1947年、米国空域近くでUFOとエルパソの民間機が同時にレーダーから姿を消す。先駆けて残骸を積んだメキシコ政府のトラックは、米軍が到着した時には荒らされ軍人は殺害されていたという。そして2007年にメキシコの町で、銀色の物体や火の玉の目撃情報が。現地で目撃者にインタビューすることに。 「UFOハンターズ」 独自調査による膨大な資料を保有する『UFOマガジン』誌。実地調査担当・パット、実験助手・ジェフ、科学捜査主任・テッド、そして編集長・ビルの4人が、世界中で巻き起こったUFO現象を徹底調査。目撃証言や未公開映像をもとに、知られざるUFO事件の真相を突き止める!



●ヒリトラの謎: メキシコUFOの謎を解く
 By admin 2023年9月22日










 謎の物体は、チワワン砂漠の "ゾーン・オブ・サイレンス "と呼ばれる特異なエリアからヒリトラに侵入したようだ。


 ゾーン・オブ・サイレンスでは、多くの人々が方向感覚を失い、道に迷ったと報告している。これらの人々は、"背の高いブロンドの存在 "が突然現れ、水を飲む以外は何も要求しなかったと主張している。驚くべきことに、これらの天使のような存在は足跡を残さない。その起源について質問されると、彼らは「空の上だ!」と言うだけだ。彼らは「私たちは空にはいません」と答えるだけである。

メキシコ・ロズウェル、1974年のチワワン砂漠事件The Chihuahuan Desert

メキシコと米国の軍当局は奇妙な飛行物体に気づいていたが、詳細は明らかにされていない。メキシコの捜索活動を注意深く監視していた米国は、パイロットが "表面的には損傷しているが、まだ無傷 "の "光る円盤 "を見たという報告を聞いた。
米国の "回収部隊 "は基本的にCIAの作戦であり、このようなシナリオでの豊富な経験を生かして、ほとんどどこからでも迅速に動員された。



エレイン・ダグラス Elaine Douglas リーク文書:
ダグラスは最近、『知る権利作戦』のワシントンD.C.代表になっていた。彼女が "チワワ円盤墜落事件の調査結果 "と題されたリーク文書を受け取ったのが、そのためであったかどうかは議論の余地がある。










The Xilitla Enigma: Unraveling the Mysteries of Mexico’s UFO Connection

 By admin  


 In 2007, the tranquil town of Xilitla, Mexico, witnessed an unsettling event that sent shockwaves through its community and local law enforcement. However, the true enigma began to unfold only after the initial chaos subsided.

Speculations arose that Mexico’s top military intelligence agency had a vested interest in the incident. More intriguingly, the encounter bore uncanny resemblances to one of Mexico’s most renowned UFO events and had peculiar ties to one of the world’s busiest UFO hotspots. The incident of 2007 could potentially be a pivotal link in an intricate chain of UFO phenomena waiting to be fully understood.

What makes this series of strange events even more compelling is its connection to the Chihuahuan Desert, stretching from central Mexico into the United States, and intersecting with the infamous Roswell Crash site.

Xilitla, August 20, 2007
Shortly past 4 a.m. on August 20, 2007, a luminous orange fireball streaked across the skies above Xilitla, abruptly rousing the town’s residents from their slumber. Those already awake were treated to the spectacle of this unusual celestial body executing astonishingly sharp turns, clearly suggesting intelligent control rather than being a mere meteor.

The object, under apparent guidance, crashed into nearby woodlands, bouncing off coffee and lemon trees in a dramatic explosion of red and orange sparks.

Within half an hour, following frantic calls to local authorities, the area was cordoned off, with residents instructed to stay indoors, and those on the scene advised to retreat. No discernible solid object was recovered, but witnesses reported discovering peculiar, sturdy ash-like remnants scattered around the crash site. This ash displayed a remarkable resistance to crumbling upon touch. Law enforcement officials confiscated most of it upon sealing the area.

What’s intriguing is the complete silence that followed. Inquiries from residents were met with a conspicuous absence of official responses, leaving many questions unanswered.


