●UAP - 墜落回収- パート2









重要な情報の過剰な分類は、発見をするための科学界内の協力を阻害することによって国家安全保障を傷つけるだけでなく、米国民のUAPに関する政策への参加を妨げ、"国民が政府に対して抱いている基本的信頼を蝕む "のです。

 UAP墜落回収Part1という記事の一部として、Eric W. Davis博士のOpen Mindsポッドキャストでの解説を取り上げ、UAP墜落回収を所有し、研究し、リバースエンジニアリングを試みる業者に関連する詳細な情報を提供した。


ハロルド・E・プソフ博士(Dr. Harald E. Puthoff Ph.D.)



 2022年1月5日に開催されたSCU(Scientific Coalition for Ufology)主催のプレゼンテーションで、Harold E. Puthoff博士は、"UAP Studies, Managing the Transition Intelligence Problem / Scientific Problem" のスライドプレゼンテーションを行った。




Hal Puthoff博士とEric Davis博士がテキサス州オースティンの研究室にLuis Elizondo氏を迎え入れました。


 "エリゾンド氏は、物理的な証拠を提示することなく、起源が未確定の物体が地球に墜落し、研究のために物質が回収されたと確信していると言う、機密保持許可を持つ元政府高官や科学者の小集団の一人である。" ----ニューヨーク・タイムズ

 ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は、デイビス博士が議会の委員会に語った、地球外の乗り物についての説明会の内容を公開した。もし、この中の誰かが、ニューヨークタイムズの記事、"No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon's U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public" の報道を裏付けるなら、彼らがブリーフィングに参加したか、そのブリーフィング内容を知っていたこと、そして、議会はオフワールドの乗り物について知らされたがまだアメリカ国民に知らせていないことを確認することになります。


ブラジルで発生したUAPの侵入によるColaresの医療被害予測(本連載の第1回でEric W. Davis博士が取り上げたとおり)。



 2022年2月2日、ハル・プソフ博士は、ジェシー・ミケルスと、ティール・キャピタルのマネージング・ディレクターであり、物理学の統一理論であるGeometric unityの考案者であるエリック・ワインスタインの司会で、American Alchemy(アメリカン・アルケミー)に出演しました。




ワインスタイン: "あなたはそれが真実だと信じているのですか?"


ワインスタイン :”航空宇宙企業が持っている物理の知識があることをご存知ですか?”



未知ではあるが、これらのエキゾチックな材料が新しい技術の進歩をもたらしている可能性があり、他のインタビューでもLue Elizondoによって語られている。


「2007年からペンタゴンのUFOプログラムの下請け、そしてコンサルタントとして働いていた宇宙物理学者のEric W. Davis博士は、いくつかのケースでは、材料の検査でその出所を特定できず、「自分たちでは作れない」という結論に至ったと語っています。- ニューヨーク・タイムズ








 ニューヨークタイムズは機密扱いのブリーフィングの内容を報じ、デイビス博士が議会の委員会と国防総省の機関に「地球外で作られた乗り物からの回収」についてブリーフィングを行ったと指摘しました。 もし本当なら、デイビス博士はその乗り物を見たり研究したりすることなく、この主張をすることはできないし、デイビス博士は今でも機密扱いの許可証を保持している。








Nick Madrid

Apr 22

●UAP Crash Retrievals, Part 2


 Mr. Elizondo is among a small group of former government officials and scientists with security clearances who are convinced that objects of undetermined origin have crashed on earth with materials retrieved for study.


A growing number of scientists, academics, government contractors, and former Department of Defense (DOD) officials have started to come forward in recent interviews, providing tantalizing clues regarding the reality of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP).

The United States Government (USG) is currently engaged in gathering UAP-related information from government sources as outlined in new legislation ratified in the National Defense Authorization Act.

For unknown reasons and after decades of silence the USG has now begun a conversation with the American public on UAP.

The public’s perceived inability to participate in meaningful decisions with the USG, specifically regarding transparency on UAP, and their ignored demand for clarity, subvert democracy’s ability to exercise its constitutional right in ongoing issues of national interest that affect us all.

The over-classification of important information not only hurts National Security by inhibiting collaboration within the scientific community to make discoveries, but also impedes the American public’s participation in policy regarding UAP, and “erodes the basic trust that our citizens have in their government.”

As part of the article, UAP Crash Retrievals Part 1, we discussed the details of Dr. Eric W. Davis’s commentary on the Open Minds podcast that provides detailed information associated with contractors possessing, studying, and attempting to reverse engineer UAP crash retrievals.

As you’re about to find out, doctors Puthoff and Davis, Lue Elizondo, and Christopher Mellon have all provided numerous presentations to government officials and lawmakers on UAP-related intelligence, and some if not all were likely present during the classified briefings Davis provided on off-world vehicles to Congressional intelligence committees.

Dr. Harald E. Puthoff Ph.D.

Dr. Harold E. Puthoff, Ph.D. in electrical engineering is a theoretical and experimental physicist specializing in lasers (Stanford University). Founder, President, and CEO, EarthTech International, Inc. Director, Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin.

Dr. Puthoff’s present research activities range from theoretical studies concerning fundamental electrodynamics, gravitation, and the quantum vacuum to laboratory studies of innovative approaches to energy generation and space propulsion and holds an active USG security clearance.

In a presentation hosted by the Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU) on January 5th, 2022, Dr. Harold E. Puthoff provided a slide presentation for “UAP Studies, Managing the Transition Intelligence Problem / Scientific Problem.”

Dr. Puthoff, who has been described by some notables as a scientific advisor to presidents, has worked on UAP-related projects for the United States Government in a myriad of areas spanning decades.

