
By.Graeme MurrayNews Reporter

2024年3月16日 12:41

Mapimí Silent Zoneマピミ・サイレント・ゾーンとも呼ばれるこの砂漠地帯は、UFOが何度も目撃されたとされる場所であり、電波やその他の通信が受信できないという都市伝説が存在する。

村人たちはこの地域で奇妙な目撃談をいくつか目にしている( 画像 ジャム・プレス)

謎の飛行物体から地球外生命体まで、ほとんどすべての目撃情報がある ( 画像 Jam Press Vid)
 コミュニティ・リーダーのエウヘニオ・アギラール氏は言う: 「夜中や早朝に宇宙船が到着するのを目撃しています。彼らが去る前に乱気流のような音が聞こえますが、また突然始まります。"
その映像には、銀色の大きな物体が山脈の上空でホバリングしているのが写っている。アルバラドは言った: "それは存在です。ビデオを撮ったのですが、その瞬間、その視線を感じることができました。ある研究者は、それはサンタ・ムエルテでもカラベラでもなく、存在なのだと教えてくれた。
多くの観光客がここで不自然な体験をしています。そして、”こんな体験はしたことがない、大好きな場所だと言って、何度も何度も訪れるのです" と彼女は付け加えた。

メキシコ、リンダ・ビスタの住民が目撃した奇妙な現象( 画像 ジャム・プレス)

この小さなコミュニティには、いわゆる「ゾーン・オブ・サイレンス」の3つの場所のうちの1つがある。( Image: Jam Press)

村人たちはまた、この地域には異次元の入り口や、宇宙船や謎の生命体の珍しい彫刻がある洞窟があるとも言っている。アギラールは言う: 「そのうちのひとつには太陽のシンボルがありますが、遊牧民が住んでいたことはありません。探してみると、火星人のような前方の彫刻がある。」

都市伝説によると、そこでは電波やその他の通信は受信できないらしい ( Image: Jam Press)

 『Mirror』紙は以前、NASAの調査に飛び火したメキシコの "エイリアンの死体 "の謎が、ペルーの当局によって解明されたと報じた。




●Villagers claim they are living among aliens, UFOs and inter-dimensional portals

It is claimed by locals the Mexican desert area is the scene of many UFO sightings and there are also a suggestion that radio signals and other communication types cannot be received there


Large UFO-like object hovers in sky above mountain range


Graeme MurrayNews Reporter

Lee Bullen

  • 12:41, 16 Mar 2024

Villagers in a remote part of the world have made the sensational claim that they live among aliens, UFOs and inter-dimensional portals.

Many residents in a remote village in Mexico said they have seen almost everything from mysterious flying objects to extraterrestrial life forms. The small settlement of Linda Vista is located near the UNESCO Mapimí Biosphere Reserve in the north-central area of the country.


The community is home to one of three sites of the so-called Zone of Silence. The desert area, also called the Mapimí Silent Zone, is said to be the scene of multiple alleged UFO sightings and an urban legend exists that radio signals and other types of communication cannot be received there.

Villagers have seen some strange sightings in the area ( 

Image: Jam Press)


There have been reports of almost everything from mysterious flying objects to extraterrestrial life forms ( 



Jam Press Vid)

Community leader Eugenio Aguilar said: “We see spaceships arriving in the middle of the night and wee hours of the morning. We can hear their turbulence before they leave, but then it suddenly starts up again.”

Local resident Evangelina Alvarado claimed she filmed an alien spaceship from her patio. The clip shows a large silvery object hovering in the sky above a mountain range. Alvarado said: “It is a being. I took the video and in that moment I could feel its stare. A researcher told me that it wasn’t Santa Muerte or Calavera, that it was a being. A lot of tourists have had unnatural experiences here.” She added: “And they come back time and time again because they say they’ve never experienced anything like it, and they love it.”


Strange phenomena witness by the residents of Linda Vista, Mexico ( 

Image: Jam Press)


The small community is home to one of three sites of the so-called Zone of Silence. ( Image: Jam Press)


Villagers also clai the area is home to interdimensional portals and caves with unusual engravings of spaceships and mysterious life forms. Aguilar said: “One of them has a symbol of a sun, but nomads have never lived here, it is said to be from another type of being. If you look, there are carvings of ahead like a Martian.”




An urban legend says radio signals and other types of communication cannot be received there ( Image: Jam Press)

A team of reporters from the Mexican TV channel Telediario went to Linda Vista to investigate the locals’ claims. After interviewing multiple villagers, they said many of them had videos or photos to accompany their tales. The TV crew waited for nightfall and said they soon witnessed a bright light travelling south in the sky that they “initially thought was a satellite”.


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The Mirror reported previously how the mystery of Mexico's 'alien corpses', which sparked a NASA investigation, has reportedly been solved by officials in Peru. Forensic experts have revealed that the two doll-like figures and an alleged three-fingered hand, seized by customs authorities last year, are not aliens but were made with paper, glue, metal and human and animal bones.

Forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada, who led the analysis, dismissed beliefs that the figures came from an "alien centre or come from another planet, all of which is totally false".



