

* なお、この記事は推測と歴史上の出来事を混ぜ合わせたものである。これはフィクションであり、このようなプログラムがどのように発展し得たかの一例として使用されることを意図している。

 起 源


管理委員会は全ての特別アクセスリストを個人的に審査し、承認した。選ばれた少数のトップ科学 者たちは、複数の特別アクセスリストへのアクセス許可を得ていたが、全てのアクセス権を持つのは管理委員会だけだった。彼らはこのシステムが研究の進展を著しく制限することを理解していたが、プロジェクトの安全が最優先された。


 初期の頃、ホールは3つの部門に分かれて組織されていた: ハードウェア(一般にナットとボルトと呼ばれる)、オーガニックス、インテリジェンスである。





ルメイ将軍はアクセスを拒否しただけでなく、「地獄よりも怒って」彼を罵り、二度とそのような質問をするなと上院議員に言った。ゴールドウォーターはプロジェクトの存在を一度も疑わなかった。彼はただ、そのプロジェクトが "トップシークレット以上 "に分類されていることを理由に否定したのだ。

他の航空宇宙関連企業による反対運動や、スピロ・T・アグニュー副大統領による上院での賛否同数の票決など、数ヶ月にわたる激しい議論の末、8月にようやく議会は法案を可決し、その頃には "ロッキード・ローン "として知られるようになっていた。ニクソン大統領は直ちにこの法案に署名し、この融資を監督するため、評議員の一部を含む緊急融資保証委員会を設置した。議会は、会計検査院(GAO)に緊急融資保証委員会の記録を調査する機会を与えるよう要求した。この要求はニクソン政権によってきっぱりと拒否され、ニクソン政権は議会が融資委員会に嫌がらせをし、いじめていると非難した。




●A Conceptual View of a UAP Reverse Engineering Program




 The purpose of this article is to provide insight into how a hypothetical UAP recovery and reverse engineering program that began in the late 1940’s would have evolved over the last 75 years. I will use history and my knowledge of the aerospace industry and its biggest customer, the Department of Defense, to infer and inform the progression of such a program over time. What different evolutions would it have gone through and why? How would it operate today? Could reverse engineered technology be flying now? That’s the speculative journey this article will attempt to undertake. Please note that the article is a blend of speculation and historical events. It is meant to be fictional and used as an example of how such a program could have evolved. The project names are imagined and the companies and technologies mentioned are educated guesses and examples based on historical events.


The start of the project after World War II was a result of the discovery of crashed unknown vehicles, including the purported Italian craft, Roswell, and others. The vehicles were extremely advanced and their origin was unknown but theorized to be extraterrestrial. There were serious concerns by the intelligence community and the top levels of the Truman administration that if the existence of these vehicles became public, it could create mass panic, and even lead to war. The vehicles were transported to Wright Field, the location where all the recovered German aircraft were stored including the Messerschmitt 262 jet fighter, as the administration weighed its options.

Their initial decision was to take the path of least resistance. The existing Manhattan Project already had a management structure, top scientists, facilities and laboratory infrastructure, and strong classification and secrecy protocols. If it was good enough for the atomic bomb, it should be good enough for these unknown vehicles. Plus, the heavy lifting to design the original fission bomb was now complete and many of the scientists had time to explore the vehicles while also working on the design for the future fusion bombs.

Evolution 1: Soviet Spies and a Security Clampdown (1947-1950)

Everything changed after the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb in 1949. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of espionage in 1951 for passing many technical secrets to the Soviets, including plans for the atomic bomb. They had managed to infiltrate the Manhattan Project in the early 1940’s by recruiting Ethel’s brother, who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory, as well as an engineer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory who specialized in manufacturing weapons-grade uranium.

The realization that the Manhattan Project had been compromised must have come as a shock to the administration and the national security apparatus. The country’s most secret program had been breached and its potential doomsday technology had been passed to the Soviet Union, accelerating their development of the bomb. And now the administration and the highest echelons of the defense and intelligence communities were sitting on a secret far more important than the atomic bomb. The knowledge that the US was in possession of highly advanced and possibly extraterrestrial craft could not fall into Soviet hands like the atomic bomb designs. A nuclear war with the Soviet Union was an existential threat to the US, and the technology in the recovered vehicles might provide an edge in battle. Draconian measures had to be taken to keep the secret at all costs.