Chaos and Secrecy Unveiled
Subsequent investigations by researchers unveiled some remarkable insights from local eyewitnesses. Notably, in the immediate aftermath of the crash, all forms of police communication mysteriously ceased, including radio transmissions. Bill Birnes, a researcher, clandestinely interviewed an intelligence officer associated with the Central Police Intelligence Bureau. The officer insisted on anonymity due to the prevailing fear among both locals and law enforcement concerning the bureau.

This anonymous officer disclosed receiving numerous “ongoing reports” that evening about unusual aerial phenomena over Mexico. He dutifully compiled a report and submitted it to SDN (military intelligence). However, once the report was filed, it vanished from official records, as did the majority of the strange ash samples gathered at the crash site.

Researchers speculated that the ash-like substance might have resulted from intense heat and a powerful electrical surge fusing metallic components and wiring together. Such an electrical surge would also explain the communication breakdown immediately following the explosion.

Interestingly, the evening prior, a few hours before the Xilitla incident, there were reports of a “silvery object” streaking through the skies over Valles. Several witnesses noted this object’s transformation into an orange, glowing fireball as it approached Xilitla, mirroring the fiery object that ultimately crashed in the town.

Zone of Silence
It appeared that the mysterious object had entered Xilitla from a peculiar region known as the “Zone of Silence” within the Chihuahuan Desert. Radar data indicated that over this area, the Xilitla object executed its second abrupt change of course, redirecting it toward the small town.

This region, aside from its history of UFO sightings and strange lights, boasts a long list of peculiar occurrences. It shares similarities with events unfolding at Skinwalker Ranch. Compasses malfunction, airplanes experience navigation malfunctions, and radio and TV signals become inoperative.

Over the past century, several meteorites have crashed near the Zone of Silence. Whether they are drawn to this location or if their impact contributes to the unusual phenomena remains a topic of debate.

The international spotlight shone on this area in 1970 when the U.S. military inadvertently launched an Athena missile during a research mission. Despite the launch originating in Utah, the missile veered off course, ultimately landing in the Zone of Silence. The U.S. military reportedly conducted an extensive investigation, sealing off the area, and constructing makeshift rail lines for transporting heavy cargo into Texas. The official explanation stated that this mission aimed to recover wreckage components.


Nordic Extraterrestrial Guides?
In the Zone of Silence, many people have reported becoming disoriented and lost. These individuals claim that “tall, blond beings” suddenly appear, asking for nothing more than a drink of water. Astonishingly, these angelic entities leave no footprints behind. When questioned about their origin, they simply respond with “Above!”

Within UFO circles, these extraterrestrial entities are often referred to as the Nordics. Numerous reports also describe individuals in this region witnessing strange lights in the sky and subsequently realizing they have lost several hours, lacking memory of the elapsed time, suggesting the possibility of abduction or some form of interaction.

The Zone of Silence harbors abandoned mines and undisturbed cave systems. Whether the enigma involves extraterrestrial entities, geomagnetic anomalies, or other unknown forces, this desert expanse remains one of the world’s most mysterious landscapes.

Furthermore, this area, along with the events of 2007, is intimately linked to one of the most renowned UFO incidents in Mexico’s history—an incident that triggered a rapid response from both Mexican and U.S. military forces in the wake of an apparent UFO crash.


“Mexico’s Roswell,” The Chihuahuan Desert Incident of 1974
On August 25, 1974, a sizable disc-shaped object entered North American airspace along the Texas-Mexico border. It abruptly altered its trajectory at the Texas coast, heading south, and made another sudden turn, traversing Mexican airspace. Somewhere over the Chihuahuan Desert, it collided with a small aircraft traveling from El Paso, Texas, southward.

Both Mexican and U.S. military authorities were aware of these peculiar aerial objects, although the specifics remained undisclosed. The United States, closely monitoring Mexican search efforts, heard the pilot report sighting “a gleaming disk” with “superficial damage but still intact.”

Both nations dispatched units to the area, competing to retrieve whatever wreckage was present. The American “recovery unit” was essentially a CIA operation, leveraging its extensive experience in such scenarios to mobilize quickly from almost anywhere.

