●2023: アメリカ政府がUFOに真剣に取組み始めた年

The Hill オピニオン寄稿者:BY MARIK VON RENNENKAMPFF - 01/04/24 7:30 AM ET









ギリブランドとルビオは、アメリカの敵国が高度に発達したUFOを回収している可能性があること、そして過剰な秘密主義がアメリカが回収した "エキゾチックな "技術の科学的理解を阻害していることを特に懸念しているようだ。




 歴史的な議会公聴会で、アメリカ政府がUFOを回収したと信じているかどうか宣誓の上で質問されたグラッシュは、"4年間で40人以上の目撃者と面談した結果、間違いありません "と答えた。 

このことから、ルビオは2つの驚くべき可能性のどちらかしか残さないと述べた。政府高官のかなりの集団が "クレイジー "であるか、あるいはこれらの人物が "人類史上最大の物語 "を暴露しているかのどちらかである。
ルビオは、関与している高官たちの資質と地位を考えると、そのような "まじめな人々 "が単に "でっち上げ "をするかどうか疑っているようだ。
ルビオと同じように、ギリブランドもUFOの内部告発者を "非常に思慮深く、まじめな人々 "と評した。

 6月、下院情報委員会のマイク・ギャラガー下院議員(ウィスコンシン州選出)は、議会が制定した新たな保護の結果、"あらゆる種類の(内部告発者が)出てくるようになった "と述べた。
ギャラガー議員によれば、これらの人々は議会の調査官に対して、"自分はこれこれのプログラムに参加していた "と証言しており、その結果、"様々なかなり激しい会話 "が交わされているという。ギャラガーは、NASAのビル・ネルソン長官と同様、UFOについて語るときのポーカーフェイスを鍛える必要がある。
5月のプレゼンテーションで、UFOオフィスのディレクターは、軍のセンサーが "金属の球体 "を "世界中で......非常に興味深い明白な操縦をしている "のを観測していると述べた。

興味深いことに、謎めいた "金属の球体 "の観測は、少なくとも第二次世界大戦にまでさかのぼる。ニューヨーク・タイムズ』紙、『AP通信』紙、『ロイター通信』紙、『スターズ・アンド・ストライプス』紙、そして今はなき『インターナショナル・ニュース・サービス』紙のすべてが、「空中を浮遊する謎の銀色の球体」との軍用飛行士の遭遇を伝える記事を掲載した。 

『ニューズウィーク』誌は1944年のクリスマスに "銀色の球体のパズル "と題する記事を掲載した。その物体の神秘的な性質に焦点を当て、AP通信の2番目の記事の見出しはこうであった: "帝国上空に銀の球が見え、科学を悩ませる" 

アメリカの飛行士たちが "金属の球体 "に遭遇して困惑したのは、第二次世界大戦後に終わったわけではない。1940年代後半から1950年代前半にかけての諜報機関の評価では、「銀色の球」や「明るい金属光沢のある球形」の物体が、より大きな「金属製の」円盤とともに飛行していたと記述されている。
最初の米軍パイロットによる報告から80年経った今でも、政府は異常な "金属球 "に当惑しているようだ。

同事務所の元所長によれば、"懸念される性能特性 "を示すUFOを説明できるのは、最終的には "エイリアン "か "外国勢力 "という2つの驚くべき犯人のどちらか1つだけだという。注目すべきは、最近分析された何百もの軍用UFO報告のうち、外国に起因するものはなかったということである。


7月、ホワイトハウスは、UFOが"(軍の)訓練場に影響を与えている "こと、そして "我々のパイロットが見ている何かがある "ことを明らかにした。冗長な編集にもかかわらず、政府文書は、眉をひそめるような驚きを含む、軍のUFO事件に関する魅力的な情報を垣間見せてくれる。
ロイター通信が指摘したように、「何十年もの間、UFOを偏向させ、否定し、信用を失墜させることに費やしてきた」後、2023年にアメリカ政府がこのような現象を真剣に扱い始めたことは、印象的な "転換点 "を示している。






●2023: The year the US government started taking UFOs seriously




An unexplained aerial phenomenon recorded by the U.S. Navy.


Last year marked a profound shift in the conversation around unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), the new preferred term for what everyone knows as UFOs.

The reflexive giggles that long followed any mention of “UFO” now subside quickly when the uninformed learn about bipartisan legislation and serious elected officeholders alleging that surreptitious government “legacy programs” possess “biological evidence of non-human intelligence” and are attempting to reverse engineer exotic “technologies of unknown origin.”  

Although the UAP Disclosure Act passed the Senate with flying colors, House Intelligence chairman Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) successfully killed the most extraordinary elements of the legislation for no apparent reason that makes any sense.  

After blasting this obstruction as an “outrage,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), who are sponsoring the legislation, vowed to continue fighting for truth and transparency in 2024. 

Speaking on the Senate floor in the waning weeks of last year, Schumer charged elements of the U.S. government with illegally withholding UFO-related information from Congress. The Senate majority leader cited “multiple credible sources” and a “vast web” of whistleblowers to support his astounding allegation. 


Ultimately, President Biden signed legislation directing government agencies to turn over any documents that “unambiguously and definitively pertain to [UFOs], technologies of unknown origin, and non-human intelligence” to the National Archives for preservation.

Given a multitude of pressing priorities and the decades-long stigma associated with UFOs, such extraordinary language does not receive a presidential signature on a whim. 

