




















 コードネーム "ラムセス "と呼ばれる三角形のデザインでは、3つのハイドログラブを三角形のポイントに配置し、ポンプと貯水池を組み合わせたものを中央に配置する。水は、高度な可変ジオメトリー・マルチチャンネル・パイプを経由して、ハイドログラブの外側の球体のさまざまなセクションにポンプで送り込まれ、そこから排出される。



 コードネーム "ネフェルタリ "と呼ばれたダイヤモンド・デザインはより大きく、ダイヤモンド・ポイントに4つのハイドログラブを採用した。4つのハイドログラブを搭載し、慣性質量がさらに少ないため、必要なダクトファンが1つだけであったことを除けば、ラムセスと同様であった。主なコンポーネントの詳細は以下の通り。





 新素材技術へのアクセスをめぐる争いは、ノースロップ社、プラット・アンド・ホイットニー社、GE社だけでは終わらなかった。1991年、ディック・チェイニー国防長官は、機体に使用される複合材料が複雑なため、航空機の重量が設計仕様より30%増加したことを理由に、A-12プログラムをキャンセルした。マクドネル・ダグラス/ゼネラル・ダイナミクスのチームは1988年、先進戦術機プログラムのコンペに勝利し、A-12の開発契約を獲得していた。彼らは斬新な三角形の飛行翼のデザインで勝利し、下の写真のように "フライング・ドリート "というニックネームで呼ばれていた。









2004年11月14日デビッド・フレイバー中佐とアレックス・ディートリッヒ中尉は、F-18を訓練任務で飛行中、80,000フィートから素早く降下してきたこれらのビークルのひとつにベクトル誘導された。彼らは水面上で、水没した大きな物体と相互作用しているのに遭遇した。中佐が降下すると フラボー中佐が降下すると、全長40フィートのチックタック型の乗り物は彼と交戦し、やがて信じられないスピードで飛び去り、60マイル離れたF-18のCAPポイントに現れた。








Evolution 4: The Stealth Years (1972-1980):

Lockheed formed a new division under their Advanced Development Programs (Skunk Works) division to oversee Athena and all its sub-projects. The new division, unofficially dubbed Shadow Works, was positioned as a research and development idea factory that would feed its inventions and technology directly to Skunk Works for their projects.

Shadow Works initially focused on materials. Lockheed was chasing radar cross section (RCS) reduction at the time and materials that absorbed and disrupted electromagnetic waves were in high demand. They also needed materials that were light and strong, since early stealth aircraft shapes were not aerodynamically efficient and could not have large control surfaces. By using the latest scanning technology, they were able to discern the composite makeup of the materials and noticed that some of external surfaces appeared to be electrified. When they pulsed different currents and voltages through them, they detected that the materials changed their radio frequency (RF) and optical signatures. In some cases, they absorbed more RF and in others they reflected it more strongly. The same thing happened with the visible spectrum. In some cases, the materials became brighter and in others duller. The infrared (IR) spectrum was impacted as well, and the materials displayed the ability to present warmer and cooler temperatures depending on the electrical stimulation.

Reverse engineering the materials was largely beyond the technology the Lockheed engineers had. So they attempted to duplicate the function of the anomalous materials with available technology. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) was already working with Lockheed on composite radar absorbing materials (RAM), so Shadow Works partnered with them and ushered in the golden era of composites. During the remainder of the 1970’s and throughout the 1980’s, new composite materials were introduced at a dizzying pace. Aluminum and titanium gave way to carbon and ceramic composites, followed by metal matrix composites and thermoplastics. Thermoplastics had a unique ability. Surface damage on an aircraft could be repaired by a field technician using a device that looked similar to a hair dryer. These materials all found their way into Lockheed’s new prototypes and production aircraft, including the F-117, F-22, and F-35.

Lockheed also experimented with electrical stimulation of different composite materials similar in makeup to the anomalous materials that had demonstrated signature management properties. While not as successful as the new composite materials, they were able to lower the RCS of highly reflective areas such as wing leading edges by running electrified conduits through them.

DoD Concerns Over Lockheed:

In 1975 DARPA devised a program called Experimental Survivable Testbed (XST) to build a prototype of a low RCS aircraft. Lockheed and Northrop both opted to participate and were awarded contracts to build full-scale wooden mockups that would be tested in an Air Force radar target scatter facility at White Sands to determine their RCS.

Lockheed entered a modified version of their Hopeless Diamond concept codenamed Have Blue. The design was still made up of a series of flat diamond-like facets, but its trailing edge was notched instead of shaped like a half-diamond. Radar absorbing materials derived from Project Athena were applied to its faceted surfaces.


