●ジェレミー・コーベルが断言 :米国政府と国防請負業者は "破損していない機能的な非人間的飛行船 "を複数保有している。

Written by Christopher Sharp - 17 January 2024 画像編集:Kz.UFO







『リベレーションタイムズ』の情報源は、AAROが "未知の起源からの物質の収集と分析を調整した "と述べている。







 「STAGは、現・元政府職員がAAROに情報を提出するプロセスには関与しない。 AAROは連邦法および国防総省の方針に従い、個人を特定できる情報を管理している。AAROへの情報開示者の身元は保護されています。」


下院監視委員会(House Oversight Committee)で予定されている公聴会と並んで、デビッド・グラッシュ(David Grusch)は、潜在的に爆発的な論説を発表する用意がある。




Jeremy Corbell Affirms: U.S. Government and Defense Contractors Hold "Multiple Undamaged, Functional Non-Human Craft"


Written by Christopher Sharp - 17 January 2024

Investigative journalist and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell has told Liberation Times that the U.S. government and defense contractors possess multiple, undamaged and functional non-human craft in their possession.

Corbell commented:

"I can confirm to you, with direct knowledge, that we have multiple Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena programs currently active. Some were inherited from previous legacy endeavors, each with specialized mandates related to the non-human intelligence aspect of the phenomenon.

“These are currently under the authority of the Department of Defense, multiple U.S., joint allied intelligence agencies, and defense contractors, including Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman.

“Those organisations have multiple undamaged, functional non-human craft in their possession, and have had these for a long time. They have been exploiting them for derivative technologies, prioritizing U.S. weapons advancement."

This is the first time that Corbell has referenced Northrop Grumman in connection to such alleged programs. Liberation Times has contacted the defense contractor on three separate occasions regarding its possible knowledge on such programs, but no response was received.

In response to the allegations, spokesperson for the DoD and its UAP office, known as the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), Susan Gough, repeated the Department’s previous line:

“To date, AARO has not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently.”

Liberation Times sources have stated that the AARO has "coordinated the collection and analysis of materials from an unknown origin."

This is something which the DoD is unable to deny, despite repeated requests by Liberation Times.

Liberation Times also asked the DoD if there are any programs related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) operated within the DoD or by any of the military branches or combat support agencies.

In response, Susan Gough, commented:

“AARO is leveraging data from across DoD and the Services.  

“Many organizations and commands provide direct or indirect support to AARO’s efforts to detect, identify, and resolve UAP.”

As stated by Gough, other organizations are supporting the AARO indirectly or directly, although it may not be known whether one military branch or support agency has established a dedicated UAP program.

Liberation Times understands that Gough was not referring to alleged secretive and illegal programs associated with non-human materials. 

It is also important to highlight that both the AARO and Intelligence Community Inspector General are currently investigating allegations of secretive and illegal retrieval and reverse engineering programs involving craft and biologics of non-human origin. 

Following last week’s briefing with the Intelligence Community Inspector General, Thomas Monheim, members of the House Oversight Committee are currently focused on taking matters into their own hands. 

Instead of relying on the AARO to disclose information about alleged UAP programs, the committee is pursuing independent action with potential public hearings, including field hearings, with UAP witnesses on the agenda.

The AARO is notably currently without a director, following the departure of Dr Sean Kirkpatrick. But Gough did confirm that the former director will continue his involvement as an unpaid consultant.

“The department will continue to leverage Dr. Kirkpatrick’s expertise (as needed and available) as an unpaid consultant.”

While no official confirmation has been made regarding Dr. Kirkpatrick's replacement, Liberation Times understands that acting director, Timothy Phillips, is open to engaging more with UAP advocates, perhaps in response to widespread criticism directed at Dr. Kirkpatrick and his handling of whistleblowers.

Liberation Times has learned that numerous whistleblowers, possessing insights into alleged illicit retrieval and reverse engineering programs involving non-human craft, hesitate to come forward to the AARO with their testimonies. 

Their reservations stemmed from distrust in Dr. Kirkpatrick and his superiors, concerns about the handling of other UAP witnesses, and a lack of trust in members of AARO's secretive Senior Technical Advisory Group (STAG).

It has been reported that members within STAG are suspected of adopting a hostile stance towards UAP whistleblowers.

In an inquiry to the DoD, Liberation Times sought confirmation regarding the number of members within STAG and the representation of organizations and agencies. However, the DoD declined the request, citing security and privacy reasons. Gough told Liberation Times:

“Since its inception, one of AARO’s top goals has been the establishment of a rigorous, scientific, data-driven analytical framework for resolving UAP cases, including a peer review of the results.  

“The Senior Technical Advisory Group is a group of technical and analytical experts that supports that goal by reviewing AARO’s work and related defense, intelligence and civil issues. 

“The group also conducts a peer-review process of AARO’s analytical framework to ensure analytic integrity.  For personnel security and privacy reasons, we will not comment on the individuals that participate in the STAG.”  

Multiple whistleblowers have chosen to file complaints with the Intelligence Community Inspector General and bypassed the AARO, with some doing so due to their distrust of STAG.

When asked to respond to those concerns, Gough stated that STAG has no role associated with the process of former and current government employees submitting information to the AARO.

Gough stated:

“Since its inception, one of AARO’s top goals has been the establishment of a rigorous, scientific, data-driven analytical framework for resolving UAP cases, including a peer review of the results.  

“The Senior Technical Advisory Group is a group of technical and analytical experts that supports that goal by reviewing AARO’s work and related defense, intelligence and civil issues.  The group also conducts a peer-review process of AARO’s analytical framework to ensure analytic integrity.  

“The STAG has no role in the process by which current or former government employees submit information to AARO.  AARO controls personally identifiable information in accordance with federal law and DOD policy. The identities of persons making disclosures to AARO are protected.”

Gough also confirmed that the AARO Executive Council was superseded following the passing of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023. Gough added that Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks and Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Stacey Dixon, who oversee the AARO, routinely meet to discuss AARO and also meet with "other UAP stakeholders as necessary.”

The DoD spokesperson commented:

“The AARO Executive Council, established in July 2022, was superseded in December 2022 by Section 1673 of the fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act requiring Deputy Secretary of Defense and Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence direct oversight of AARO. 

“Deputy Secretary Hicks and Principal Deputy Dixon meet routinely on AARO and with other UAP stakeholders as necessary.”

AARO is anticipated to face increasing pressure this year. 

Alongside upcoming public hearings scheduled by the House Oversight Committee, David Grusch is poised to unveil a potentially explosive op-ed. Key advocates within the Senate are also thought to be more determined than ever to push for disclosure of UAP secrets. 

Furthermore, a book authored by the former director of the U.S. government’s UAP study, known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Lue Elizondo, is expected to be released soon.