According to Puthoff, his company Earth Tech, participated in many classified briefings to congressional subcommittees, specifically, the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Select Committee for Intelligence on UAP-related issues.

Puthoff went on to say, numerous classified briefings to the Congressional committees included presentations from Dr. Eric W. Davis, Ph.D., former Assistant Deputy Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Christopher Mellon, and the Department of Defense, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), former director Luis Elizondo.


Dr. Hal Puthoff and Dr. Eric Davis welcomes Luis Elizondo to their laboratory in Austin, TX.

“Mr. Elizondo is among a small group of former government officials and scientists with security clearances who, without presenting physical proof, say they are convinced that objects of undetermined origin have crashed on earth with materials retrieved for study.” — New York Times

The New York Times disclosed the contents of the briefings, in which Davis told Congressional committees of off-world vehicles. If any of these men were to corroborate the reporting from The New York Times article, “No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public”, it would confirm they were in the briefing or knew its briefing contents, and that Congress was informed of off-world vehicles but has yet to inform the American public.

Dr. Puthoff also addresses the following topics in his presentation which included:

  • Naval pilot interactions with UAP
  • The legitimization of the Phenomenon in mainstream media
  • Projected Colares Medical Injuries from an alleged UAP incursion in Brazil (as discussed by Dr. Eric W. Davis in Part 1 of this article series)
  • The former Soviet Union’s investigation into UAP (Thread 3) and its research structure.
  • The connection between UAP and the United States and Russia’s nuclear assets
  • Description of AATIP’s role in the study of UAP and their assessment of possible future threats from all potential adversaries
  • Intelligence and scientific problems, and evaluating potential threat areas with UAP
  • Participants in Congressional subcommittee classified briefings
  • The Physics of UAP
  • Advanced Space Propulsion
  • UAP Hypotheses
  • Question and Answer session

Additionally, Puthoff discusses the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRD), a program which he headed, and commissioned 38 white papers to gauge our ability to replicate exotic technologies by the year 2050. Clarifying further, Puthoff addresses why the USG commissioned the project and provides examples of what the documents entailed in the following clip.


Dr. Puthoff goes on to explain that the white papers were intended to be used in conjunction with an existing UAP program, although its authors were not informed of its objective. The extraordinary science fiction-like, yet real-life subject matter the USG commissioned in the reports is nothing short of astounding, and equally alarming regarding current discussions surrounding biological hazards associated with UAP.

New Physics

On February 2nd, 2022, Dr. Hal Puthoff appeared on American Alchemy, hosted by Jesse Michels and Eric Weinstein, who is the managing director of Thiel Capital and creator of geometric unity, a unified theory of physics.

In the conversation, largely led by Weinstein, himself being a noted mathematician in physics, asked Puthoff about the existence of new advanced physics knowledge that is known, but has not been shared with academia and said:

“Another puzzle we’d love to have cleared up is an understanding of the role of Aerospace companies as holders of potentially basic scientific knowledge not shared with the academic world. Is it possible, that seems very wrong to me?

Puthoff responded: “It may be wrong, but it’s true”

Weinstein: “You believe it’s true?”

Puthoff: “I know it’s true”

Weinstein: “You know that there’s physics knowledge held by Aerospace companies?”

Puthoff: “They’re certainly is materials knowledge, which involves topological physics”

Puthoff continued.

“Aerospace corporations have knowledge in the UAP area that specifically are sequestered by, against, the freedom of information act (FOIA) (requests), because of proprietary labels, the whole thing is set up to be that way, on purpose.”

In this statement, Puthoff explains that there are either meta-materials (metallic shards from UAP crash retrievals), exotic materials, and or a UAP vehicle, in the possession of, and hidden by aerospace companies from FOIA requests and the American public.

While unknown, it’s possible and has been discussed by Lue Elizondo in other interviews, that these exotic materials may be providing new technological advances. These materials may also provide unfair advantages when bidding for government contracts against others who don’t possess exotic materials with advanced physics properties.

“Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist who worked as a subcontractor and then a consultant for the Pentagon U.F.O. program since 2007, said that, in some cases, examination of the materials had so far failed to determine their source and led him to conclude, “We couldn’t make it ourselves.” - New York Times

The inability of USG contractors working on UAP programs to share knowledge with academics further indicates the stove-piped, compartmentalization and secrecy associated with sharing information between scientific disciplines, and according to Davis cripples their ability to make strides in the understanding of exotic material assets.

New Frontiers

Dr. Harold Puthoff has played a large role in providing UAP-related intelligence to the United States Government for decades.

The participation of so many individuals who are currently employed as USG contractors or former Defense of Department officials, all of whom currently hold active security clearances and are presumably briefing congressional committees on UAP crash retrievals is stunning.

The New York Times reported the contents of the classified briefings and indicated Davis briefed congressional committees and a Department of Defense Agency on “retrievals from off-world vehicles not made on this earth.” If true, Dr. Davis couldn’t make this assertion without having seen and studied the vehicle, and Davis still maintains his security clearance.

Davis was employed by the Aerospace Corporation when he made the presentation to the unknown Department of Defense agency and was employed by Earth Tech, headed by Dr. Hal Puthoff when briefing the congressional committees.

Christopher Mellon confirmed in a CNN interview that he was present when Davis provided a classified briefing that dealt with off-world vehicles to Congressional subcommittees, and the New York Times disclosed the contents of those briefings.

While journalism itself is an invaluable asset in the investigation and reporting of imperative events, you can only wonder to its lack of participation in the preponderance of the now mounting evidence.

Someone needs to start asking more questions.