Northrop’s entry looked more like a blended wing-body with smooth surface and rounded edges and a delta wing with a half-diamond trailing edge. There was not a single flat facet in sight. Its surface was covered with Northop’s version of radar absorbing materials. The RCS model is shown below.


At the end of the XST competition, the Lockheed Have Blue design managed a convincing win over the Northrop XST prototype in RCS signature. It was nearly invisible from almost any angle. However, the Northrop prototype performed well, especially considering it had no access to Athena derived materials. Furthermore, the Northrop prototype had better aerodynamic performance and lower production risks since it avoided the faceted design altogether.

The biggest concern that top DoD officials and the Trustees had about transferring the hardware assets to Lockheed had just been realized. Unless something was done, Lockheed was going to have an advantage on every future contract that required stealth. And once the propulsion system was cracked, Lockheed would be untouchable. It was time to break up the monopoly.

With consent from DoD and top officials in the Ford administration, the Trustees instructed Lockheed to share all the Athena materials data with the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). AFRL was then instructed to share all the information with Northrop. The technology was shared as if it had been developed by AFRL directly to maintain Athena’s secrecy. Relevant technology, especially in the case of temperature resistant materials, was also shared with Pratt & Whitney and General Electric, the two main manufacturers of military jet engines at the time.

After Northrop had the technology in hand, they were given a second chance at designing a low RCS prototype using the rounded and blended surfaces of their XTS design. The contract was awarded by DARPA in 1976. The prototype was named Tacit Blue and first flew in 1982.


Tacit Blue became the prodigy of stealth design. While the faceted surface concept did make it to production in the Lockheed F-117, every other stealth aircraft since has used the principles modeled in Tacit Blue. The Northrop B-2 specially benefited from the full technology transfer. In March 1992, Aviation Week & Space Technology reported that the B-2’s wing had an electrified leading edge. Northrop had put Lockheed’s discovery to good use.

Evolution 5: Breakthrough (1980-1990)

On December 26, 1980, there was a UAP sighting at Royal Air Force Woodbridge in Suffolk, England. Woodridge was being used at the time by the US Air Force to store nuclear weapons. Security guards saw lights descending into nearby Rendlesham Forest and upon approaching them, witnessed a bright metallic object. Days later investigators would find radioactive impressions in the ground along with burn marks and broken branches on nearby trees.

What actually transpired was that a UAP that was surveilling RAF Woodridge, likely for the nuclear bombs stored there, suffered a malfunction and crashed in Rendlesham Forest. The partially broken up craft was fully retrieved by a Foreign Technology Division team made up mostly of Batelle contractors and was initially taken to a secret British Aerospace facility. During the crash, part of the structure had been split open, allowing full access to the interior. This was a gold mine for the reverse engineering project. After initial examinations and some disassembly to ensure the craft was safe to transport, it was shipped to a Lockheed facility in Nevada near Area 51.

Breakthroughs in the technology began to appear quickly. The Aerospace Corporation had floated a hypothesis for years that the craft used negative matter as the source of propulsion but was never able to prove it. Negative matter is not antimatter. It is a proposed solution for dark energy. The gravitational field of an object made of positive matter causes all other objects, including those made of negative matter, to move towards it. The gravitational field of an object made of negative matter would have the reverse effect, thus it would cause all other objects made of both positive (what we see and interact with) and negative matter to move away from it. This reverse gravity property is proposed as the origin of dark energy as clumps of negative matter, held together by electric charges, would push all other matter away and lead to the expanding universe.

With full access to the interior, the Athena engineers were able to identify and study the propulsion modules. They were spherical containers with three interior hulls. The outer hull contained ionized octagonal modules that appeared to float in a vacuum. The mid hull was filled with a viscous dark purple fluid, similar in texture to mercury. And the inner hull consisted of a solid sphere made of an incredibly dense and anomalous material. While the purpose of the outer and inner hulls remained a mystery, the engineers were able to ascertain that the viscous mercury-like fluid inside the mid hull exhibited properties of negative matter.

They devised a way to extract and store the fluid which they named cavorite, a material that can negate the force of gravity introduced in H. G. Wells’ The First Men in the Moon, first published in 1900. Armed with this knowledge, they revisited other crashed and damaged vehicles and managed to extract additional cavorite.

A new team was assembled to design a ship that would use cavorite as its main propulsion method. They were unable to duplicate the spherical modules used by the anomalous craft, but they were confident they could engineer a gravity defying vehicle with this wondrous reverse gravity material. The first hurdle to overcome was how to use cavorite to move a vehicle in different directions. The solution was to position the cavorite in a geometrical pattern inside the structure and place a positive mass in front of it in the desired direction of movement. The cavorite would repel the positive mass away from it and the positive mass would attract the cavorite toward it, resulting in a perpetual acceleration in the direction of motion as shown in the illustration below.


