UFO探索: 引退した海軍上級上等兵曹、アフガニスタンで見たものを報告するため、”刑務所に行けない”。

Chris Eberhart, Fox News

"私はセキュリティ契約のために制約を受けているので、提出するための方法が必要なのです "と、彼はFox News Digitalに語った。

 UFOの可能性を報告する安全な方法がないことは、All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office(AARO)が4月19日に上院軍事小委員会(Emerging Threats and Capabilities)の前で行ったUFO公聴会の後、賛否両論の2人の議員の目には、目に余る見落としとして映った。
同機関の責任者であるショーン・カークパトリック局長・博士は、セカンド―アロングのビデオクリップを議員に見せ、"これが本質的にこの出来事に関するすべてのデータである "と述べた。


 "あの映像だけで、それを完全に特定することは事実上不可能だろう "と述べたため、"未解決事件 "とされている。
同機関の責任者であるショーン・カークパトリック博士は先月、議員にビデオクリップを公開し、"これが本質的にこの事象について我々が持つすべてのデータである "と述べた。
"私たちが当時働いていた顧客は、すべての収集された資料を保持していたため、ここではかなりのグレーがあります "海軍上級下士官は、Fox News Digitalに語りました。


 4月19日の上院公聴会の後、マーク・ワーナー(D-VA)上院議員とマルコ・ルビオ(R-FL)上院議員はDODに5箇条の書簡を書き、それをFox News Digitalが共有した。

FA-18パイロットと兵器システム担当者が、2019年3月4日にオセアニア上空を飛行する未確認航空現象(Unidentified Aerial Phenomena)またはUAPの写真を撮影した。
Courtesy: ジョージ・ナップ/Mysterywire.com



 ルビオ議員は、Fox News Digitalに、スポークスマンを通じて電子メールで送った声明で、アメリカ人は、郡の空域や施設の近くにある物体について「当然のことながら心配している」と語った。
"さらに悪いことに、私たちの政府はあまりにも長い間、この脅威を無視したり、軽視したりしてきました "とルビオは言いました。「ありがたいことに、それは変わり始めているが、今年初めに見たように、国防と情報コミュニティはまだ苦労している」。

"国防総省の上級幹部は、UAPのうち2機はほぼ確実に気球ではないと公言したが、議会にはこの前例のない行動を裏付ける根拠もセンサーデータも提供されていない "と述べた。
彼は、アメリカ国民が "情報が不足している "だけでなく、議会の監視を任務とする議員も "重要な情報を否定されている "と述べている。


"我々は、まさにこのような事例に対処するためにAAROオフィスを立ち上げ、データを迅速に集約・分析し、科学的プロセスを適用する。 我々は、(バイデン)政権がAAROオフィスに完全に権限を与え、FY23 NDAAで定められた指針を遵守する必要がある。"

"FY23 NDAA "とは、2023会計年度の国防権限法の略で、証人や内部告発者が自分の話を名乗り出るための安全な経路の確立に関する条項が含まれている。
退役海軍上級下士官は、議員たちが求めているものは "私が提出する必要がありそうなものだ "と述べている。





UFO search: Retired Navy senior chief ‘not going to jail’ to report what he saw in Afghanistan


Chris Eberhart, Fox News

May 7, 2023 7:53pm 



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A retired Navy senior chief petty officer said he saw a metallic orb in Afghanistan that’s similar to the one shown in a video during last month’s Senate hearing, but there’s no secure way for him to come forward. 

“I’m going to be honest with you. I’d love to tell everything in detail, but I’m not willing to go to jail to do it,” said a retired Navy senior chief, whose name is being withheld for fear of repercussions.

“I’m constrained because of security agreements, so they need a way for submissions to be made,” he told Fox News Digital. 

Not having a secure way to report potential UFOs was a glaring oversight in the eyes of two lawmakers on both sides of the aisle after All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)’s April 19 UFO hearing in front of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities.

AARO is an office within the US Office of the Secretary of Defense that investigates UAPs – unidentified anomalous phenomena – which is the government-created word for UFOs.

Head of the agency, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, showed the second-along video clips (seen above) to lawmakers and said, “This is essentially all the data we have of this event.”

“It’s going to be virtually impossible to fully identify that, just based off that video,” he said, so it’s considered an “unresolved case.”

The retired Navy senior said that he and other military service members saw a similar metallic orb from an airborne platform in Afghanistan in the early 2000s.

Head of the agency, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick shared video clips last month to lawmakers and said, “This is essentially all the data we have of this event.”
U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services

“There’s quite a bit of gray here, because the customer we were working for at the time retained all collected materials,” the Navy senior enlisted told Fox News Digital. 

“But I know where the bodies are buried, not necessarily where the digital data is though. I can point them in the right direction.”

After the April 19 Senate hearing, Senators Mark Warner (D-VA) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote a five-bullet-point letter to the DOD, which was shared with Fox News Digital. 

One of the arguments was the lack of a secure way for potential UFO witnesses to safely come forward and share their stories.

An FA-18 pilot and a weapon systems officer took these photos of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs flying over Oceania on March 4th, 2019.
Courtesy: George Knapp/Mysterywire.com
The retired Navy senior said that he saw a similar metallic orb from an airborne platform in Afghanistan in the early 2000s.
George Knapp/Mysterywire.com

“To date, we have seen no efforts to communicate the existence of the secure process to the public,” the senators said in their letter. “We request that you provide us an update on the plan to publicize the secure process for witnesses to come forward.”

Rubio told Fox News Digital, in an emailed statement through a spokesperson, that Americans “are understandably concerned” about objects in the county’s airspace and near facilities. 

“What’s worse, our government spent too many years ignoring or downplaying the threat,” Rubio said. “Thankfully, that is beginning to change, but as we saw earlier this year, the defense and intelligence communities are still struggling.”

The Florida senator referring to the Chinese spy ballon and three other UAPs that the Biden Administration shot down in February. 

Not having a secure way to report potential UFOs was a glaring oversight in the eyes of two lawmakers.
U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services

“Senior Pentagon leaders said publicly that two of the UAP were almost certainly not balloons, but Congress has not been provided the rationale or sensor data to support this unprecedented action,” he said. 

“In this instance, we shot down multiple UAP, and it’s not clear, to this day, we know with confidence what they were.” 

He said that not only is the American public “lacking information,” but lawmakers tasked with congressional oversight are “being denied critical information.”


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“We stood up the AARO office to address just such an instance; to rapidly aggregate and analyze the data and apply the scientific process.  We need the (Biden) Administration to fully empower the AARO office and comply with the guidance set out in the FY23 NDAA.”

“FY23 NDAA” stands for fiscal year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, which includes clauses about establishing secure pathways for witnesses and whistleblowers to come forward with their stories. 

The retired Navy senior chief said that what the senators are asking for “is likely what I would need to submit.”