The program was hastily pulled out of the compromised Manhattan Project and placed under a new entity, Project Whorl. Some of the scientists and engineers from the Manhattan Project were assigned to Whorl after signing new NDA’s. The remainder were debriefed and asked to sign NDA’s pledging to never speak of the program again. A dozen individuals were designated by the administration to function as a Board of Trustees and oversee the program. These individuals, the majority of whom were senior leaders in the defense and intelligence community, were given lifetime appointments but could resign under duress and be replaced by another administration appointee. Only the dozen Trustees would know the full extent of the program and the results of the research. They reported to no one but President Truman on this matter and were not obligated to give him periodic briefings to limit exposure in the White House, where there could be leaks. And they would maintain their current positions of leadership at the Pentagon and intelligence agencies to continue to have access to those resources and suppress any leaks.

The Trustees implemented a security apparatus for Whorl more complicated than a Rube Goldberg device. They began by reclassifying all aspects of the technology using the Atomic Energy Commissions’ clearance levels for nuclear explosives, a level of classification that most defense department and intelligence community personnel did not possess. They then implemented levels of compartmentalization never seen before. Every aspect of the program was divided into small components, and every component had its own special access list of individuals cleared to work on it. The Trustees personally vetted and approved all special access lists. A select few of the top scientists were cleared for more than one special access list but only the Trustees had access to all. They understood this system would severely limit the research progress, but the security of the project was paramount.

The Trustees also needed to find a funding source for Whorl outside the Manhattan Project. They proposed that the Truman administration increase funding for basic research and transfer the money to Whorl through shell companies and other tricks of the trade. With new management, personnel, operating procedures, security protocols, and secure funding, Project Whorl was ready to embark on the most ambitious undertaking in human history.

Evolution 2: Early Years (1951-1962)

Organization and Operations:

During the early years, Whorl was organized under three directorates: Hardware, commonly referred to as nuts and bolts; Organics; and Intelligence.

The Hardware Directorate was responsible for all the physical parts of the craft, including the structure, materials, electronics, power generation, and propulsion, as long as those components were not made of organic material. All partial or fully recovered vehicles were taken to Wright Field, which was eventually renamed Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Fully intact craft were kept there for attempts at flight testing, and later also at Area 51 after the Atomic Energy Commission acquired the land in the mid 1950’s and added it to the Nevada Test Site. Partial or damaged vehicles were disassembled and their components sent to the special access programs that dealt with the specific technology. The majority of the work occurred at Wright-Patterson, Area 51 (after 1955), and the three big national laboratories, Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, and Sandia.

Private industry was also involved on a smaller scale. Nearly all the electronic components were passed on to Bell Laboratories, who had the most expertise of anyone in the world at the time. They were tasked with reverse engineering the components and finding military and civilian applications. And one of the intact craft, a cigar-shaped object that confounded the scientists at Wright-Patterson, was transferred to the Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation, which became TRW after merging with Thompson Products in 1958. Ramo-Woolridge was formed in 1953 by Simon Ramo (dual PhD’s in Physics and Electrical Engineering from CalTech) and Dean Woolridge (PhD in Physics from CalTech and classmate of Ramo), both veterans from Hughes Aircraft. Soon after the company was founded, it became the lead contractor for the Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile, outcompeting all established defense contractors. Ramo-Woolridge was tasked by Project Whorl to explore and reverse engineer the propulsion concepts of the cylindrical object, which unlike the disks and the crescents, had no way of creating aerodynamic lift. Perhaps there were potential applications for missile design.

To compartmentalize the technologies, Ramo-Woolridge created a division called Space Technology Laboratories (STL) to explore the disk and other advanced concepts. In 1959, several established defense contractors complained to Congress that TRW had unfair access to advanced technology that the rest of the contractors did not have. Congress then recommended that STL be converted to a non-profit organization. And in 1960, The Aerospace Corporation was spun-off from TRW as an independent non-profit with nearly half of STL’s employees and an intact flying cigar.

The Organics Directorate was responsible for all biological components, ranging from occupant remains to organic systems and materials. Occupant remains were studied at Wright-Patterson and Area 51 (after 1955), and some organic systems and materials were sent to the three national laboratories, depending on the component types.

The Intelligence Directorate had both intelligence and counterintelligence duties. The intelligence side worked with the general intelligence community to collect and analyze UAP sightings and encounters, as well as find crashed vehicles. The counterintelligence component then worked with other partners such as the Air Force’s UFO project offices, including Projects Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book, as well as the Condon Committee, to suppress the information from the public.

