
 2018年11月19日、ペルーの下院議員アルマンド・ビジャヌエバ・メルカドの主導により、Instituto Inkarri - Cuscoとそのパートナーは、前年から実施されてきたナスカのミイラに関する様々な分析のほぼ最終的な結果をついに発表した。


 判決は出た:これらの遺体は本物である。(分析結果はPERU 2018とMEXICO 2023のページ)。

組織は乾燥し、硬く、崩れやすい。また、"Wawitaワゥィタ "が間違いなくそうであったように、介入された可能性があるのは最近ではなく、おそらく何世紀も前の死亡時であろう。おそらく儀式の一環としてであろう。




共和国議会でのナスカ事件...メキシコより (2023)

 合理的な範囲を超えて、私と同志たちは責任を負っている。そして何も後悔していない。それは良心の問題だった。すべての世界市民は、ナスカで現在起きていることに懸念を抱くべきだ。もし彼らが本物の "遺物 "であるならば、人類の歴史はまもなく書き直されなければならなくなるだろう。




●The Nasca affair in the Congress of the Republic of Peru (2018)

On November 19, 2018, at the initiative of Peruvian congressman Armando Villanueva Mercado, the Instituto Inkarri – Cusco and its partners finally presented the almost final results of the various analyzes carried out on the Nasca mummies since the previous year.

The verdict is in: these bodies are authentic. (See the results of the analyzes on the PERU 2018 and MEXICO 2023 pages)

The countless examinations carried out on the entities by a host of international specialists, the x-rays, HD scanners, DNA and Carbon 14 analyses, carried out in around ten countries around the world, show in fact that it is indeed a entities that lived on Earth at a remote time in human history. And despite criticism and attacks from skeptics, no indication of fraud has yet been established.


The different bodies studied are between 1,800 and 750 years old… and more than 7,000 years old for the large tridactyl hands, according to two independent laboratories! The tissues are dry, desiccated, hard and tend to crumble. Also, possible interventions – as was undoubtedly the case with “Wawita” – cannot have been carried out recently, but more probably at the time of their death, many centuries ago. Perhaps as part of ritual ceremonies.

Since the “Nasca Conference” on November 19, 2018, the arguments of the detractors of this incredible affair have literally been shattered. Because in fact, the hypothesis of an arrangement with other known species, human or animal, would imply the presence of traces (lesions, scars, etc.).



Discover the analysis results presented at the Congress of the Republic of Peru

●The mummies of Nasca at the San Luis Gonzaga University of Ica (2019-2022)

In November 2019, several of these mummies were officially handed over to a team of researchers from the San Luis Gonzaga National University of Ica. These are the mummies known as “Maria”, “Wawita”, “Victoria” and “Albert”. At the beginning of 2020, the UNICA team managed to recover a fifth body, similar to the mummy “Josefina” and named “Luisa”.

Led by Professor Roger Zuñiga Avilés, the main objective of this team of professionals was to confirm, or not, the incredible results obtained by the Inkarri Institute and its various partners in previous years.

For several years, and despite certain difficulties (due to the Covid-19 pandemic or the numerous harassments instigated by the Peruvian Ministry of Culture intended to confiscate these mummies), Dr Zuñiga’s team managed to carry out an in-depth study of the bodies dried, in collaboration with the National University of Engineering (UNI) of Lima and various international institutions, who wish, for the moment, to remain anonymous.

●The Nasca affair in the Congress of the Republic…
from Mexico ! (2023)

On November 7, 2023, during a historic public hearing, organized at the Congress of the Republic of Mexico, at the initiative of deputy Sergio Carlos Gutiérrez Luna and journalist Jaime Maussan, on the subject of unidentified aerospace phenomena, Thierry Jamin and the team from the San Luis Gonzaga National University of Ica have finally formalized the almost final results of their four years of study and analysis: the mummies preserved at the University of Ica are indeed authentic. These bodies belong to creatures who were indeed alive at some point in our history.

The conclusions reached by the numerous specialists who have studied these bodies are dizzying. They confirm the extent to which modern science must advance with humility.



Discover the latest results during the hearing at the Congress of the Republic of Mexico









●Alien Project : the chronology of facts

 This page presents the facts about the “Mummies of Nasca”, from the most recent to the oldest.


Nov. 14th 2023

 Thierry Jamin participated in a program on NureaTV to take stock of the second hearing almost exclusively devoted to the results of research on the Nazca mummies at the Congress of the Republic of Mexico.

Click on the image to see the conference

In French – Subtitles and translation possible in YouTube player


Nov. 7th 2023

 Second hearing at the Congress of the Republic of Mexico largely devoted to the “Nazca Mummies”.

