●私は「ナスカのエイリアン・ミイラ」を調査した - DNAは彼らが本物であり、人類と共存していたことを証明すると調査官は主張する。

公開: 2024年4月26日 9:06 ET
更新 9:32 

ミイラの起源を特定するためにミイラと密接に協力したJois Mantillaジョイス・マンティーリャは、「歴史の流れを変える」可能性があり、月面着陸よりも重要な画期的なDNAの発見をしたと信じている。

ペルーの報告者は、かつて人間ではない種族が我々の間を歩いていたという証拠を掴んだと主張しているCredit: Jam Press

発見されたエイリアンのようなミイラの1体は妊娠していたと言われているCredit: Jam Press




ジョイスは、これまでで最も "深遠 "でゾッとするような発見の詳細をザ・サン紙に独占的に語った。

ジョイス・マンティージャ ペルーのジャーナリスト
 彼は、"モンセラット "で発見された最新のミイラのひとつには、3本の指を持つ "トリダクティル "の胎児が体内に入っていると主張している。
ジョイス氏は言う: 「つの遺伝子が組み合わされて一つの存在が作られたことを示唆する、文書化され検証可能なDNAがあります。」
彼は、考古学者でさえミイラに困惑しており、"擬人化された存在 "だと言うだけで、それ以上の説明はできないと付け加えた。
ジョイスは、"これは彼らにとって絶対的にすべてを変えるものだ "と考えている。

 記者はその "証拠 "が説得力のあるものだと確信しているが、他の人たちは納得していない。
ペルーの法医学・法科学研究所の考古学者Flavio Estrada,フラビオ・エストラーダは言う: 「地球外生命体でもなく、地球内生命体でもなく、新種でもなく、雑種でもない。」

当局は "モンセラット "の遺体が会場にあると誤信し、彼が "見世物小屋 "を開く前にそれを押収しようとしたのだ。


ミイラをエイリアンだと推測する人もいたが、ジョイスは地球上の生物だと信じているCredit: Reuters

この生物は通常、身長3フィート(約0.9メートル)、大きな頭蓋、手足に3本の指があるCredit: Getty

2023年、ミイラの一部が展示された記者会見に出席したハイメ・マウサンCredit: Getty

「生きもの」は人間に似ているが、頭部は大きく細長く、指は3本ずつしかないCredit: Getty

ジョイス(左)が話していると、政府関係者がマイクを奪い取ったCredit: Jam Press

ジョイスはSUN紙にこう語った: 「この人たちは何をするつもりなんだろうと思いました。」
彼は、政府が彼の調査を止めさせようとしているのは、"真実 "が "全てを変えてしまう "ことを恐れているからだと考えている。
彼は、政府関係者がこの考えをより理解しがたいものに見せるために、"UFOのミイラ "という言葉を投げかけていると考えている。
今年1月には、ペルーの空港で "エイリアンのミイラ "が発見されたというニュースが話題になった。

彼は、これらの特定の "異星人のミイラ "が人形であることに異議を唱えたことはないが、彼が研究していた "クリーチャー "を含むすべての類似の発見を反証するために使われたと考えていると語った。

 『ヘインズUFO調査マニュアル』の著者であるUFO専門家の第一人者ナイジェル・ワトソンは、『メールオンライン』にこう語った: "私は古代のミイラ化した遺体の専門家ではないが、それらはもっと皮革っぽい傾向がある"

ペルーの法医学・法科学研究所の考古学者フラビオ・エストラーダ氏も、このミイラを "全くのでっち上げ "だと言って納得していない。

未確認航空現象の脅威について宣誓証言しているAmerican for Safe Aerospaceのエグゼクティブ・ディレクター、グレイブス元中尉もまた、ミイラに対する懸念を表明した。

 彼は言う: 「私は、航空宇宙の安全、国家安全保障、科学の緊急課題として、UAPに対する認識を高め続けるつもりだが、この根拠のない演出には深く失望している。
ジョイスによれば、これらの標本は現在分析中であり、すでに検査された多くの標本から推定すると、"1800年から1750年前のもの "だという。

捜査の最前線にいるもう一人のジャーナリスト、ハイメ・マウサンも先日の会見で語ったCredit: Jam Press

ペルー当局は "エイリアン "が展示されると思い、会議に押しかけ、エイリアンを押収しようとした。

空港で発見されたミイラのX線検査で人形であることが判明Credit: Reuters



●I probed ‘Nazca alien mummies’ – DNA proves they are REAL & co-existed with humans, claims investigator

See our exclusive interview with an investigator who studied the origins of the bizarre-looking creatures

THE 'Nazca alien mummies' are real and DNA evidence proves they co-existed with humans, an investigator has claimed.