In addition to the directorates, the project also became tightly integrated with a subset of the Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC), which was renamed the Foreign Technology Division in 1961 and was also housed at Wright-Patterson. ATIC and its major subcontractor, Batelle Memorial Institute, were responsible for the retrieval and analysis of Soviet technology, including aircraft, satellites, and ICBM’s. The subset of ATIC that Whorl was tightly integrated with had expertise in retrieving the anomalous craft that Whorl sought. This part of ATIC partnered with intelligence agencies and privately funded paramilitary units to retrieve craft from remote locations and even behind enemy lines.


Much progress was accomplished with electronics. The scientists at Bell Laboratories successfully replicated and accelerated technology they were already working on using the electronic components they were given without any explanation about the source. Over the next few years Bell Laboratories would go on to miniaturize the transistor and invent the laser, the photovoltaic cell, the charge-coupled device (CCD), integrated circuits, phased control scanning arrays, the Unix operating system, the programming languages C and C++, and many others. Its scientists received nine Nobel Prizes for these inventions and enabled the digital revolution that would span the next 70 years.

Unlike the electronic components, progress on understanding the power, propulsion, and materials technology was excruciatingly slow during this phase of the program. The scientists at Wright-Patterson were able to get a disk that was secured to the ground to levitate by stimulating it with electromagnetic radiation at specific frequencies but could not decipher the science behind it. With the frustrating lack of progress, the Trustees came up with a different approach. They would use their high-ranking positions to fund external research with private industry to attempt to duplicate the technology they had seen. If they could not reverse engineer it, perhaps they could design it from scratch.

One of these attempts was a project with Avro Canada to design a flying disk called the Avrocar. Instead of an inertial mass reduction system, the proof of concept was powered by a turbine in its center that vectored its exhaust downward for lift and around a control flap for stability and control. The proof of concept was designed to prove the viability and stability of the flying disk design, but it failed because it was an unstable design, with the aerodynamic center being ahead of the center of gravity, not behind. This would not be an issue with modern avionics and fly-by-wire systems. All modern fighters are designed to be unstable. But it was an issue then.


Another of these attempts was designed to tackle the levitating propulsion system for the flying disk. The project would attempt to invent an anti-gravity system from the ground up instead of reverse engineering it. This project began in 1955 with the establishment of the Research Institute for Advanced Studies (RIAS) at the Glenn L. Martin Company, which later became Martin-Marietta and ultimately merged with Lockheed in 1995 to form the modern company Lockheed Martin. RIAS was founded by George Bunker, the president of Glen L. Martin at the time, to advance aerospace science, but its real goal was to develop anti-gravity technology. The work was directed by George S. Trimble, Vice President for Aviation and Advanced Propulsion Systems at Martin.

As word of the project spread and became sensationalized in a few newspapers, other prominent aerospace scientists at the time like Lear and Sikorsky jumped on the idea and started their own research. The Project Whorl Trustees panicked and moved Trimble’s research to Wright-Patterson. They then instituted a disinformation campaign that essentially erased all serious anti-gravity research programs from existence by the early 1960’s.


Little to no progress was achieved with organics as the science of nucleic acids and DNA was still in its infancy. But counterintelligence had been extremely productive. Projects Sign, Grudge, and especially Blue Book had been very successful at debunking any information about “flying saucers” to the point that talking about it was met with stigma and laughter.

Evolution 3: Congress Fights Back (1963-1971)

After President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, the Warren Commission tried hard to convince the world that Harvey Oswald was a lone shooter with no understood motivations. Conspiracy theorists went on to blame the Mafia, and even Cuban exiles who were upset that Kennedy had pulled the air support for the Bay of Pigs invasion. But then some other leaks appeared from seemingly nowhere about how the President had sought to end the Cold War by sharing Project Whorl’s existence and technology with the Soviet Union. He would offer them the chance to work together for the betterment of humanity and as allies in the potential defense against an invasion by the non-human intelligence (NHI) responsible for the high-tech craft. Reports continued to multiply that these craft were increasingly seen in military airspace and around nuclear weapons facilities, lending further credence to Kennedy’s concerns.

As the rumors persisted that Kennedy’s technology sharing plan was the real reason for his assassination, whistleblowers secretly began to speak to high-ranking members of Congress. One of these members was Barry Goldwater, a senator from Arizona who served on the Select Committee on Intelligence and who became the Republican Party’s presidential nominee in 1964. In different letters and interviews in 1975, 1988, and 1994, Senator Goldwater went on the record to say that he spoke directly with General Curtis LeMay, Chief of Staff of the Air Force at the time, and asked to get access to the UAP project at Wright-Patterson AFB. General LeMay not only denied the access but got “madder than hell,” cussed him out and told the senator to never ask that question again. Goldwater never once doubted the existence of the project. He simply chalked up the denial to the project being classified “above Top Secret.”