UNICA has released its preliminary report which confirms the authenticity of these dried bodies. This report is signed by 11 experts who participated in the research.



Oct. 10th 2023

 Officials from Peru’s Ministry of Culture arrived with the prosecutor for the sixth attempt to seize the mummies but were unsuccessful because they did not have permission to enter. They went to the Rectorate to speak with the rector but he was busy and they were referred to a legal advisor. The officials were contacted by the local press and refused to give explanations, despite the insistence of their colleagues.

Click on the image to watch the video (only in Spanish with automatic subtitles)


Sep. 13th 2023

In a hospital in Mexico, x-rays and scans are carried out live. The team of specialists present confirm the authenticity of the 2 specimens.

Click on the image to watch the video (only in Spanish with automatic subtitles)


Sep. 12th 2023

 Jaime Maussan and Tercer Milenio present the case of Nasca to the Congress of the Republic of Mexico and exhibit 2 specimens of reptilian humanoid type. This presentation has a worldwide impact. For the first time, the Nazca mummies affair is taken up by mainstream media.

Click on the image to watch the video (only in Spanish with automatic subtitles)


Conference about the Nasca’s mummies at the University of Ica - Thierry Jamin



Jul. 26th 2023

 For the first time, the Ministry of Culture of Peru asks the Directorate of Culture of Ica to take x-rays of the different mummies present at the University of Ica.



Jul. 21th 2023

 For the fifth time, the Peruvian Ministry of Culture has tried in vain to seize the controversial mummies kept at UNICA.

Click on the image to watch the video (only in Spanish with automatic subtitles)



Feb.  2023


 VOD release of TRIDACTYLS 1, 6 episodes of 52 minutes, the true story, experienced from the inside by the protagonists of the case.
In French, English or Spanish.



Feb.  2023

Lost Paititi and the Non-Human Remains of Nazca

 Thierry Jamin
Editions Adventure Unlimited Press (USA), February 2023

French explorer Thierry Jamin presents the results of his years spent in Peru searching for Paititi, the lost city of the Incas. He also discusses the exceptional discoveries made by his team, between 2011 and 2014, in the famous citadel of Machu Picchu. Finally, Jamin returns in detail to the incredible story in which he and his companions were the main protagonists: the affair of the non-human mummies of Nasca. A moving book, with many twists and turns. It reads like an adventure novel, except that this is a true story…



Dec.  2022


 Release of a 2 DVD digipack: TRIDACTYLS 1 (in French only).
6 episodes of 52 minutes, the true story, experienced from the inside by the protagonists of the affair. With a bonus selection of 3D reconstructions of the different bodies based on DICOMs.



Oct. 5th 2022

 Mirko Tello, traumatologist with 20 years of experience, expert in reconstructive hand surgery, confirms the authenticity of Maria’s hand and foot joints.

Click on the image to watch the video (only in Spanish with automatic subtitles)



Jan.   2022

 The Inkarri Institute team is studying a new reptilian humanoid specimen called Artemis. This extraordinary entity contains 3 eggs and 7 metal plates, some of which probably contain Osmium (to be continued…).


Dec.  2021

 UNI joins UNICA and detects Osmium in Luisa’s pectoral.

Click on the image to watch the video (only in Spanish with automatic subtitles)



Oct.   2020

Les momies non humaines de Nazca

Thierry Jamin
Éditions Atlantes, octobre 2020.

 The real story told for the first time by Thierry Jamin! In October 2016, Thierry Jamin, a French researcher and explorer, was contacted by grave robbers, or “huaqueros”, from the southern coast of Peru. The latter reveal to him strange mummified objects discovered in a secret place in the Nazca desert. Convinced of the reality of the facts, Jamin and his group embark on this quest. Strange humanoid mummies, with elongated heads and three-fingered hands, will hit the headlines and shake up the world of Peruvian archeology and global ufology for more than four years. This incredible story is the “Roswell affair” of modern archaeology, and its implications will unfold throughout the century. More than 230 photos!

In French only. 




Sep. 5th 2020

 Samples from a Luisa egg confirm the biological nature of these ovoid objects.

Click on the image to watch the video (only in Spanish with automatic subtitles)




Mar. 1rst 2020

 UNICA carries out CT-Scans of 128 sections in Lima of Maria, Alberto and Luisa.

Click on the image to watch the video only in Spanish with automatic subtitles)



Nov. 6th 2019

 Outstanding press conference organized at San Luis Gonzaga National University of Ica. On this occasion, the university officials make it official to recover four of the “Nasca three-fingered mummiesand launch an international call for researchers from around the world to join them in the scientific study of these mysterious relics. For the first time, an exhibition reveals mummies to the general public.

