
By.Social Links forKatherine Donlevy



その人形の骨は鳥や犬や他の動物の骨が使われており、人間の骨で作られた "非常に貧弱な "手を除いては、鳥や犬や他の動物の骨が使われているとのことである。


Flavio Estrada, from the Institute of Forensic Medicine


 両手に3本ずつしか指がなく、細長いETスタイルの頭を持つ不気味な人物は、紙、接着剤、金属、人間と動物の骨で作られている.AFP via Getty Images



2フィート(約0.6メートル)の人形のひとつは、赤、オレンジ、緑の服を着ていた.AFP via Getty Images

 Clara and Mauricioクララとマウリシオと名付けられたこの遺体は700年から1800年前のもので、2017年にペルーのクスコで、先コロンブス期のナスカの地上絵の近くで発見された.AFP via Getty Images

UFOマニアは2017年にも死体のような人形について同様の主張をしており、後に "最近製造された人形で、皮膚の存在をシミュレートするために紙と合成接着剤の混合物で覆われている "ことが判明した。

2024年1月12日、法医学専門家との記者会見で不気味な人形の写真を撮る報道陣。AFP via Getty Images


●‘Non-human’ alien corpses are just dolls made of human and animal bones, paper: experts


Social Links forKatherine Donlevy

Published Jan. 13, 2024

 Updated Jan. 13, 2024, 9:56 a.m. ET


The results are in.

The tiny “non-human” mummified remains found in Peru over the summer that spurred dozens of alien conspiracy theories are nothing more than dolls, forensic experts ruled.

The creepy figures — with only three fingers on each hand and elongated ET-style heads — are made with paper, glue, metal and human and animal bones, the country’s prosecutor’s office said Friday.

“The conclusion is simple: they are dolls assembled with bones of animals from this planet, with modern synthetic glues, therefore they were not assembled during pre-Hispanic times,” forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada, who led the analysis, told reporters.

“They are not extraterrestrials; they are not aliens.”


Experts on Friday showed reporters 2-foot-long dolls dressed in red, orange and green clothes.

They said examinations showed the bones of birds, dogs and other animals were used to create the effigies, except for their “very poorly” built hands, which were created with human bones.

Officials still do not know who owns the freakish figures, only stating that they were sent to a Mexican citizen before they were seized by South American customs agents.

Flavio Estrada, from the Institute of Forensic Medicine shows off the supposed aliens found in Peru over the summer at a press conference on Jan. 12, 2024.

Flavio Estrada, from the Institute of Forensic Medicine shows off the supposed aliens found in Peru over the summer at a press conference on Jan. 12, 2024.Carlos Garcia Granthon/Shutterstock


The creepy figures — with only three fingers on each hand and elongated ET-style heads — are made with paper, glue, metal and human and animal bones.AFP via Getty Images


Examinations showed the bones of birds, dogs and other animals were used to create the effigies, except for their “very poorly” built hands, which were created with human bones.Carlos Garcia Granthon/Shutterstock

Conspiracies ran wild in September when ufologist José Jaime Maussan and some Mexican lawmakers emphatically asserted on the floor of Congress that the corpses were authentic.

Maussan claimed the bodies — whom he dubbed Clara and Mauricio — were between 700 and 1,800 years old, found in 2017 in Cusco, Peru, near the pre-Columbian Nazca Lines.

“This is the first time it (extraterrestrial life) is presented in such a form and I think there is a clear demonstration that we are dealing with non-human specimens that are not related to any other species in our world,” he said in September.


One of the 2-foot-long dolls was dressed in red, orange and green clothes.AFP via Getty Images


The bodies — which were dubbed Clara and Mauricio — were between 700 and 1,800 years old, found in 2017 in Cusco, Peru, near the pre-Columbian Nazca Lines.AFP via Getty Images

Last month, Maussan and researchers testified that 30% of the remains’ DNA is from an “unknown species,” while the remaining DNA remained unclear.

The team also presented images of the corpses proving they did not have lungs or ribs — which makes sense considering the pair were handmade dolls.

The UFO enthusiast made similar claims about corpse-like dolls in 2017, which were later discovered to be “recently manufactured dolls, which have been covered with a mixture of paper and synthetic glue to simulate the presence of skin.”




Members of the press take pictures of the creepy dolls during a press conference with forensic experts on Jan. 12, 2024.AFP via Getty Images