
このような話は、普段は否定的なメディアによって、またしても啓示として扱われている。 しかし、多くのUFO研究家にとって、この現実は、上院議員、評判の良い弁護士、高位の元政府高官などの著名な内部告発者によって、何十年も前から明白に見えていたのである。















 「UFOが地面に座っている、まぎれもない写真があったんです。UFOは墜落していたのです。"どうやら、それはこの畑に衝突して、この畑を掘り起こし、このような溝を作ったようです" シーハンは一瞬立ち止まった。
 "それはこの土手の側面に挟まれていました。"彼は深呼吸をした後、言った。"写真の周りには雪が積もっていた。飛行体は泥のような堤防の側面に挟まれていて、斜めになっていた。空軍の隊員がいた。小さなハンドルを回して追加写真を見ると、この空軍の人たちが写真を撮っている。写真の中で、彼らはこの飛行体を撮影していた。そのうちの1枚には、空軍の隊員がこの大きな長い巻尺を持って、これを測っている写真があった。彼らはパーカーを着ていて、フードの周りに小さな毛皮がついているのがわかる。上着には小さな名札がついている。彼らは明らかに米国空軍の兵士だった。私はちょっと不思議な気分で、こう言った: これだ」と思った!






Advanced Aerospace Threat Intelligence Programの元責任者が、UFOの残骸の可能性についてさらなる光を当てる:
 Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)の元責任者であるElizondoエリゾンド氏は、Roswell Daily Recordとのインタビューで、1947年にニューメキシコ州で起きたロズウェル墜落事故などについて、率直な見解を述べた。




 インタビューの中でエリゾンドは、AATIPを率いていた時の仕事は、現在のUAP事件に集中することだったが、プロジェクト・ブルーブック以来UAPに携わってきたペンタゴンのいわゆる「グレーバード」と会話したことがあると付け加えた。 1947年にロズウェルで起こったと思われることを知ったのは、この人たちからだった。

"UAPの活動には確かに核との結びつきがあるという、我々が行った他の観察と一致しているので、私には興味深いことです。"と、ElizondoはRoswell Daily Recordに語った。
政府調査官 、ロズウェルで「何か大きな」ことが起こった。

ヒント - ヒント、上院議員、以下をお読みください:

"我々は、ロズウェルで何かが起こったと信じている "と、ある情報筋はアンダーソンに言った。「何か大きなことがあった。それが核兵器を積んだ飛行機が墜落したのか、それとも他の実験的な状況だったのかは分からないが......。しかし、これまで見てきたところでは、空軍の側が、これを見る者を別の道に誘導しようとしていることがわかる。



*著者について Chet Dembeck:



●Whistleblowers, Senate Leader and High Officials Tell of Crashed UFO in U.S. Possession

Posted on April 28, 2023

Recent news feeds have been full of stories of government Whistleblowers coming forward telling of the United States government coming into possession of a crashed extraterrestrial vehicle and trying to backward engineer its super advanced technology.

Once again, such stories are being treated by an ordinarily dismissive media as revelations.  But for many UFO researchers, this reality has been in plain sight for decades — backed by prominent Whistleblowers from the ranks, of Senators, reputable attornies, and high-ranking former government officials.

The Facts, the facts — nothing but the facts

Let’s start here (*One wonders why the Senate Arms Committee on UAP Disclosure Hasn’t Bothered Checking these Sources Out):

What if I told you the Air Force had two Project Blue Books — one that explained away unidentified flying objects as being nothing but the planet Venus and other natural phenomena and another one that documented the hard, mind-blowing truth of a crashed UFO?


Attorney Daniel Sheehan has degrees from Harvard in government, law, and divinity and he established the Christic Institute in Washington D.C. and claims to have seen documents from the uncensored Blue Book.

He is another super credible witness that has given testament to the reality of UFOs and their cover-up by our government. Sheehan has served as legal counsel on many high-profile cases, such as Karen Silkwood, Iran-Contra, the American Sanctuary Movement, the Pentagon papers, Three Mile Island, and Watergate.


It is hard for me to believe that this man would put his reputation on the line and open himself to such ridicule if he did not sincerely believe every word of his story.

Jimmy Carter’s Curiosity about UFOs

Sheehan’s fascinating account begins in 1977 when he was approached by a friend who was working for the newly-elected President Jimmy Carter. Carter, who had once sighted a UFO, had a great curiosity about the subject. So upon taking office he allegedly called a meeting with the CIA director at the time, George H. Bush, in an attempt once and for all to find out the truth.