Click on the image to watch the video of this conference (only in Spanish with automatic subtitles)




Oct. 28th2019

 Local officials of the Ministry of Culture (DDC-Ica) make again an attempt to recover the mummies. But UNICA officials refuse to be intimidated. The police raid on the premises of a university is a “first” in Peru for decades.

See the Jois Mantilla’s video




Oct. 25th2019

 Officials from the Ministry of Culture of Ica (SDC-Ica) burst into the premises of the National University San Luis Gonzaga de Ica, accompanied by a lawyer and several police officers to demand that they be handed over the “tridactyl mummies of Nasca”. But this incursion is illegal. Local officials of the Ministry of Culture do not have any document of justice allowing them to appropriate the famous relics.

See the Jois Mantilla’s video




Sep. 24th2019

 Peruvian court’s final classification of the complaint against cultural property filed by the public prosecutor in charge of judicial affairs of the Ministry of Culture.

“[…] it was not possible to determine the place where the alleged leftovers were found; not knowing that the place of the site, it is not possible to determine if the site is or not archaeological … Thus, the denounced act does not constitute an offense (article 334.1 of the Code of penal procedure modified by the law 30076) .”

See the classification of complaint



Aug. 2d2019

 Thierry Jamin’s Conference in Ica about the results of analyzes presented November 19th, 2018 the Congress of the Republic of Peru.



Aug. 1st2019

 Officials from San Luis Gonzaga National University in Ica manage to recover four of Nasca’s famous “tridactyl mummies”, Maria”, “Wawita”, “Albert” and “Victoria”.





Jul. 30th2019

 Examination of the molecular composition of different samples. As part of The Alien Project, five samples of different parts of the body of mummies found on the site of Nasca (Peru) were sent to Professor Olivier Sire, expert at the Rennes Court of Appeal in physico-chemical and biological analyzes and Agro-Food Industries, for examination of their molecular composition by mid-infrared spectroscopy. This technique makes it possible to identify the (bio) chemical composition of any sample made of organic matter. The analyzes were conducted at the Dupuy de Lôme Research Institute (UMR CNRS 6027) in Vannes (France).

See the report




Jan. 25th2019

 Meeting between officials from the University of Ica, Armando Villanueva, Congressman, Jaime Maussan, Tercer Milenio and members of the Instituto Inkari Cusco.




 Article devoted to the results announced at the conference of 19 November 2018 Ikaris magazine (in French).



Nov. 19th2018

 Presentation of the results of analyzes at the Congress of the Republic of Peru under the auspices of the congressman Armando Villanueva Mercado. With Thierry Jamin, Dr. Raymundo Salas, biologist José de la Cruz Ríos López, medical examiner José de Jesús Zalce Benítez, Dr. Clara Ines Martínez, Galestskiy Dmitriy Vladilàvovich, Manuel Ángel Cáceres, Salavador Angel Romero Martinez…

See the results page


Aug. 7th2018

 Realization of CT-Scans HD on Maria, Josefina and Wawita.




Jul. 11th2018

 Bill of the Congressman Armando Villanueva Mercado for the declaration of historical and cultural interest and the study of Nasca’s humanoid mummies.




 The first issue of Ikaris magazine (in French) offers a full article on Nasca’s mummies.



Jan. 28th2018

 For the first time, the case of Nasca’s mummies is the subject of a report on a French national channel. As part of the program “66 Minutes”, broadcast in France every Sunday, the channel M6 presents the facts in a rather objective way, giving the floor to Thierry Jamin and to those who, in Peru, doubt about the authenticity of this story. The final word will come back to the analyzes, currently in progress…



End Dec.2017

 DNA analysis, C14, etc. biological material and analysis of non-biological materials continue…



Nov 29th2017

 X-Rays of new biological material recovered with Dr. Edson Salazar.



Nov. 25th2017

 The Inkari Cusco Instit. team manages to recover and study a new “grey” type specimen, as well as two new “small grey” type mummified heads and a 38cm long three-fingered hand.



Oct. Nov.2017

 Thierry Jamin and Alain Bonnet make a Tour of France to meet the Alien Project “s contributors of and give lectures.

October 7th, 2017 – Sarlat
October 12rd, 2017 – Toulouse
October 19th, 2017 – Perpignan
October 20th, 2017 – Col de Vence
October 21st, 2017 – Annecy
October 24th, 2017 – Lyon
October 25th, 2017 – Lille
October 26th, 2017 – Paris
October 27th, 2017 – Tours
November 4th 2017 – Angoulême



Aug. 4th2017

 Thierry Jamin’s team manages to study 3 new “small grey” type specimens, baptized “The Family“.

Examination and X-Rays of 3 new “small grey” type biological entities.



