 悪名高い 「チック・タック 」UAP事件当時、USSニミッツに乗船していた元米海軍水兵が、航空機からの有名な目撃談だけでなく、自分も間近でUFOに遭遇したと語った。


 Omara Laraは、USSニミッツに乗船していた時、カリフォルニア沖をあり得ないスピードで疾走する 「TicTac 」UFOを目撃した。
そして、UAP Studiesのポッドキャストで、彼は、2004年の目撃のニュース以来、この話題に注目していない人々が、彼が見たものを見たらショックを受けるだろうと語った。

彼は、何日も空母グループの周囲を飛んでいた不可解な物体を目撃した他の2人のニミッツの乗組員とどのように話したかを説明し、彼は言った: 「私たちは基本的にこのようなことに慣れ親しんでいるが、私たちのサブカルチャーの一部ではない一般大衆を巻き込んだ場合、彼らは異なる反応を示すだろう......彼らは怖がるだろう。

 オマールによれば、長い間、軍人は自らの目撃談を名乗り出ることを恐れていた(Image: UAP STUDIES Podcast/Youtube)

海難救助の警報が鳴り、オマールは暗闇の中で誰かを見つけようとしていた。彼はこう説明した: 「甲板の端まで行って、この男が浮いているのを見たんだ。それがこいつを見た唯一の理由だ」。


 UFOは数日間にわたって何度も目撃された[想像図](Image: Found And Explained/Youtube)


オマールがJDと呼ぶもう一人の船員は納得していなかった。彼はこう振り返った: 「オマールはJDと呼んでいた。と言ったのを覚えている。百聞は一見にしかず』ってね。

 謎の物体は巨大なチックタックミント[想像図]に似ていると言われた(Image: Found And Explained/Youtube)







●USS Nimitz UFO 'dropped out of sky next to ship' after crewman fell overboard

A former US Navy sailor who was on board the USS Nimitz at the time of the notorious 'Tic Tac' UAP incident says that as well as the well-known sightings from aircraft, he had his own up close and personal UFO encounter


A crewman involved with one of the world's most famous UFO sightings says he saw another craft with his own eyes.

Omara Lara was on board the USS Nimitz when a "TicTac" UFO was spotted hurtling at impossible speeds off the Californian coast.

And, speaking on the UAP Studies podcast, he said people who haven’t been keeping up with the subject since the news of the 2004 sightings would be shocked if they saw what he had seen.

READ MORE: ‘USAF tried to recruit me into UFO crash team – but I declined for gross reason'

For more stories of the paranormal, strange and unexplained, check out the Daily Star's Weird News section.

Describing how he spoke with two other Nimitz crewmen who had witnessed the unexplained objects flying around the carrier group over a number of days, he said: “We're basically embedded with this stuff, but if you get the general public who are not part of our subculture, they’re going to have different reactions they're going to get scared …I don't think entirely everyone is ready.”


Omar says that for a long time, military personnel were afraid to come forward with their own sightings (Image: UAP STUDIES Podcast/Youtube)

Omar told how, aside from the well-documented sightings from fighter aircraft that had been sent to investigate anomalous radar signatures, he had seen something with his own eyes from the deck of the aircraft carrier.

The alert had sounded for a man overboard, and Omar was looking out into the darkness hoping to spot someone. He explained: “We actually saw this guy, we went over to the deck edge and we saw this guy floating and the current took him way out. That’s the only reason why we saw this thing.”

Along with a crew mate named Rick Palmer, Omar saw something he couldn’t explain. “It just dropped out from the sky, landed about 40 to 50 feet above the water line and shot off to the right," he recalled. “It made an acute angle and exploded right back to where it came from.

“There was no sonic boom, no noise, nothing.” The whole bizarre incident took less than 15 seconds.


The UFO was sighted multiple times over a few days [artist's impression] (Image: Found And Explained/Youtube)

He stressed that he didn’t believe that the UAPs witnessed around the US coast by numerous military personnel could possibly be drones operated by Russian or Chinese spies.

Omar recalled a conversation with another Nimitz sailor after the sightings and speculated that the objects must be extraterrestrial in origin.

The other seaman, who Omar called JD, wasn’t convinced. He recalled: “I remember him saying ‘You don't believe in that stuff do you?’ And I said 'I don't know man, I guess I I do now. Seeing is believing.’


The mysterious object was said to resemble a giant Tic Tac mint [artist's impression] (Image: Found And Explained/Youtube)

But Omar's shipmate JD was sure the mysterious object had a more boring explanation. Omar added: “He was always saying they were Russian or Chinese and I would reply ‘If that's Russian or Chinese like you said earlier we're f****d. We're no longer one of the premier superpowers for air power on the planet, because whatever that is, if it's Chinese or Russian we should have been done years ago because this thing is just so advanced.’


“They're at war now with Ukraine. You would think some of that technology, if they had it, would be showcased there and they haven't showcased anything like that.”

Russia has its own problems with UAPs, China has their own problems with UAPs, because it's a global problem. They’re probably thinking on the other side ’It's probably America or Russia,’ and then Russia is probably thinking ’It's probably America or the Chinese’.”