Many researchers believe that the CIA likely wielded its influence over high-ranking Mexican intelligence officials to facilitate a handover arrangement, a common practice in previous incidents. The Mexican unit would gain the upper hand, arriving at the object’s location first, while U.S. spy planes circled above, documenting ground movements.

Containment Mission?
Initial reports followed expectations. However, things took an unexpected turn as the Mexican units inexplicably halted their advance. Upon further investigation, it became clear that something unknown had obstructed their progress. Even more perplexing, the entire unit was found dead.

The exact nature of the discussions between Mexican and American intelligence services remains shrouded in secrecy. Nevertheless, soon after this discovery, four specially equipped helicopters were dispatched to the site.

Initial intelligence hinted at a hazardous chemical leak or, in the event the object was indeed an extraterrestrial craft, exposure to an unknown virus as the potential

causes of the soldiers’ deaths. The retrieval team recovered what remnants of the craft they could before departing the area. It remains unclear whether the Mexican unit members were already deceased or dying at that point. However, before leaving, the U.S. team triggered a powerful explosion, incinerating any remnants at the site. Official records suggest that the unit’s bodies were retrieved and handed over to Mexican authorities.


Elaine Douglas’ Leaked Documents
Another intriguing facet of this enigma involves a leaked document that reached UFO researcher Elaine Douglas in the summer of 1993, nearly two decades after the incident. Douglas had recently become the Washington, D.C. representative for Operation Right to Know, an organization dedicated to the release of all government UFO files. It is debated whether this was the reason behind her receiving the leaked document, titled “Research Findings on the Chihuahua Disk Crash.”

The document contained astonishing revelations. United States Air Defense radar had tracked the unknown craft as it approached U.S. airspace from the Gulf of Mexico—an instance connecting UFOs and bodies of water. The craft, flying at an altitude of 75,000 feet, caught their attention for approximately a minute. It then initiated a series of “level steps” in its descent, reaching 45,000 feet, where it remained for several minutes before descending further.

The document disclosed that the craft suddenly altered its trajectory, taking it over Mexico. As it reached the northern deserts, radar operators initially considered it a meteor that had descended out of their scope. However, the incremental descent and the change in direction contradicted this hypothesis, as meteors do not change direction deliberately.

The document continued with an even more astonishing revelation—the possibility of a mid-air collision. Approximately an hour after the object vanished from radar, military operators began receiving reports from civilian air radio about a civilian aircraft that had disappeared from radar screens at the exact location and time as the unknown object. It appeared that a civilian aircraft and the unidentified object had collided—possibly in mid-air—over the deserts of northern Mexico.

This development prompted the U.S. military to closely monitor Mexican authorities. According to the leaked information, Mexican search planes not only spotted the intact but damaged “circular-shaped plane” but also witnessed the wreckage of the missing civilian aircraft.

At this juncture, radio communications went silent, as Mexican authorities imposed a “radio silence” on their operations, presumably aware of foreign governments, especially the United States, monitoring their communications.

Concurrently, all recordings and data tapes were covertly dispatched, via official channels, to the CIA and other intelligence agencies. The report prompted the CIA to organize an immediate retrieval mission, with Douglas’ source suggesting it would be carried out by force if the Mexican military and authorities refused to cooperate.

Transported via Backroads and Small Highways
The task force sent to the site made a shocking discovery—Mexican military units had inexplicably ceased movement, and all members of the unit were deceased. The precise details of the interaction between the Mexican and American intelligence services remain undisclosed. Subsequently, four helicopters were sent, as previously mentioned.

Notably, the leaked information described the UFO in detail. It measured approximately 16 feet in diameter, devoid of doors or windows, and displayed a distinct disc-shaped design with a curved top and underside. Its surface resembled polished steel, although some areas bore dents from the collision with the civilian aircraft. Remarkably, there were no visible signs of propulsion systems.

The identity of the source of this leaked information remains obscure, as does their affiliation. Nevertheless, it is evident that they possessed connections within military and intelligence circles, potentially among those involved in secretive UFO projects who believed that such incidents should be made public.

Many questions remain unanswered, particularly regarding the nature of the object that crashed into this mysterious desert region. What is it about this area that not only attracts these enigmatic crafts but also seems to draw them down to Earth’s surface?