Now that they had the working concept, it was time to engineer the system. The positive masses (M+) would need to be applied and removed quickly to control the vehicle. After months of testing different ideas, the team zeroed in on water as the positive mass. They designed a spherical magnetic container for ionized cavorite and wrapped it with a larger sphere that was divided into sections. They named the device a hydrograv. Water could be pumped in and out of the outer sections to create the rapid changes in positive mass to direct the vehicle as seen below.


With a very limited amount of cavorite and no ability to duplicate it, at least for now, the team had to use it sparingly. They had not been able to replicate the microlayer engineered composites that made the vehicles extremely light. And having to add a large power source, a high-speed water pump, and a water reservoir was only going to make matters worse. The only solution was to build a structurally rigid hybrid airship with ducted fans for conventional flight, and then use the water injection system to test the performance of the cavorite. A low-weight rigid airship when combined with just a small amount of cavorite onboard would be nearly weightless and have almost no inertial mass. So even the ducted fans would have extreme performance.

They also wanted the design to be stealthy so it could be used as a reconnaissance or even an attack vehicle in an emergency. So they settled on two competing plans. One would be a diamond shape, similar to Lockheed’s Hopeless Diamond concept, and the other would be a triangle, which had also been studied extensively as a low-observable design. The propulsion spheres (hydrogravs), water pump, and ducted fans would be shared between them.

The triangle design, codenamed Ramses, would use three hydrogravs located at the triangle points, with a combined pump/water reservoir located in the center. Water would be pumped into and out of the different sections of the outer sphere of the hydrogravs via a sophisticated variable-geometry multichannel pipe. The rear end housed two ducted fans that would be used to propel the vehicle when the hydrogravs were empty. The interior was filled with helium for the airship effect, and the whole system was controlled by an onboard VAX minicomputer with instructions from a pilot using a sophisticated fly-by-wire system. The major components are detailed below.


The diamond design, codenamed Nefertari, was larger and employed four hydrogravs at the diamond points. It was similar to Ramses except only one ducted fan was necessary since it carried four hydrogravs and had even less inertial mass. The major components are detailed below.


The final designs turned out to be much bigger than planned because of unexpected excess weight that required additional airship volume, and both vehicles ended up exceeding 200 feet in length. Since there were so many adversary ISR assets pointed at the Nevada facilities, they decided to test the initial prototypes in an inconspicuous location because they were too big to hide in flight, even at night. Griffiss AFB, in Rome, NY, housed a wing of B-52’s and KC-135’s. But it was also the home of the Rome Air Development Center, a unit of the Air Force Research Laboratory that had been involved in previous UAP research. It was the perfect place that no one was looking at.

The first pure airship prototypes without the hydrogravs began flying out of Griffiss AFB in 1983, and continued for the next several years as the designs were modified. These hulking ships led to the Hudson Valley sightings of the mid 1980’s, which were debunked as ultralight aircraft flying in formation by the Trustees and their allies.

Ramses first flew in 1986, fully equipped with three hydrogravs. The handling was tricky at first, but eventually they put it through its paces. And perform it did. The team quickly discovered that the pilot could stand massive acceleration because of the inertial mass reduction provided by the negative matter. And if the pilot could stand it, so could the structure, so all structural concerns dissipated quickly. And then they stumbled into an even greater effect. They had been worried by the massive sonic booms such large vehicles would create, until they tried it. The faster the vehicle accelerated, the less potent the sonic boom became, until they reached an acceleration where there was no sonic boom at all.

The team physicists were able to devise that in general relativity a moving negative mass causes parallel space-time geodesic lines to diverge. The effect is similar to what would be seen in a wormhole. With a strong-enough acceleration, the geodesic lines diverge enough to allow the vehicle to fly through a tunnel in space-time as seen below.


Traveling through such a tunnel avoids all frictional drag and heating since there is no air to push through. It also negates any sonic booms even at high hypersonic speed. The Athena team had truly built an out-of-this-world craft.

The diamond-shaped craft, Nefertari, first flew in 1987. While it displayed similar eye-opening performance to Ramses, the craft was not as structurally stable and kept developing troubling oscillations at different performance points. The team worked hard to stabilize the structure but never quite eliminated all the oscillations.

