



未確認異常現象(UAP)に関する米国政府の関与の歴史的記録に関する報告書 - 第1巻
by ジョン・グリーンウォルド3月8日 2024

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 ◎未確認異常現象(UAP)に関する米国政府の関与の歴史的記録に関する報告書 - 第1巻




AAROは、検証可能な証拠に基づいて結論を出すことを約束する。 AAROが以前から言っているように、彼らは証拠が導くところならどこにでも従う。

また、AAROは、米国政府の調査、学術機関主催の研究、公的な検討委員会のいずれにおいても、UAPの目撃情報が地球外生命体の技術であることを確認した証拠は見つかっていない。 すべての調査活動は、すべての分類レベルにおいて、ほとんどの目撃情報は普通の物体や現象であり、誤認の結果であると結論付けている。


表紙   総63ページ

第9章 結論 
現在までのところ、AARO は、UAP の目撃情報が地球外の技術や、議会に適切に報告されていな い機密プログラムの存在を示す実証的な証拠を発見していない。






Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) – Volume I


** This is a flash release. A flash release is a document release wherein there is no written article attached, but rather, the documents are released for the public to consume right away with the interest of full transparency in the quickest way possible. A more lengthy article, and/or video breakdown, may follow. Make sure you are subscribed to the YouTube channel for upcoming videos (documents are below):

 Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) – Volume I


Download [1.38 MB]

Statement by Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder on the Historical Record Report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, Volume 1

Last week, the Department of Defense delivered to Congress the initial volume of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office’s Historical Record Report, which reviews the record of the United States government pertaining to unidentified anomalous phenomena, as required by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023.

In completing this report, AARO reviewed all official U.S government investigatory efforts since 1945, researched classified and unclassified archives, conducted dozens of interviews, and partnered with Intelligence Community and DOD officials responsible for controlled and special access program oversight, respectively.  AARO will publish a second volume that will provide analysis of information acquired by AARO after Nov. 1, 2023, including information received via interviews with current and former U.S. government personnel who contacted AARO via the secure reporting mechanism on AARO’s website.

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Analyzing and understanding the historical record on UAP is an ongoing collaborative effort involving many departments and agencies, and the department thanks the contributing departments and agencies, as well as the interviewees who came forward with information.

The goal of AARO’s efforts in producing this volume and the second forthcoming one is to use a rigorous analytic and scientific approach to investigate past U.S. government-sponsored UAP investigation efforts and the claims made by interviewees that the U.S. government and various contractors have recovered and are hiding off-world technology and biological material.  AARO has approached this project with the widest possible aperture, thoroughly investigating these assertions and claims without any particular pre-conceived conclusion or hypothesis.  AARO is committed to reaching conclusions based on verifiable evidence.  As AARO has said before, they will follow the evidence where it leads, wherever it leads.

To date, AARO has found no verifiable evidence for claims that the U.S. government and private companies have access to or have been reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology.  Also, AARO has found no evidence that any U.S. government investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology.  All investigative efforts, at all levels of classification, concluded that most sightings were ordinary objects and phenomena and the result of misidentification.  AARO assesses that all of the named and described alleged hidden UAP reverse-engineering programs provided by interviewees either do not exist; are misidentified authentic national security programs that are not related to extraterrestrial technology exploitation; or resolve to a disestablished program.





