





タイムスタンプ: 0:00 イントロ 01:20 ダニエルが発言する理由 05:20 UFO現象の増加 10:40 コロネル・グルーシュ 14:10 地球外生命体/DNAテスト 19:13 メディアがUFOニュースを隠す理由 21:00 大衆に主要なUFOニュースが告げられる時 32:00 政府に圧力をかける 46:30 政府が私たちに隠していること 48:00 ボブ・ラザー嘘発見器テスト?50:00 ダニエルとつながる




●Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School–trained Constitutional Litigation and Appellate Attorney. He has worked on some of the biggest cases of public interest including the Pentagon Papers, the Karen Silkwood Case, the Iran/contra case and many more. In this conversation, Daniel speaks to Lewis about what the government are hiding from the public, why major info is set to come out on October 18th 2024, how the world would react to proof of extraterrestrial life and much more. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 01:20 Why Daniel Is Speaking Out 05:20 The Rise in UFO phenomena 10:40 Coronel Grusch 14:10 Extraterrestrial Bodies/DNA Tests 19:13 Why The Media Are Hiding UFO News 21:00 When The Public Will Be Told Major UFO News 32:00 Putting Pressure On Government 46:30 What Government Are Hiding From Us 48:00 Bob Lazar Lie Detector Test? 50:00 Connect With Daniel