The two prototypes were flown to Europe in early 1989 and based at RAF Machrihanish in Scotland. Special facilities to house the vehicles that had been constructed there under the guise of making the base a potential emergency landing site for the Space Shuttle. From the UK, the vehicles were flown over the European theatre and even very close to the Soviet Union to test their stealth and speed against Soviet technology.

This led to many sightings that the Trustees had to work hard to debunk. In 1989 Ramses was spotted over the North Sea being escorted back to RAF Machrihanish by two F-111s and a KC-135 after a systems failure. The presence of the KC-135 led people to believe that it was refueling a secret US hypersonic craft. But the KC-135 was really there to refuel the F-111’s on the long trip back to Machrihanish. And in 1990, Nefertari was seen twice, once over Belgium, where F-16s were scrambled to intercept her with no luck, and a second time near Calvine in Scotland. The Calvine sighting was a near disaster for Project Athena. The vehicle was performing a hover test in high winds while being escorted by a Harrier jet. Two hikers noticed the giant diamond in the sky and snapped the picture famously known as the Calvine photo. The world had actual proof of a man-made craft using anomalous technology. The Trustees had to work hard to make the picture disappear, but it has recently resurfaced and remains very controversial.


Evolution 6: Industry Rumblings and the Hunt for More Cavorite (1991-2003)

The fight over access to the new materials technology did not end with Northrop, Pratt & Whitney, and GE. In 1991 Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney cancelled the A-12 program due to complications with the composite materials used on the airframe that increased the aircraft’s weight by 30% over the design specification. The McDonnell Douglas/General Dynamics team had been awarded a development contract for the A-12 in 1988 after winning the competition for the Advanced Tactical Aircraft program. They had won with a novel triangle flying wing design that had been nicknamed the “Flying Dorito” as seen below.



After cancelling the contract, Cheney asked McDonell Douglas and General Dynamics to repay nearly two billion dollars of development funds. The two contractors refused and filed a lawsuit against the DoD. Part of the lawsuit stated that the DoD was in possession of technology that could have helped with the A-12’s weight problems but did not make the technology available to them.

The Air Force Research Laboratory had already started to transfer the material technology to McDonnell Douglas’s Phantom Works division (now part of Boeing), and the process was accelerated because of the lawsuit. In 1992 Phantom Works started an IRAD project to build a prototype using this technology. The prototype, nicknamed Bird of Prey, first flew in 1996 at Area 51 and had amazing technology including active camouflage where it could change the color and brightness of the skin to match the surroundings. The picture below shows the prototype in flight.


The suit was eventually settled financially in 2014 with minor concessions paid out by the two firms. By then General Dynamics’s Fort Worth Division had been bought out by Lockheed and McDonnell Douglas had merged with Boeing.

Ramses continued to fly well and was used operationally a few times as a reconnaissance vehicle. But Nefertari could never fully overcome the oscillations and the design was abandoned. As a replacement, Project Athena developed a smaller and more advanced triangle craft was designed and built using the advances in material technology that had been developed through the mid 1990’s. The new smaller and very powerful triangle was codenamed Osiris. It was fitted with all four of Nefertari’s hydrogravs and had zero inertial mass. Three hydrogravs were placed on the triangle points, and the fourth was placed in the center. The pump/reservoir unit was split into two units in front and behind the center hydrograv. The ducted fans were completely removed from this configuration and it flew entirely on hydrograv power. This is the vehicle that spawned the Aurora rumors.


This vehicle was extremely successful and the Trustees wanted many more of them. A dozen of these vehicles would give the US absolute superiority in any conflict. But Project Athena had not been able to obtain any more cavorite. The last crash since Rendlesham had been in Mongolia in 1991 and Russian and Chinese teams actually engaged in armed combat over the retrieval, with China eventually bringing the wreckage home. That meant the only way to obtain more cavorite was to intentionally bring down a UAP. Kinetic attempts by US and Soviet pilots had been fatal in the past so that was not an option. There had to be another way.

They settled on bringing down a sphere. Until the mid-1990’s, the sphere UAP had always flown in close proximity to a disk-shaped mothership, but during the Balkan wars in the mid 1990’s the behavior changed. The spheres began to fly far from the disks at regular flight patterns, in a manner that appeared to resemble systematic surveillance paths. The patterns became predictable enough to attempt a capture. Two C-130s were equipped with giant nets and flew in front of one of the predictable sphere’s flight patterns. The sphere simply stopped, turned, and flew around them with ease.

The next attempt was to use a prototype EMP projection device developed by Sandia National Laboratory. They set the device below the predicted flight path and detonated it as the sphere flew by. It worked as planned and the sphere crashed on a farm in Serbia. FTD retrieved the object and delivered it to the Athena facilities in Nevada.