Jois Mantilla, who worked closely with the mummies to identify their origins, believes he's made a breakthrough DNA discovery that could "change the course of history" and is more important than the moon landing.



A Peruvian report has claimed he has evidence that an inhuman species once walked among usCredit: Jam Press


One of the alien-like mummies found was said to be pregnantCredit: Jam Press


The mummies from the Nazca region of Peru have been closely studied by Jois and his teamCredit: Jam Press

Several mysterious extraterrestrial-looking mummies - dubbed the "Nazca mummies" - have been found across Peru in a set of chilling discoveries.

Jois Mantilla, a Peruvian journalist who has been leading an investigation into the mummies, believes they are thousands of years old and once walked among humans.

The mummies were stumbled upon by shocked explorers and caused mass speculation over where they came from - with some even saying they were aliens.

Jois and fellow journalist Jaime Maussan made headlines last year when they presented two mummies discovered in Palpa and Nazca, Peru in 2016 to the Mexican Government.

But now their investigation has caught the attention of the public once again as a presentation of their newest mummy - dubbed Monserrat - descended into chaos.

The conference - held in Peru - was stormed by cops hoping to seize the alien-like body but only a picture of the mummy was shown on a screen with the real one hidden in an "undisclosed location".

Critics - including the Peruvian Government - have slammed the project saying the bodies are nothing more than dolls made by artists.

But Jois says he has proof showing the figures are previously undiscovered creatures who existed 1800 years ago in tandem with civilisation.


The two Nazca mummies presented at a conference in 2016 appear to be dried-up bodies of miniature 2ft tall "humanoids" with bulbous heads and three digits on their hands and feet.

But Monserrat, presented later, is a much larger “non-human species” and stands about 3ft tall - although it still shares the same "extraterrestrial" features.

Jois, along with his colleague Jaime Maussan, has been leading an investigation into the "mummified aliens".

He exclusively told The Sun details of his most "profound" and chilling find yet.

There is physical evidence that human beings have coexisted with another species similar to ours

Jois MantillaPeruvian Journalist

He claims that one of the most recent mummies found "Montserrat" has a three-fingered "tridactyl" foetus inside her.

He claims that this disproves the notion that the bodies are dolls as he says it would be impossible for sculptures to make them appear pregnant.

He also says the mummies have a bizarre DNA makeup that could not be created by modern-day technology.

Jois said: "There is documented and verifiable DNA which implies that four genes were combined to create a being.

"That cannot be done now even with all our technology.

"Even with all the money and all the science in the world, this cannot be done by a human."

Jois is certain his findings will "change the course of history" and compared their significance to major historical events - such as the moon landing or discovering the earth was flat.

He added that even archaeologists are baffled by the mummies and only say that they are "anthropomorphic beings" but cannot offer further explanation.

"There is physical evidence that human beings have coexisted with another species similar to ours," he said.

Jois thinks "This changes absolutely everything for them."


Although the reporter is sure the "evidence" is compelling others were not convinced.

Flavio Estrada, an archaeologist with Peru's Institute for Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences said: "They are not extraterrestrials, they are not intraterrestrials, they are not a new species, they are not hybrids.

"They are none of those things that this group of pseudo-scientists who for six years have been presenting with these elements."

"He added they're dolls made from animal bones from this planet joined together with modern synthetic glue.

"It's totally a made-up story."

Jois has slammed the Peruvian Government and believes they are trying to silence him as officials barged into a conference where he was presenting his latest findings.

