDAA. Most of these negotiations occur out of public view.

I make no predictions as to the prospects for ultimate Senate passage of the Rounds-Schumer amendment this year. It is noteworthy that in 2023, Majority Leader Schumer was the lead sponsor of the measure, but that key role has now been assumed by Senator Rounds, who is a very capable senator but a member of the minority party in the Senate. However, I will predict that if the UAPDA does clear the Senate this year, the UAPDA must first become part of the NDAA through some broader package deal (e.g., as part of a multi-subject "manager's amendment," or within a bill-wide write over called a "substitute amendment"). That would occur through a process of behind-the-scenes negotiations, not by floor debate and a roll call vote on the Senate floor.

What I am describing here is also the way in which many other amendments on diverse subjects will also be resolved. Most likely, only a small number of subject-specific amendments to NDAA will receive separate roll call votes on the Senate floor, and I would be very surprised to see any UAP-related provision receive such a vote. No UFO-related amendment has ever been the subject of a separate, issue-specific roll call vote on the floor of either house of Congress.

Even if the UAPDA (or something derived from it) does clear the Senate as part of NDAA, such language would still face conference committee negotiations with the House of Representatives. The House-passed version of NDAA (H.R. 8070) contains no UAP-related provisions. Nor have I seen any evidence that the Pentagon's negative posture towards the UAPDA has softened since 2023.


In many years, but not all, the Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) is merged with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) at a some stage in the legislative process. When this is done, the final votes in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are on a merged NDAA-IAA, and the two measures are sent to the President as a single bill.

Apparently seeking to follow this path again this year, Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), on July 11 filed the text of the FY25 Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA, S. 4443) as a proposed amendment (SA 2274) to NDAA (S. 4638). As approved by the SSCI, the IAA contains several UAP-related provisions, which I described in a long post on X/Twitter on June 24, 2024, found at the link below.

The text of those UAP-related sections of the Intelligence Authorization Act, as submitted by Senator Warner as SA 2274, appear below, reproduced from page S4632 of the July 11, 2024 Congressional Record.