After they finally managed to cut it open, they found no traces of cavorite. The spheres were powered by powerful superconductors set in a spherical grid that pushed against the Earth’s magnetic field to generate lift and motion. They were aerodynamic vehicles in the sense that they experienced friction and drag, and there was no evidence they could even reach supersonic speeds. The disappointment was palpable. The Trustees did not dare to try to bring down one of the larger disks or even a crescent for fear of starting a conflict. And the less menacing cylinders had not been seen for two decades. So there was no more cavorite to be had unless they were able to reach another crash before the Russians and the Chinese.

There were a couple of attempts to expose the program in the mid to late 1990’s. One was from an inspector general who was conducting an audit, and the second was by Admiral Thomas Wilson, deputy director of the DIA in 1997. His attempt and rebuff by the trustees are well documented by Dr. Eric Davis in the Wilson-Davis memo which was recently entered into the congressional record by Congressman Mike Gallagher.

After these close calls the Trustees made the decision to stop briefing presidential administrations. George H. W. Bush’s administration was the last to be briefed.

Evolution 7: The Tic-Tac Scare and the Whistleblowers (2004-present)

In the fall of 2004, the Trustees received reports of a new breed of fastwalkers that were entering the Earth’s atmosphere at high speed and would then slow down and cruise at around 100 knots at 80,000 feet of higher. This behavior was completely new. In November the USS Nimitz carrier strike group, which included the USS Princeton, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser with the powerful SPY-1B radar, began to spot squadrons of this new fastwalker descending to the water surface in mere seconds from 80,000 ft, then return to altitude and continue the slow cruise.

On November 14, 2004, Commander David Fravor and Lt. Commander Alex Dietrich were flying their F-18’s on a training mission when they were vectored to one of these vehicles that had quickly descended from 80,000 feet. They encountered it over the water interacting with a large, submerged object. As Cmd. Fravor descended, the 40-foot-long Tic-Tac shaped vehicle engaged him and eventually darted off at incredible speed, appearing at the F-18’s CAP point 60 miles away.

The incident terrified the Trustees. The Tic-Tac had shown knowledge of the F-18’s military tactics, and was monitoring their communication, or hacking their computers, to know where the CAP point was. Their greatest fear had always been that the anomalous intelligence was preparing an invasion, and these new vehicles with their jaw-dropping performance seemed to be far more threatening than ones from the past. They had classified the large cylinders as transport vehicles, and the disks were perceived to be surveillance vehicles as well as motherships to the smaller spheres. The crescents were assumed to be light and maneuverable craft that protected the larger transport vessels. But the Tic-Tac was a full-blown performance machine, more like a true military fighter craft than any of the others.

The Trustees immediately set out to build a prototype. Since no more cavorite had been harvested, they ordered the dismantling of Ramses to reuse the hydrogravs. The idea was to use a hydrograv at each end of a small cylindrical structure, with a small pump and reservoir in the center. The working design was codenamed Thoth.


Because of the lack of aerodynamic lift, Thoth took many years to perfect. They essentially had to wait until computing speed caught up so they could make the thousands of calculations per second necessary to maintain balance. This period was agonizingly long for Project Athena. Progress slowed to a crawl, morale was at its lowest, and other Pentagon programs started to encroach on UAP research such as AATIP.

The non-human intelligence had also become bolder, encroaching on military training spaces on an almost daily basis as if daring the DoD to do something about it. This much visibility led to the Trustees’ greatest fear, whistleblowers. It began as a trickle in 2017 with an article in the New York Times and continued to fester with attention from CBS’s 60 Minutes and other reputable outlets. By 2023 the visibility of the project and the growing interest shown by Congress was close to becoming a full-blown disaster, with many of the Trustees and industry executives fearing congressional hearings, and perhaps even jail.

Dozens of whistleblowers came forward to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community with details of recovered craft and reverse engineering programs. And one of the final blows to the program came on February 10, 2023, during the frenzy of the Chinese spy balloon, as an F-22 intercepted and brought down a cylindrical silver object that was travelling at 35-40 knots at an altitude of 40,000 feet over Alaska. Thoth had been shot down. The Biden Administration was not aware of the program, and realized how much in the dark they were after they recovered the craft’s remnants. President Biden immediately appointed a UAP Task Force chaired by Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor, to uncover what was going on and act accordingly.

As of the time of this writing, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, in partnership with Jake Sullivan, was attempting to pass legislation to lift the veil from Project Athena and return all recovered craft, materials, and intellectual property to the US Government. While I fully expect the vast majority of the program to remain classified, the existence of recovered technology and organic materials from non-human intelligence will be impossible to deny.




