


小野 真理 です





HOME PARTY 〜おもてなしの演出について






スターターメニューとして、レストランメニューから参考にしたいのが、一つの大皿に前菜とスープを一緒に乗せてしまうような提供法が効果的です。品数が多いことで お皿の上が華やかになりますし、時間が制約されるようなパーティーの手間が省けたり、女性の集まりなどには 見た目の印象からも、特に喜ばれます。 冷たい前菜と温かいスープ、または温かい前菜と冷たいスープなどのように料理にもメリハリがあるようなものを選ぶと より効果的です。



準備自体も、工夫によっては時間や手間を短縮できます。 そうすることでホストもゲストとの時間を持つことができます。日本人には苦手意識がある準備が軽減でき、本来のパーティーを開催する楽しさが増え、気軽におもてなしができるようになります。また、全部が手作りの料理ではなくても既製品と自家製品を組み合わせたり、ポットラックパーティーにしてゲストと分担したり、パーティーを開くことが負担にならないような工夫があると、参加する全員が楽しめる、おもてなしが




ちょっとしたことで 盛り付けや演出のクオリティがぐんと上がるのが、食材や料理の扱い方です。


美味しくありません。また、食材を同じ大きさに揃えて切るのも、大切なポイント。出来上がった時の見た目の美しさにも大きく影響します。 一つのお皿の中に、食感の違うものを組み合わせることで、メリハリができるのも、お料理を楽しむための演出として重要なことですね。改めて、食べ物の下準備にも気を配ってみましょう。










<HOME PARTY: Enhancing Hospitality>


Other Presentation Points

In addition to direct techniques such as tableware usage and dish plating, there are several points to consider for enhancing the dining experience. These include scene-setting, pre-preparation, and other aspects beyond technical decoration. Remembering these hints can contribute significantly to the art of hospitality.



1. Considering How to Present the Dishes: 

Introducing a dish with hidden surprises at the beginning can elevate the party atmosphere. 

A recommended approach, inspired by restaurant menus, is to serve appetizers and soup together on one large platter. This not only adds visual appeal to the plate but also saves time, especially for parties with time constraints, and is particularly appreciated at gatherings of women. Choosing dishes with contrast, such as pairing cold appetizers with warm soup or vice versa, enhances the effect.



2.Saving Time to Increase Communication: 

Through clever preparation, both time and effort can be reduced, allowing hosts to spend more time with guests. By alleviating the burden of preparations that Japanese people often find challenging, the joy of hosting parties can increase, making hospitality more accessible. Combining store-bought and homemade items or organizing a potluck where guests share the workload can make hosting less burdensome, ensuring that everyone enjoys the hospitality.



3.Preparing Food in Advance: 

Small details in handling ingredients and dishes can significantly enhance the quality of presentation and decoration. Ensuring vegetables are thoroughly drained is crucial; otherwise, even the most delicious dressing can make them watery and unappetizing. Additionally, cutting ingredients to uniform sizes is essential for a visually pleasing presentation. Combining textures on one plate adds contrast and enhances the enjoyment of the dish. Paying attention to food preparation is essential for effective presentation.



4.Incorporating Seasonal Ingredients: While a variety of ingredients are available year-round, using seasonal produce adds charm to the table. Seasonal ingredients spark conversations and contribute to the Japanese appreciation of seasonality. Incorporating seasonal flowers into table decorations enhances the experience, allowing guests to savor the essence of the season. Additionally, decorating with items that suit the party's theme or concept can leave a lasting impression on guests.








小野 真理 です





HOME PARTY 〜おもてなしの演出について


料理③  〜盛り付けのポイント







食べ物の色は、野菜の色に多い「赤・黄・緑」、 「白・黒」はご飯やパンなどの炭水化物、豆腐、ごまなどに

「黄」の薄い色のクリーム系の色合い、焼き物や揚げ物などに多い 「橙」の暗い色である「茶」などですが












盛り付ける上で、一番失敗しやすいのが、ボリューム感の出し方です。基本的に器に対して 1/3〜1/2 のスペースを残すことがポイントです。 余白によってお皿の上での「間」が生まれ、メインになるお料理そのものが強調されて

主張できる一皿になります。 料理を中心に寄せて縁を作ったり、器上の対角線に置いてそれぞれを強調させたりして




大きいものと小さいもの、短いものと長いもの、高いものと低いものなど、対照的なものの組み合わせや、反対のものを組み合わせることで、リズム感が生まれます。 例えば、四角い器には、丸いものを配置したり、丸く盛り付けます。 また逆に、丸い器には直線的なものや、角のものを盛り付けると、メリハリの効いた盛り付けになります。




ドリンクに飾り切りのフルーツを添えてみたり、ミントやハーブなどを浮かべてみたりするだけでも、見た目華やかになります。また デザートなども 市販の作られたものを利用して、ソースでデコレーションしたり、フルーツを加えたり、ちょっとしたことで、印象が変わります。



<HOME PARTY: Enhancing Hospitality>


■Plating Tips■


When considering the presentation of dishes, achieving a balanced color composition is crucial. Utilizing the hues of ingredients can create visually appealing arrangements. Here are some key points regarding color in plating:


1.Balance of Red, Yellow, Green, White, and Black: Incorporating these colors in the ingredients can result in a visually stimulating presentation. Red, yellow, and green vegetables offer vibrant hues, while white and black provide contrast.


