【動画】ウクライナ軍ドローンが撮影した、上空に浮かぶ「謎の円盤」...新型兵器か、UFOか!? 「空中に静止している」




Mystery disk-shaped UFO spotted by recon drone in Ukraine

















Mail Online:

 A disc-shaped, completely silent UFO was caught on camera by Ukrainian troops in the war-torn country, in footage shared exclusively with DailyMail.com.

'What the f-[expletive] is this? Why isn't it moving?' the men with Ukraine's 406th Battalion can be heard debating as they witnessed the deadly calm UFO hovering over their warzone.

While the size, altitude, and shape of the object remain a mystery, the drone's own altitude indicates that the apparent object could be a large craft over 30 miles away.

The eerie footage was captured by the 406th Battalion this month via one of the over 300 'heat vision' quadcopter drones used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) in their effort to defend the nation from a now two-years long invasion by Russia.

Based on the thermal-imaging drone's temperature range, the UFO was warmer than its surroundings ('black hot'), although a red 'error message' on the drone's control interface leaves key details unresolved, as experts told DailyMail.com.

The incident is just the latest UFO case over Ukraine's war-torn soil, fueling decades of speculation on the possible intent of the airborne mysteries and adding weight to the testimony of military witnesses who have seen UFOs disable nuclear weapons.


Mail Online:









●The following submission statement was provided by u/silv3rbull8:

Submission Statement

A disc-shaped object longer than the height of the Empire State Building emerged from the horizon of Ukraine's embattled Donetsk province last Friday, hovering eerily still a mile off the ground, a soldier has told DailyMail.com

That soldier, a drone operator, had cautiously guided his infrared quadcopter 500-feet for a reconnaissance mission, struggling against high winds, when he suddenly spotted the flat, 1,300-foot-long UFO, which stood motionless despite those winds.

In an interview from the warzone, the soldier, who is with the Ukrainian army's 406th Battalion, said he and his fellow servicemen had 'never seen things like this before.'

'Initially, I thought that it was something new invented by the Russians,' he added, 'but then I understood... 'No! It might be [a] UFO.''

The 'craft' was 36 to 54 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than any other object this 406th drone pilot says he has ever tracked in the warzone — ruling out atmospheric phenomena, balloons and known enemy aircraft, he claimed.

One potential explanation for the UFO was the well-known optical illusion phenomena called 'Fata Morgana,' a mirror-like atmospheric mirage produced by a 'temperature inversion' of hot air in the upper atmosphere.

But Vadym is adamant that what he saw was real.

'It wasn't a mirage,' Vadym told DailyMail.com, 'because in thermal vision you can't see a mirage. You can see it only with your naked eye.'

He continued to explain that the object did not ripple, shimmer or otherwise alter its shape, which would have been a tell-tale sign of a Fata Morgana mirage.

'Often, a Fata Morgana changes rapidly,' as the flight safety guide SKYbrary notes. 'The mirage comprises several inverted (upside down) and erect (right side up) images that are stacked on top of one another.

But according to Vadym, 'The object was in a stable form. It wasn't moving.'

That said, the UFO, whatever it was, wasted no time leaving its perch above Donetsk.





最初は、ロシア人が発明した新しい何かだと思った』と彼は付け加えた。『しかし、その後に理解した......『違う! あれは(UFOかもしれない)』。
 その "飛行体 "は、この第406飛行隊のドローンパイロットがこれまで戦地で追跡したどの物体よりも華氏36度から54度も熱かったという。




