By T.K. Randall

 エディンバラ公爵フィリップ殿下のUFOファイルは公開されるのだろうか?画像引用:CC BY-SA 2.0 Steve Punter





フィリップ殿下は、UFOに関する最新情報を得るために、雑誌『Flying Saucer Review』を購読し、この現象に関する軍の報告書にも目を通したと言われている。


また、フィリップは『Haunted Skies』も持っていたと思われる: 英国UFO百科事典』も持っていたと思われる。





The UFO Phenomenon

Late duke's 'Royal X-Files' could be released to the public

By T.K. Randall
May 15, 2023 · 


Will Prince Philip's UFO files be released to the public? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Steve Punter

Prince Philip's treasure trove of investigative material concerning UFOs has been kept under wraps for decades.

Until 2009, the UK's Ministry of Defense (MoD) actively investigated the UFO phenomenon, but it wasn't just government officials who were interested in the topic - the late Prince Philip, who died in 2021 at the age of 99, held quite a fascination for the subject as well.

The Duke allegedly first become interested in UFOs after his uncle - Lord Mountbatten - wrote an official report about a strange object that landed at his estate in Romsey, Hampshire back in 1955.

In it, he described witnessing a saucer-shaped craft which hovered just above the ground before a strange man wearing overalls and a helmet descended to the ground.

He was then knocked off his bike and pinned to the floor by an 'invisible force'.

The report was only made public after Mountbatten's death in 1979.

To keep up to date on the subject, Prince Philip had reportedly maintained a subscription to the journal Flying Saucer Review and had even looked over military reports about the phenomenon.


The books he owned about UFOs included The Halt Perspective, which details the experiences of Col. Charles Halt who was one of the main witnesses during the infamous 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident - an event often described as 'Britain's Roswell'.

Philip's secretary was alleged to have even written to the book's co-author - retired West Midlands detective John Hanson - to express the Duke's interest in reading it.

He was also thought to have owned a copy of Haunted Skies: The Encyclopedia of British UFOs.

Over the years, he reportedly built up quite an archive of documents, records and investigative material pertaining to the phenomenon, yet none of this ever saw the light of day during the Queen's reign.

"This is highly sensitive," UFO investigator Nick Pope told History TV. "Here you have the queen's husband investigating UFOs. Had the news got out it would have caused a sensation."

Since the Queen's death, however, there have been renewed calls for the files to be released.

Ultimately, it will likely be up to King Charles III to decide whether or not they should ever see the light of day.

Source: Bang Showbiz 

