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There are still painful feelings and fears that ooze out when I remember being in the jail. I found a way to get it out and feel better by writing it down then. That's why I write. I've talked to my counselor and he told me what else he's learned. It's still going to take me a while to get back to a normal mindset.

I was put in ❶ and ❷ in the detention center.

❶ was a small room with two beds

❷ is a large room

❶ was a cage-like place on the second floor. The outside windows were frosted glass and you could not see outside at all. What you could see from the inside window was inside the building on the ground floor. There was a watchman, a clock, a TV📺 something commercial all the time.

When we went down to the first floor and the second floor, we were allowed to go down at a certain time and watch the TV. And everyone was happily watching TV. The atmosphere was completely different between ❶ and ❷.

When I asked the people in ❶ and ❷, some of them said they had been in this room from the beginning.

I suddenly felt uneasy.

Maybe I was a violent criminal. There were times when I wondered if that was why I was put in that room, or if I would have to stay here forever.

I had only 30 minutes a day to shower in the shower room with the air conditioner on. I felt myself getting weaker. I was so dirty, I couldn't even eat bad food, and I couldn't even see my kids.

The only thing that kept me going was my imagination and not thinking about the unpleasant things. I was in this position room for 4.5 days.

I couldn't sleep because the lights were on from about 4:00 in the morning, the nurse came around at night, the bed was hard as a stone, and I slept with the smell of orange peel to put my spirit at ease.

The most troubling thing was the conversation with the warden. He demanded to have glasses made, then he needed a contact solution as well.

The people I met in room ❷ were all people who had been caught many times or were used to it, and they said they had brought their credit cards with them so they could shop. They also gave me a shopping list. Everyone had a plastic Coke bottle. I could only drink water from the water dispenser from a washed milk carton. One person gave me an empty bottle!

And prisoners were taking care of prisoners. Some of them worked in the jail. When I went to the court, she was with me, but she said that he would be released first. She was a young women. I wondered what on earth he had done, but I didn't ask.