Jul. 11st2017

 The Inkari – Cusco Institute, in association with the private American TV channel Gaia, the Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan and the Peruvian journalist Jois Mantilla, organizes for the first time a press conference in Lima, to present the first conclusions of the laboratory analyzes (X-rays, scanners, DNA, C14, etc.) of the EBs studied and the first conclusions of the scientists having worked directly on the biological material. These conclusions can be summarized in three points :

  1. it is biological material,
  2. this material is old or very old,
  3. No evidence of flagrant fraud has yet been found.


Jul. 9th2017

 Examination of the hybrid body “Wawita“, “baby” in Quechua (ancient Andean language still in use).



May 19-20th2017

 The Inkari Cusco Instit. team recovers a new biological “Grey type” entity nicknamed “Victoria“.

Jaime Maussan comes back to Cusco with a TV crew from the United States.


Victoria, gray little headless


May 9th2017

 First CT-Scan of “Josefina“, “Alberto” and “Maria“.



May 2nd2017

 X-Rays of “Maria” and “Josefina” in the presence of Jaime Maussan’s team and two North American TV channels.

Discovery of three “eggs” (?) in “Josefina’s abdomen”.




Apr. 25th2017

 Jaime Maussan and 2 American TV channels come with Thierry Jamin and the Inkari Cusco Instit. team, to meet Mario in Palpa.

Mario reveals to the Inkari Cusco team an exceptional biological “Hybrid” type entity, nicknamed “Maria” by Thierry Jamin and his group.

The Inkari Cusco Instit. team manages to convince “Mario” to lend them “Maria” to carry out the first clinical analysis of the “relic”, as well as X-Rays and Cat-scans.



Apr 23rd2017

 Jaime Maussan’s first trip to Cusco, a Mexican journalist and 2 American TV channels With Dr. Jose Jesus Zalce Benitez, Medical Chief Officer of the Mexican Navy, Mexican Biologist Dr Jose De La Cruz Rios Lopez and Dr. Kontsnatin G. Korotkov, Ph/D, Professor of Medicine at the St. Petersburg Federal University, Russia.



Apr. 3rd2017

 First samples collection of different mummified bodies and sends to several laboratories located in various countries.



Apr. 2nd2017

 The Inkari Cusco Institute recovers a second “small grey” type mummified body, nicknamed “Josefina” by Thierry Jamin, 4 brains and  several objects made of metal, stone and bone.




Mar. 13-15th2017

 The Inkari-Cusco Instit. recovers the first 60 cm long complete body, “small grey” type, quickly nicknamed “Alberto” by the Internet users.

Then, analysis and X-Rays of this new Biological Entity (E.B.)



Mar. 12th2017

 End of the crowdfunding.

Eight hundred contributors (mostly French) can exceed the budget. That is 136% of the initial project. 39 510 € funded.


Feb 7th2017

 Thierry Jamin and Alain Bonnet start a crowdfunding on the “Ulule” platform to finance DNA and Carbon14 analysis of recovered biological entities.

Estimated budget: 29 000 €



Feb. 4th2017

 2 mummified heads – “Little Grey” type – are recovered by the Inkari Cusco Instit. team, as well as 3 three-fingered mummified hands .

First Analysis and X-Rays of heads and hands, with Dr. Edson Salazar Vivanco.



End jan.2017

 Thierry Jamin, José Casafranca Montés and Edward Valenzuela Gil, of the Inkari Cusco Institute meet the leader of the huaqueros, “Mario”* , for the first time, in a hotel in La Paz (Bolivia).
* Called “Mario” by Thierry Jamin.

First biological entity 38 cm long.
In Puno, the Inkari Cusco Institute team manages to recover and then study a first Biological Entity (E.B.) lent by “Mario”. X-Rays and Analysis of this E.B.

The Inkari Cusco Instit. team manages to recover, and then study several carved stones looking like UFO and ET, discovered in the first “sarcophagus”.




 Thierry Jamin and his team sett off to Nasca in order to identify and meet the grave robbers (huaqueros).



Jan. 10th2017

 Thierry Jamin sends a letter to the Peruvian Ministry of Culture (with the English translation) to let him know about the case and requests the quick intervention of his services, to avoid a possible destruction of archaeological sites in the Nasca area.



 First meeting at the Inkari Cusco Institute with a certain “Luis Quispe”, alias “Paul R.”, a contact of grave robbers.

Several meetings between Thierry Jamin, José Casafranca Montes and “Paul” allow to learn more about the “huaqueros” (grave robbers) and the circumstances of the discovery of the site. At the same time, Thierry Jamin and the Inkari Cusco Instit. team took the opportunity to study the biological material recovered by “Paul”.



End of2015

 At the end of 2015, discovery of the site, in the Nasca-Palpa area, by grave robbers, or huaqueros.



