●「AIと植民地主義は同じ問題」 UAP軍内部告発者のボスが公表


内部告発者 D・グラッシュ

 UFO内部告発者デイヴィッド・グラッシュの上司であるカール・ネル大佐は、AI、非人間的知性、植民地主義を "同じもの "と表現するスピーチを行った。
カール・ネル大佐は、インテリジェンスの専門家であるグラッシュが勤務していた国家地理空間情報局の仕事を監督し、内部告発者の議会での証言と人柄を "非の打ちどころがない "と評した。
 ネル大佐の待望のスピーチでは、UFOと非人間的知性の現実を世界に理解させるための情報公開計画の終了日は "2030年10月 "であると述べた。


その後、宇宙エンジニアリング会社Ensco Aerospaceエンスコ・エアロスペースでゼネラル・マネージャーを務め、米空軍の全プロジェクトを監督した。

Eric Klyneエリック・クラインが紀元前1177年に語ったように、すべての古代社会のシステム崩壊を。これが、何が起きているのかという懸念の順序だ。




 私たちは、"平等な競争力 "がもはや仮定できない "存在の階層 "に関する一般的なダーウィン的ケースに対応する倫理法を成文化する必要がある。より高度な文明が入ってきて、より高度でない文明を混乱させるという問題がある。


●Boss of UAP military whistleblower goes public: ‘AI and colonialism the same issue’

“You have the problem of a more advanced civilization coming in and disrupting a less advanced civilization. It is the same issue with AI, colonialism and non-human intelligence.”


Colonel Karl Nell (Dept.of the US Army)


The overall boss of UFO whistleblower, David Grusch, has given a speech where he describes AI, non-human intelligence and colonialism as the “same thing.”

Colonel Karl Nell oversaw the work of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, where Intelligence expert Grusch worked, and described the whistleblower’s testimony to Congress and character as “beyond reproach.”

Grusch stated that a UAP crash retrieval programme of alien space craft has been going on worldwide for decades.

In Colonel Nell’s long awaited speech, he said that the disclosure plan to help the world understand the reality of UFOs and non-human intelligence has an end date of “October 2030.”

It is important to understand who this man is and his CV first of all. Colonel Nell is a distinguished, military and corporate leader who has worked at the highest levels of aerospace.

Long awaited speech

Long awaited speech

Nell has an MA in computer science from the US Air Force, and a 2nd MA from the US Army’s War College.




He served as a Commander at the US Space Command, then worked at alleged UFO crash retrieval company, Lockheed Martin as Senior Engineer working on national satellite constellations.

He went to the Defence Intelligence Agency as Chief Operations Officer, before moving on to alleged UFO reverse engineers, Northrop Grumman as Director of Engineering.

He then worked as Chief Strategy Officer for the US Army working on modernization. He became General Manager at a space engineering company, Ensco Aerospace, working for and overseeing all US Air Force projects.

His most recent position was Director for the US Army’s Africa Command, where he connected all sensors worldwide for every branch of the US Armed Forces. He oversaw the UAP task force and currently works as an aerospace executive and adviser at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.


Colonel Nell’s comments from the SOL Foundation on UAP disclosure late last year have finally been released.

“There’s a difference here between controlled disclosure and catastrophic disclosure,” he said.

"Controlled uses the campaign plan, catastrophic is where all the information is dumped out there by an adversary or non-human intelligence, to create societal disruption.

“These are all issues that are preventing disclosure. These issues are solved in the private sector and academic sector.

“We want disclosure through a controlled process, we want it in a way that doesn’t cause societal collapse. Like Eric Klyne talked about in 1177 BC, the system collapse of all the ancient societies. This is the order of concern about what may be happening.

“We have to address the technical, religious aspects of this.”


Military reasons for and against disclosure, provided in slide show by Mr Nell

The man who has commanded every single grade of the US military said some other incredible things.

“We have completed Phase one. Demonstration of existence. That already happened. Disclosure is a process not an event, it is going to stairs step across these phases. Phase two academia comes in. Ultimately it gets to the public.

“October 2030 is the pivot point when this board’s sun sets. Line of effort A, we need to assess the public / private positions of every country with this topic and where they are with it. Then tee up a UN summit and develop international norms of behaviour given the reality of non human intelligence.

“Humanities: we need to develop sociological models for analysing societal impact of UAP disclosure and mitigation of possible ontological shock, delegitimization of institutions, ‘false authority’ syndrome, and stagnation of initiative.

“We need to codify laws of ethics for the general Darwinian case for a ‘Hierarchy of Being’ where ‘equal competitive potential’ can no longer be assumed. You have the problem of a more advanced civilization coming in and disrupting a less advanced civilization.


“It is the same issue with AI, colonialism and non-human intelligence,” Colonel Nell said, as he glanced at his colleagues.



