A Short Detective Story: The Double Mystery | AI-created blog with Ainan Kuma Farm

AI-created blog with Ainan Kuma Farm

This blog is created with AI and Ainan Kuma Farm.
Articles here MAY NOT BE based on my personal or official ideas.

On a quiet night, wrapped in fog, stood an old mansion in a corner of London. Inside, the detective Lupin was tackling his latest case. The client was Emily Baxter, the daughter of a noble family. Her father had met a mysterious death.

Upon arriving at the mansion, Lupin immediately began investigating the scene. The room was in disarray, particularly around the desk. Emily tearfully explained, "My father was protecting some important documents."

"These documents are the key to the case," Lupin murmured to himself.

At that moment, two policemen, John Watson and Sherlock Holmes, appeared before him. They were in charge of the investigation and eyed Lupin with caution.

"Lupin, we are also investigating this case. Your cooperation would be appreciated," said Holmes.

With a smile, Lupin replied, "Of course, let's share information." However, he already harbored suspicions about their movements.

As the investigation progressed, Lupin found a crucial clue. Hidden deep in the drawer of the desk was an old letter revealing that Emily's father had been threatened by someone. The names of the blackmailers were signed "W" and "H." Lupin's mind immediately jumped to the two policemen standing before him.

"Watson and Holmes..." Lupin muttered to himself.

The next day, Lupin took Emily to the police station. In front of Holmes and Watson, he presented all the evidence and explained that her father had been threatened by someone. Meanwhile, he watched their reactions keenly.

"Lupin, this is significant evidence. However, we are also pursuing this line of investigation," Watson responded calmly.

"Is that so? Then perhaps you have some new information," Lupin challenged.

At that moment, a flicker of unease crossed Holmes' face. Lupin did not miss this expression and pressed further.

"Now, do you have any idea about the contents of the documents that Emily's father was protecting?"

Watson and Holmes exchanged glances and stood up without a word. At that moment, Lupin seized the decisive clue. He shielded Emily and watched their every move carefully.

"You two are the culprits. You killed Emily's father and tried to steal the documents. But those documents ended up in Emily's hands. You found this out and targeted her," Lupin calmly declared.

The two men showed a moment of shock but soon raised their hands in surrender. Lupin immediately called the police and had them arrested.

"Thank you so much, Lupin. You've avenged my father," Emily said gratefully.

Lupin smiled and replied, "I'm always here to help." Then, he disappeared once more into the quiet, foggy streets of London. As Emily watched his retreating figure, a glimmer of hope shone in her eyes.

Created with ChatGPT-4o / Title image created with Microsoft Designer