Senator Goldwater lost the presidential election to Lyndon B. Johnson and was unable to expose Project Whorl, much to the relief of the Trustees. But other figures in Congress, especially Senator Mike Mansfield, the Senate Majority Leader and a supporter of President Kennedy, were not ready to give up. Congress still controlled the purse strings, after all.

After learning from a whistleblower that Project Whorl was funded by carving out funds from the basic research budget, Senator Mansfield knew what to do. The Mansfield Amendment of 1969, passed in the Military Authorization Act in 1970, prohibited the Defense Department from financing “any research project or study unless that project or study has a direct or apparent relationship to a specific military function or operation.” This amendment meant that the executive branch could no longer keep the project secret from at least the Gang of Eight if it wanted funding, given that by law the Gang of Eight had to be briefed on all projects related to specific military functions and operations, even those that were waived and unacknowledged.

And to make sure there were no loopholes, a second Mansfield Amendment in 1973 tackled the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and also prohibited it from allocating funds for defense research to projects with no direct military application.

The Manfield amendments were a huge blow to Project Whorl. Panic set in among the Trustees as they scheduled urgent meetings with top officials from the Nixon administration, including the president himself. Out of those meetings came a brilliant idea. The Gang of Eight has to be briefed on all special access programs, even those that are waived and unacknowledged, but private industry also performs self-initiated and self-directed research and development on projects of potential interest to the Department of Defense. These projects, known as Independent Research and Development (IRAD), are reimbursed by the DoD to the private companies, and can be classified all the way up to unacknowledged and waived special access programs. However, they do not have to be reported to the Gang of Eight since they are company directed and are not under a DoD contract. The company budget is simply reimbursed by the DoD.

Now they had a new funding mechanism, but it would require the transfer of all hardware assets to private industry. The Trustees were concerned about maintaining control of the assets and the intellectual property once such a transfer occurred. And ironclad contracts could not be enforced because the project had to be strictly categorized as an IRAD, so it had to be company-directed. The Trustees needed to be able to hold something over the companies to maintain control. And then an opportunity fell in their lap.

In late 1970, Lockheed was near bankruptcy because of the large debt they had built up to fund the L-1011 Tristar commercial aircraft program. They approached the Nixon administration for a $250 million loan guarantee to avoid insolvency. That is about $1.9 billion in today’s dollars. Here was an opportunity to transfer the assets to a private defense contractor while still maintaining leverage over the project without a contract that would endanger the IRAD classification. Lockheed executives would also be incented to accept the risk associated with the project because without the loan guarantee they would soon be unemployed.

Negotiations between the Trustees, top Nixon administration officials, and Lockheed executives began immediately and concluded in February, 1971. Lockheed accepted nearly all the terms, including hiring several scientists and engineers from Project Whorl, as well as letting the Trustees assign the security director for the project who would have final say on the project access list. In May 1971, The Nixon administration introduced "The Emergency Loan Guarantee Act" providing Lockheed with the funds and sent it to Congress for approval.

After months of intense debate, including lobbying against it by other aerospace competitors and a tie-breaking vote in the Senate by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, Congress finally passed the bill in August, which by then had become known as the “Lockheed Loan.” President Nixon then promptly signed it and set up the Emergency Loan Guarantee Board, which included some of the Trustees, to oversee the loan. Congress demanded that its General Accounting Office (GAO) be given access to examine the Emergency Loan Guarantee Board’s records. This demand was flatly refused by the Nixon administration who then accused Congress of harassing and bullying the loan board.

A gigantic effort then began to transfer Project Whorl’s hardware assets and research to a new umbrella IRAD project at Lockheed codenamed Athena. In cases where the assets could not be physically moved or Lockheed had no suitable place to store them, the government leased or transferred the facilities directly to the company. Thus began the era of private industry oversight.

But Project Whorl would not completely end. The Hardware Directorate was disbanded but the Intelligence and Organics Directorates were folded into a new organization named Resplendent Black. Funding for intelligence and counterintelligence would be carved from the intelligence community budgets, and funding for organic research would be carved from non-defense research budget sources such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The Aerospace Corporation was allowed to hold on to the flying cigar craft. They had made quite a bit of progress on the gravity defying propulsion system and the Trustees did not want to interrupt it. The company set up its own IRAD and signed agreements to share the research with Lockheed.