


Ethan BlackshawSocial News Content Editor

John O'sullivanオーディエンスエディター

Ethan Blackshaw

  • 2024年6月25日 09:29 et





 英国国防省のUFO目撃に関する 極秘調査は、「非常に強力な」結論をもたらした。アメリカの国防総省は、最近、全領域異常解決局(AARO)を設立し、UFO遭遇に関する調査結果を継続的に発表している。今年3月、彼らは再び、エイリアンの証拠はないと結論づけた。





最終評決はこう強調した: 「我々は、報告された謎の空中現象について、何らかの重要な証拠が入手できない限り、また入手できるまでは、これ以上の調査を行わないことを強く勧告する。

未知の空中現象に関するその後の調査は、Project Condign コンディーン計画と名付けられ、2000年に終了したが、日の目を見たのは2006年のことであった。調査結果は、観測されたUFOのほとんどが誤認か大気現象によるものであることを示唆した。

『Beeb』紙はこの時点で、国防総省の担当者に次のように語っている:「この研究とオリジナルの『空飛ぶ円盤作業部会』の両方が、本物の未確認航空現象の存在を示す証拠は不十分であると結論づけている。そのような証拠が出てこない限り、今後研究を行うことはないだろう" と述べている。

ネットユーザーたちは、あるウィットがネットに投稿したように、短命に終わった空飛ぶ円盤ワーキング・パーティーに関する最近のシェアに大喜びしている: 「バンドの名前としては最高だ。また、「『1年以内に解散した』というのは、THEYがあなたに思わせたいことなんだ」と疑問を投げかける人もいた。










この発見は、BBCのテレビ番組「QI」のアカウントがX(旧ツイッター)に投稿したものである。そこにはこう書かれていた: 「1950年、英国国防省は、空飛ぶ円盤作業部会というUFOを調査する秘密組織を作った。それは1年以内に解散した。"



その結果、次のように結論づけられた: 「我々は、報告された謎の空中現象について、何らかの重要な証拠が入手できない限り、また入手できるまでは、これ以上の調査を行わないことを強く勧告する。




●UK's hidden UFO probes by MoD and their strong verdicts unveiled

The UK Ministry of Defence carried out a covert investigation into UFO sightings back in the 1950s - and came to a 'very strong' verdict on the mysterious phenomenon



Ethan BlackshawSocial News Content Editor

John O'sullivanAudience editor

Ethan Blackshaw

  • 09:29 ET, JUN 25 2024


Just like their American counterparts, the UK authorities have found no evidence of the existence of UFOs (Image: Getty)


The United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence's secret probe into UFO sightings has yielded a "very strong" conclusion. The Pentagon in the US, having recently established the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), continually publishes findings from their investigations into UFO encounters. This March, they concluded once again that there was no evidence of aliens.

The British public is now learning that their government has also been involved in clandestine research on the subject. This intrigue was sparked by a recent post shared by the BBC TV programme QI on X: "In 1950 the UK Ministry of Defence created a secret organisation to look into UFOs called the Flying Saucer Working Party. It disbanded within a year."

The initiative for this covert group came from Sir Henry Tizard, who was the Chief Scientific Adviser to the MoD in October 1950. Their final report, issued in June 1951, echoed the conclusions of the US team, determining that all incidents could be explained by earthly means, reports the Daily Star.


According to the findings of the Flying Saucer Working Party, each case was attributable to one or a combination of these four causes: natural astronomical or meteorological occurrences, misidentified conventional objects, optical illusions and psychological misconceptions, or outright fabrications.


Their final verdict stressed: "We accordingly recommend very strongly that no further investigation of reported mysterious aerial phenomena be undertaken, unless and until some material evidence becomes available."


A subsequent probe into the unknown aerial occurrences, dubbed Project Condign and concluded in 2000, only saw the light of day in 2006. Findings suggested most observed UFOs were down to either misidentification or atmospheric happenings.


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The Beeb had an MoD rep say at that point: "Both this study and the original 'Flying Saucer Working Party' concluded that there is insufficient evidence to indicate the presence of any genuine unidentified aerial phenomena. It is unlikely that we would carry out any future studies unless such evidence were to emerge."

Netizens have had a field day with the recent share regarding the short-lived Flying Saucer Working Party, as a wit posted online: "Great name for a band." Another chipped in with a dose of doubt: "'It disbanded within a year' - that's what THEY want you to think."



●UK government's secret UFO investigation came to 'very strong' verdict

The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) set up a secret group to investigate UFO sightings in the 1950s - and it came to a very similar conclusion to the recent reports from the US




The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) came to a "very strong" verdict following a clandestine probe into UFO sightings.

In the US, the Pentagon has been releasing reports investigating UFO encounters following the establishment of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). Their most recent report this March, unsurprisingly, found no signs of extraterrestrial life.

Brits are now beginning to discover that their own government has engaged in similar investigations.

The revelation comes from a post on X (formerly Twitter) from the account for BBC TV programme QI. It read: "In 1950 the UK Ministry of Defence created a secret organisation to look into UFOs called the Flying Saucer Working Party. It disbanded within a year."


Each mysterious sighting, the group concluded, was a consequence of one or more of four factors: astronomical or meteorological phenomena, misidentification, optical illusions and psychological delusions, or hoaxes.

Their findings concluded: "We accordingly recommend very strongly that no further investigation of reported mysterious aerial phenomena be undertaken, unless and until some material evidence becomes available."


Just like in the US, the British investigation found no signs of alien life (stock) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