2.Accentuating Cream and Brown Tones: Cream and brown hues often accompany sauces, baked goods, and fried items. Utilizing these tones effectively adds depth to the overall color scheme.


3.Adding Color with Accompaniments and Sauces: If the dish lacks color, consider adding vibrancy with accompaniments or sauces. Drizzling balsamic glaze over vegetables, for example, can introduce an appealing accent to the dish.


4.Enhancing with Bright Green Vegetables: Adding bright green vegetables like parsley or green beans to dishes with subdued colors can elevate the presentation. These vibrant greens bring a touch of freshness and visual interest.


5.Considering Dishware Color and Patterns: The color and pattern of dishware also play a role in the overall color scheme. When selecting dishware, ensure it complements the colors of the dish to create a harmonious presentation.

By being mindful of color balance in plating, you not only enhance the perceived flavor of the dish but also create an inviting and visually appealing dining experience.



■Plating Techniques■


1.Creating Dimension: 

Building height and dimension in your plating can make it visually appealing. By layering ingredients or topping dishes with herbs or finely chopped scallions, you can create a sense of depth and visual interest. Even dishes that naturally lack height, such as stir-fries or saucy dishes, can benefit from garnishes that add verticality.


2.Utilizing Negative Space: 

Leaving ample space on the plate (about one-third to one-half) allows the main dish to stand out. This negative space emphasizes the focal point of the meal and creates a visually balanced presentation. Experiment with placing the food slightly off-center or along the diagonal axis of the plate to utilize negative space effectively.


3.Playing with Shapes and Arrangement: 

Contrasting shapes and sizes add dynamism to your plating. Pairing large and small elements, as well as mixing shapes like circles and squares, creates visual interest. For instance, serving round food items on square plates or vice versa can create a visually appealing contrast.


4.Decorative Accents: 

Adding decorative elements as a finishing touch elevates the presentation and enhances the hospitality factor. Garnishing drinks with fruit slices or floating herbs, or using sauces to create decorative patterns on desserts, adds visual appeal and sophistication to the overall presentation. Even simple store-bought desserts can be enhanced with a touch of creativity, such as adding fresh fruit or decorative toppings.








小野 真理 です





HOME PARTY 〜おもてなしの演出について




料理②  〜食器の選び方


テーブルコーディネート のポイントとして、「魅せ方」を考えた食器使いはとても効果的な演出になります。





グラスにはグラスマーカーなどのアイテムを利用したりと、見た目だけでない おもてなしの表現は

ゲストの記憶にも残ります。 また、ちょっとしたことですが、手間をかけておきたいところのポイントとして
































<HOME PARTY: Enhancing Hospitality>


<Menu Planning: Choosing Tableware>

When selecting tableware for your home party, it's important to consider not only how they enhance the presentation of your dishes but also how they contribute to the comfort and convenience of your guests. Here are some points to keep in mind when choosing tableware:



To avoid confusion, consider using color-coded plates or glasses for each guest or using glass markers to personalize them. This not only adds a thoughtful touch but also helps guests identify their own tableware easily.


2.Temperature Control: 

Pay attention to the temperature of the dishes. Warm plates can enhance the dining experience for hot dishes, while chilled plates are suitable for cold dishes. Serving food on appropriately heated or chilled plates adds to the overall enjoyment of the meal.


3.Mixing Sizes and Shapes: 

Combining different sizes and shapes of tableware adds visual interest to your table setting. Using smaller dishes or glasses alongside larger plates not only looks stylish but also makes it easier for guests to enjoy a variety of foods without feeling overwhelmed.


4.Showcasing Cooking Utensils: 

Utilize stylish cooking utensils such as cutting boards or decorative frying pans as serving dishes. This adds a touch of creativity to your table setting and showcases the cooking process as part of the dining experience.


5.White vs. Black Plates: 

White plates are ideal for showcasing vibrant food colors, while black plates create a striking contrast and make food stand out. Consider mixing and matching plain and patterned plates for a visually appealing table setting that complements your menu.


6.Divided Serving Dishes: 

Using divided serving dishes allows you to present multiple dishes in an organized and visually appealing manner. This prevents flavors from mixing and makes it easier for guests to serve themselves without creating a mess.


7.Adding Height: 

Incorporating varying heights in your tableware arrangement creates visual interest and adds dimension to your table setting. Use pedestal plates or stack plates of different sizes to create a dynamic and appealing presentation.


8.Edible Serving Dishes: 

Consider using edible serving dishes made from vegetables or baked goods to enhance the visual appeal of your table setting. Not only do they add a creative touch, but they also contribute to a more sustainable dining experience.

By considering these factors when choosing tableware for your home party, you can create a visually stunning and practical dining environment that enhances the overall experience for you and your guests.