By Lizzie McAllisterNews reporter



"彼らはこの巨大なUFO研究を10年間続け、また別の研究がそれに取って代わる。"彼らは "どのようにして(エイリアンの)技術を複製するのか "を解明しようとしているのだ」とジョージは説明した。



 サヴィン中将(写真)はナップに自分の発見を見せたかったとされる(Image: erch2014)



彼は続けた: 「彼らは自分の意識を宇宙に投影している。そして、彼らと会話をしたり、情報を共有したり、イメージを共有したりする誰かに遭遇するのだ。



"目撃者がたくさんいた "とKnappは事件について語った。
「そのほとんどが若者だったが、小さな小さな子供ではなく、ティーンエイジャーだった。本当に興味深い事件だった」 "


●Secret Russian UFO programme 'contacted aliens' – and they beamed back pictures

"Remote viewing" used in Russia during a secret UFO programme saw ordinary people seemingly given superhuman abilities, and it is even claimed they managed to contact alien

By Lizzie McAllisterNews reporter

  • 12:01, 25 APR 2023
  • UPDATED13:40, 25 APR 2023


Investigative journalist George Knapp went to see the technology for himself (Image: WireImage)



Scientists in former Soviet Russia claimed to have tapped into "cosmic intelligence" from aliens using psychic abilities.

American journalist and alien enthusiast George Knapp said he witnessed "remote viewing" during a visit to Russia in the 1990s to investigate their alien research programme.


Appearing on the Weaponized podcast with investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, Mr Knapp said he first went to Russia in pursuit of information about extraterrestrial life forms.


But what he came across scientists were scientists who had "reverse-engineered" alien technology.

"They have this gigantic UFO study that goes on for 10 years and then another one replaces it, and they’re trying to figure out, 'How do we duplicate [alien] technology?'," George explained.


Knapp travelled to Russia in the 90s to dive into their alien research    

The award-winning journalist met with Lieutenant General Alexei Yurievich Savin, who wanted to share the impressive research he'd performed with the public.

"He had developed in essence a remote viewing," George continued.


"He showed us some training films where they would take a Russian sailor, put him down in the bottom of a ship, and then ask him to identify where other naval assets were around it without being able to look out the window and see them.

"And they were really accurate, incredibly accurate, at least in this film."


Lt General Savin (pictured) allegedly wanted to show Knapp his findings (Image: erch2014)

But George claimed it wasn't just trained professionals who could use the alien technology.

Lt General Savin also picked out ordinary Russian housewives to trial the bizarre mind trick and found some of them became so good at it they even developed psychic abilities.

"There was one lady who specialised in determining medical conditions," Knapp added.

"She could size you up mentally and figure out what’s going on with you physically."


Some of the housewives who reportedly took part in Savin's research

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"And she was pretty right-on with me with, I’m not going to go into details on that but there are some things you can look at me and figure out without being a psychic but she got some stuff that she shouldn’t have known."

Knapp explained that those who got good at remote viewing could tap into "cosmic intelligences" and communicate with beings that "weren't from Earth".

He continued: "They’re projecting their consciousness out into the cosmos and then they run into somebody else who has a conversation with them or shares information with them or shares images with them.


"Some of them would write stuff down almost like channeling, or draw pictures."

Knapp said he first travelled to Soviet Russia after learning their UFO research programme was several steps ahead of the US.

Russia was also the site of multiple alien sightings that had captured the imaginations of alien enthusiasts around the world and prompted the country's research into the phenomenon.


The Petrozavodsk phenomenon (pictured) was believed by some to be an extraterrestrial occurrence above Russia (Image: Wikipedia)

One high-profile case at Voronezh, about 530km south of Moscow, saw multiple witnesses report spotting giant robot-like aliens exit a space ship in a park, walk around, and then get back in the aircraft.


"There were a lot of witnesses," Knapp said of the incident.

"Most of them were young people but they were not just little tiny kids, they were teenagers. It was a really interesting case."