Authorities falsely believed the body of "Montserrat" was at the venue and wanted to seize it before he put on a "freak show".



He claims the species have four different DNAs here is a close-up image of one of the faces of the "creatures"


Although some people speculated the mummies were aliens Jois believes they were earthly beingsCredit: Reuters


The creatures are usually three foot tall with large craniums and three digits on their hands and feetCredit: Getty


Here Jaime Maussan attends a press conference in 2023 where some of the mummies were on displayCredit: Getty


The 'creatures' resemble humans but have large elongated heads and only three digits on each fingerCredit: Getty


While Jois (left) was talking a government official snatched the microphoneCredit: Jam Press

Montserrat reportedly looks a lot like the other mummies but is "closer to humans" with an "elongated head" and three "very long fingers."

As Jois spoke about his research officials stormed into the building and tried to wrestle the microphone off him to end the conference.

Jois told The Sun: "I was a little afraid and thinking what are these guys going to do."

He added: "I realised what was happening and I didn't let go of the microphone and told her, ‘ma'am, stop, this is a private event, What are you doing here?’"

He thinks the Government are not only trying to cover up his discovery but is planting rumours to draw attention away from his bombshell findings.

He believes they want to stop him from investigating because they're afraid the "truth" will "change everything." 

Jois said the media "didn't ask the experts, the forensic experts, the biologists who have the information" and therefore the public has only seen "the version dictated to them by the government."

He thinks officials throw around the term “UFO mummies” to make the idea seem more unfathomable - but he believes they are "earthly beings."

“This discovery absolutely transformed almost all spheres of human knowledge, biology, history, archaeology, and religion. 

“The implications are very profound and are not under the control of a government,” Jois said.

He explained how “scrolls, diplomas and titles will half in value” as what we thought we knew before may now be incorrect.

In a video clip of the conference, a woman strides onto the stage and snatches the microphone from a confused Jois before she announces they are taking “preventative action.”

According to Jois, this isn’t the only time the government have tried to disrupt information being shared to spin their own narrative.

In January of this year news that "alien mummies" had been found in a Peruvian airport hit the headlines.

Jois explained that when taken for examination it turned out these dolls were made from animal and human bones.

The reporter thinks the government used this example that many of the Nazca mummies were actually fake - which he claims is not the case.

He said he never disputed these particular "alien mummies" were dolls but thinks they were used to disprove all similar findings - including the "creatures" he was researching.


Leading UFO expert Nigel Watson, author of Haynes UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline: "I'm no expert on ancient mummified bodies but they tend to be more leatherish looking."

"This seems to be a plastercast over a bone structure with three fingers attached to the hands."

"Such hoaxes are the product of wishful thinking mixed with greed and a lust for publicity.

Flavio Estrada, an archeologist with Peru's Institute for Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences also wasn't convinced by the mummies calling them "totally made up."

He added: "They are not extraterrestrials, they are not intraterrestrials, they are not a new species, they are not hybrids, they are none of those things that this group of pseudo-scientists who for six years have been presenting with these elements."

Lt Graves, an executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace who has testified under oath about the threat of unidentified aerial phenomena also voiced concerns over the mummies.

He said: "I will continue to raise awareness of UAP as an urgent matter of aerospace safety, national security, and science, but I am deeply disappointed by this unsubstantiated stunt."

According to Jois, there are many of these specimens that have been found in different locations across Peru and Mexico.

He says the figures are being analysed - and from the many that have already been tested it's estimated they are "between 1800 and 1750 years old."

When he first encountered Monserrat, Jois recalled feeling "moved with shock".

He added: "I have never seen anything like this, it opens your head and everything you've seen in your life starts to disappear.

"A new reality is created when you know something like this."



Jaime Maussann, another journalist at the forefront of the investigation, also spoke at the recent conferenceCredit: Jam Press


Peruvian authorities barged into the conference thinking the 'aliens' would be on display and wanted to seize themCredit: Jam Press


X-rays on the mummies found at the airport revealed they were dollsCredit: Reuters


Some similar figures were found to be dolls (pictured) but Jois says there is proof that the ones he investigated once lived