Biden also signed into law provisions sponsored by two former presidential candidates, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), cutting off funding for illegal, unreported government UFO programs. Gillibrand and Rubio appear particularly concerned that America’s adversaries may have retrieved highly advanced UFOs and that excessive secrecy is inhibiting scientific understanding of “exotic” technologies recovered by the U.S. 

The remarkable language in the UFO-related legislation proposed in 2023 closely mirrors the allegations of whistleblower David Grusch, a decorated Air Force veteran and former intelligence officer who, along with two other senior officials, first spoke publicly in June. 

Of note, the inspector general of the intelligence community deemed “credible and urgent” Grusch’s allegations that elements of the U.S. government improperly withheld UFO-related information from Congress. This triggered legally-mandated congressional notifications.  

It is impossible to dismiss Grusch’s stunning allegations out of hand considering that the intelligence community’s first inspector general — nominated by President Obama and confirmed by the Senate — serves as Grusch’s attorney. 

Asked under oath during a historic congressional hearing whether he believed that the U.S. government has retrieved UFOs, Grusch stated, “Absolutely, based on interviewing over 40 witnesses over four years.”  

According to Grusch, officials with firsthand knowledge of the alleged UFO retrieval and reverse engineering activities testified to the intelligence community inspector general. Importantly, individuals claiming firsthand knowledge of such efforts have little incentive to lie. Providing false statements to the inspector general is punishable by fines and jail time. 

Rubio, vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, corroborated much of Grusch’s account, noting that several high-level government officials with top security clearances have informed Congress that the U.S. government has retrieved “exotic materials” and “reverse-engineered those materials to make advances in our own defenses and technologies.” 

This, Rubio stated, leaves only one of two astounding possibilities. Either a sizable cohort of top government officials is “crazy,” or these individuals are revealing the “biggest story in human history.” Given the caliber and stature of the officials involved, Rubio seems to doubt that such “serious people” would simply “make something up.” 

Echoing Rubio, Gillibrand described the UFO whistleblowers as “very thoughtful, serious people.” 

In June, House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) stated that new protections enacted by Congress resulted in “all sorts of [whistleblowers] coming out of the woodwork.” These individuals, Gallagher said, are telling congressional investigators that “they’ve been part of this or that program,” resulting in “a variety of pretty intense conversations.” Gallagher, like NASA administrator Bill Nelson, needs to work on his poker face when discussing UFOs. 

Not to be outdone by Congress, the executive branch made its share of eyebrow-raising references to “aliens” in 2023. 

In a striking shift from decades of government ridicule and disavowal of potential extraterrestrial explanations for UFOs, the recently-retired director of the government’s UFO analysis office co-authored a scientific paper hypothesizing that extraterrestrial “parent craft” could release “many small probes” that seek out water-rich planets like Earth. 

The ET-themed paper becomes even more interesting when placed in a broader context. During a May presentation, the director of the UFO office stated that military sensors are observing “metallic orbs” “all over the world…making very interesting apparent maneuvers.” Several images and videos of such objects have been released in recent years. 

Intriguingly, observations of enigmatic “metallic orbs” date back to at least World War II, when American aviators reported encounters with “large numbers of silver spheres.” The New York TimesAssociated PressReutersStars and Stripes and the now-defunct International News Service all published stories describing military air crews’ encounters with “mysterious silver balls which float in the air.”  

Newsweek followed up with a Christmas Day, 1944, article titled “The Silver Sphere Puzzle.” Zeroing in on the mystifying nature of the objects, the headline of a second Associated Press dispatch read: “Balls of Silver Seen Over Reich Intrigue Science.” 

American aviators’ bewildering encounters with “metallic orbs” did not end after World War II. Intelligence assessments from the late 1940s and early 1950s describe flying “silver balls” and “spherical” objects “of bright metallic lustre,” alongside larger “metallic” discs

Eighty years after the first U.S. pilots reported them, the government still seems perplexed by anomalous “metallic orbs.” 

In an apparent nod to the long, continuous history of encounters with such objects, the logo of the government’s UFO analysis office prominently features a large, silver-colored sphere.  

Perhaps more intriguingly, a stock image titled “alien technology in a metallic ball” is hidden in a key document outlining the office’s mission. 

According to the office’s former director, only one of two startling culprits — “aliens” or a foreign power — will ultimately explain UFOs that exhibit “concerning performance characteristics.” Of note, none of the hundreds of military UFO reports analyzed recently were attributed to foreign nations.

At the same time, military aviators are speaking more openly about encounters with spherical objects that conduct seemingly physics-defying maneuvers in tightly controlled training airspace. According to a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, these objects are “not slow movers,” like surveillance balloons, but “fast movers.” 

In July, the White House made clear that UFOs have “had an impact on [military] training ranges” and that “there’s something that our pilots are seeing.” Despite heavy redactions, government documents offer a fascinating glimpse into military UFO incidents, including some eyebrow-raising surprises

As Reuters noted, “after decades spent deflecting, debunking and discrediting” UFOs, the seriousness with which the U.S. government began treating such phenomena in 2023 marks a striking “turning point.” 

With the most powerful member of the Senate firmly committed to UFO transparency, 2024 may hold even more intriguing revelations than last year did. 

Marik von Rennenkampff served as an analyst with the State Department’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, and was an Obama administration appointee at the U.S. Department of Defense.