Sheehan says that Carter asked Bush for information regarding unidentified flying objects and any knowledge concerning the existence of extraterrestrial beings, according to video testimony given by Sheehan at the National Press Club in 2001.


According to Sheehan, Bush refused to give Carter the information, telling him that even the president could not access such information if it existed. He told Carter such intelligence is available strictly on a-need-to–know-basis — and that he, the newly-elected president didn’t have a need to know.

Sheehan says Bush’s response could have been based on the probability that the intelligence community feared Carter planned on making such information public.

Sheehan was then asked by Carter’s aide if he could get access to the Vatican library in an attempt to see what information the Catholic Church had on the UFO phenomena and extraterrestrials. Sheehan used all of his influence and tried to obtain the information, but the Vatican flat-out refused his requests.

Gets Access to Classified Portions of Project Blue Book

However, with the help of Carter’s aide, Sheehan did manage to get access to the classified portions of the Air Force’s Project Blue Book for a few hours in May of 1977. Sheehan perused the files and microfilms in the just opened Madison building near Capitol Hill. He carefully examined various films until he came across a startling discovery in the frames of one of them taken by the Air Force.

Sheehan described his life-changing experience in his own words at the National Press Club:

There were these photographs of unmistakable — of a UFO sitting on the ground. It had crashed,” Sheehan said. “Apparently, it had hit into this field and had dug up, kind of plowed this kind of trough through this field,” Sheehan paused for a second.

It was wedged into the side of this bank,” he said, after taking a deep breath. “There was snow all around the picture. The vehicle was wedged into the side of this mud-like embankment — kind of up at an angle. There was Air Force personnel. As I cranked the little handle and looked at additional photos, these Air Force people were taking pictures. In the photograph, they were taking photographs of this vehicle. One of the photos actually had the Air Force personnel with this big long tape measure measuring this thing. You could see that they had these parkas on, with little fur around their hoods. You could see that they had little name tags on their jackets. They were clearly U.S. Air Force personnel. I was kind of in this strange state saying: Here it is!

Vatican Not Interested

So, I turned the crank for more pictures, and I could see on the side of this craft these, like, little insignias — little symbols. So, I turned ahead a couple of pictures to see if there was a closer picture. Sure enough, there was. One of the photos had kind of a close-up picture of these symbols. So, what I did is — I was getting nervous — I looked around, and the [security] guys weren’t watching or anything. They were outside of the room, so I took the yellow pad, and I flipped it open to the little gray cardboard backing and I flipped it under the screen. I shrank the size of the picture to the same size as the back of the yellow pad, and traced the actual symbols out in detail, verbatim of what was there. Then I said, like, I’m going to leave. That’s it. I’ve got this, and I don’t want to push my luck on this thing…”


When Sheehan left the room, the guard asked to see his yellow legal pad and flipped through the pages, missing the alien hieroglyphs Sheehan had copied on the back of the pad.

Sheehan offered to share this information with the religious establishment; they told him they were not interested.

Here is his full testimony: 

Former Leader of the U.S. Senate Tells His Story


Before he died, the late Nevada Sen. Harry Reid went on record stating that U.S. defense contractor Lockheed Martin may have had fragments of a UFO retrieved from a crash site, according to an article in the New Yorker Magazine. 

At the time, Reid, who was once the powerful Democratic Leader of the Senate — added that although he believed this may have been true, he never saw direct proof of such UFO remnants.


The theory that the United States retrieved such wreckage from the purported UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947 has been a conspiracy staple that has permeated the UFO community for decades, with the caveat that the military was aggressively attempting to duplicate the technology through backward engineering.

Reid tried to locate remnants

While others tried without results to confirm this theory,  when he was a U.S. Senator Reid said he tried, unsuccessfully, to get approval from the Pentagon to find the UFO remnants:

I was told for decades that Lockheed had some of these retrieved materials,” Reid told the New Yorker Magazine.
And I tried to get, as I recall, a classified approval by the Pentagon to have me go look at the stuff. They would not approve that,” Reid added. “I don’t know what all the numbers were, what kind of classification it was, but they would not give that to me.”

Reid was instrumental in pushing for UFO/UAP disclosure and also responsible for appropriating funding for the Advanced Aerospace Threat Intelligence Program once headed by Luis Elizondo. He headed the program with a $22-million budget, which has now been ordered by Congress to report to the American people its findings no later than the end of June 2021.

More Corroborating Testimony on UFO Wreckage Being Recovered


Former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Intelligence Program sheds More Light on Possible UFO Wreckage:

The former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) Elizondo gave his candid take on the 1947 Roswell crash in New Mexico and more in an interview with the  Roswell Daily Record. 

Elizondo made news on several fronts in the interview published Jun. 26: (1) he said that the Roswell crash was real and that(2) there had actually been two crash sites and that (3) the incident was likely spurred by some U.S. Military and or U.S. Atom Commission testing going on at the testing site in White Sands, New Mexico.


But since it was published in a small-town paper, the major media ignored this important story.

However, this reporter did not.

asthere a crash or crashes in New Mexico? Was wreckage recovered? Illustration is an artist’s concept of the alleged event.

Here are some excerpts from his candid interview courtesy of the Roswell Daily Record:

Elizondo: “I’ll share with you … some of the observations that were made by some people. Before I was part of AATIP, I had no idea about Roswell, other than that there was sort of some alleged crash at some point and some farmer found debris — but during my time with AATIP, there was some very interesting anecdotal information that suggests there wasn’t just one crash, there may have been actually two crashes, and that somehow it may have been related to some sort of testing that was being done at the time at White Sands, and that material was recovered.

And that material that was recovered, samples of that material actually found their way into the hands of private citizens, some of them, but that the … allegedly the larger sections of debris were all recovered by the U.S. Government.”


During the interview, Elizondo said that while he headed the AATIP his job was to concentrate on current UAP incidents, however, he added that he had conversations with so-called “graybeards” at the Pentagon who had been involved with UAPs since Project Blue Book.  It was from these individuals that Elizondo learned what probably occurred at Roswell in 1947.

Elizondo: ” These individuals were convinced that the events in New Mexico were not fiction. In fact that it was a, very much a real event and that some very exotic material was recovered… And then there was a subsequent effort to try to be very dismissive about what actually occurred in New Mexico. But again, I will share with you that it was, from my understanding, it wasn’t actually one, it was two crashes, and it may have been related to some sort of nuclear-type testing of technology that we were doing, atomic and/or nuclear technology at Los Alamos at the time.”

Elizondo’s Conclusions Corroborated

The notion that extraterrestrials are interested in humankind’s nuclear weapons and propulsion capacities is well known. In fact, for years, the United States has reported its nuclear installations being buzzed by UAPs. In fact in the UAP report released by the Pentagon task force in 2021, such penetration of air space by UAP is considered a threat by the U.S. military.

It’s interesting to me because it’s consistent with the other observations we made that there is certainly a nuclear tie to UAP activity,” Elizondo told the Roswell Daily Record. 

Government Investigators: ‘Something Big’ Happened At Roswell’

The other unrelated corroborating evidence that proves Elizondo’s story makes sense is a  long-forgotten column published in the Washington Post, co-written by the late and controversial investigative columnist Jack Anderson. In the column,  an unnamed government investigator is quoted as saying “something big” happened at Roswell in July of 1947 and that the Air Force was pulling out all of the stops to keep it covered up.

The Jun. 1, 1995 column Anderson quoted unnamed investigators at the nonpartisan General Accounting Office (GAO) who were trying to obtain Air Force documents about the flying disc crash that had initially been reported to have occurred in Roswell, N.M., but was subsequently classified as only a weather balloon.

Hint – Hint, Senators, Please Read Below:

At the time, the GAO was conducting the special investigation as a result of a request from late New Mexico congressman Rep. Steve Schiff, who had been stonewalled by the Air Force for years in his attempt to once and for all get to the bottom of what really happened in Roswell shortly after World War II.

Air Force Less Than Open

According to Anderson, some of the investigators he talked to on background believed the Air Force was using all of its assets to keep them off the track of what really occurred at Roswell.

We do believe that something did happen at Roswell,” one source told Anderson. “Something big. We don’t know if it was a plane that crashed with a nuclear device on it …or if it was some other experimental situation. But everything we’ve seen so far points to an attempt on the part of the Air Force to lead anybody that looks at this down another track.”

While the GAO never publicly stated their investigators’ hunches in the finished investigative report, the agency did chide the Air Force for destroying all of the documents regarding Roswell without proper authorization.

Therefore, the investigation came up empty-handed.

Click here to view the full GAO Report.

When UFOs Attack — Documented Cases of Hostile Alien Encounters

  • Front Photo is an artist’s concept of witness testimony

About the Author Chet Dembeck:

Chet is an award-winning print journalist who has covered technology, government, and the Pentagon for various news organizations in the Baltimore/Washington corridor for more than a decade. Chet has completed stints as a reporter for the Washington Business Journal, the Federal Times, and the Baltimore Daily Record.

