【中3】トータルイングリッシュ◈Lesson5◈期末テスト【英語】 | 赤城❤︎.*






Lesson 5A




(1) He is an African-American musician who is know to everyone.
(2) People who listened to his music became sad.


(1) 結菜は私にとって単なるクラスメート以上です。
  Yuna is ( ① ) ( ② ) just a classmate to me.
(2) ぼくは青森、茨城、東京などに住んだことがあります。
  I have lived in Aomori, Ibaraki, Tokyo, and ( ① ) ( ② ).
(3) ぼくらは音楽のリズムをとるために手を使いました。
  We used our hands to ( ① ) rhythm ( ② ) the music. 


3.正しい英文になるように、(   )内の語を適切な形にかえて空所に書こう。
(1) I         my bag last week.  (lose)
(2) We often enjoyed         beautiful pictures.  (take)
(3) She was good at        .  (sing)


I have a friend.   She has many dogs.
I have a friend ( ① ) ( ② ) many dogs.
The girl is my sister.  She has just bought a white shirt.
The girl ( ① ) ( ② ) just bought a white shirt ( ③ ) my sister.


5.次の英文を、関係代名詞whoを使って(   )内の意味になるように書きかえよう。
(1) Do you know the boy?  (英語を話すのが得意なその少年を知っていますか。)
(2) I want to be a doctor.  (多くの人々を助ける医者になりたい。)
(3) The child likes anime.  (むこうで眠っている子どもはアニメが好きです。)


(1) 隣に住んでいる女の子は背が高いです。
  〔 tall / next door / is / lives / who / the girl / . 〕
(2) 風邪をひいている生徒がたくさんいました。
  〔 were / who / a cold / students / there / have / many / . 〕


(1)〔 is / really loves / who / he / a boy / baseball / . 〕
(2)〔 who / is / there / can / English / anyone / teach / ? 〕



(A) Rose  (B) Anne  (C) my mother  (D) my sister 



(1) ①more ②than
(2) ①so ②on
(3) ①keep ②with

(1)lost  (2)taking  (3)drawing

(1) ①who ②has  (2) ①who ②has ③is

(1)Do you know the boy who is good at speaking English?
(2)I want to be a doctor who helps many people.
(3)The child who is sleeping over there likes anime.

(1)The girl who lives next door is tall.
(2)There were many students who have a cold.

(1)He is a boy who really loves baseball.
(2)Are there anyone who can teach English?

(A)The woman who is talking (with a man) is Rose.
(B)The girl who has flowers is Anne.
(C)The woman who is eating (sandwich) is my mother.
(D)The girl who is playing a game is my sister.




Lesson 5B





(1) He wrote many songs which touched people around the world.
(2) That cat which has white hair is mine.
(1) 彼は世界中の人々を感動させた曲をたくさんつくりました。
(2) 毛が白いあのぬこさんはぼくのものです。


(1) The musician had (     ) hit after (     ).
(2) We are at a big (     ) (     ) now.
(3) This song (     ) (     ) a big star.
(1) one, another  (2) turning, point  (3) made, her


3.次の2文を、①関係代名詞を使って ②関係代名詞を使わず に1文にしよう。
(1) There are many cats.  They are sleeping over there.
(2) The curry is delicious.  It was made by my mother.
  ①There are many cats which are sleeping oever there.
  ②There are many cats sleeping over there.
  ①The curry which was made by my mother is delicious.
  ②The curry made by my mother is delicious.


(1) a building which has a lot of books in it  (l)
(2) the month which comes after May  (J)
(3) a thing which tells time  (c)
(4) a book which helps you to learn new words  (d)
(5) the season which is the hottest in a year  (s)
(6) a hot, dark brown drink which has no sweet taste  (c)


5.日本文に合う英文になるように、〔     〕内の語を並べかえて書こう。
(1) これは彼女を悲しませた映画です。
  〔 the movie / is / which / her / made / sad / this / . 〕
(2) 机の上にあった本を見ましたか。
  〔 see / you / was / on the desk / the book / did / which / ? 〕
(3) 東京駅に行くバスはありますか。
  〔 goes / which / a bus / Tokyo Station / is / to / there / ? 〕
(1) This is the movie which made her sad.
(2) Did you see the book which was on the desk?
(3) Is there a bus which goes to Tokyo Station?


(1) これが、ぼくを幸せにした歌です。
(2) ぼくは、ぼくの部屋を掃除してくれる機械がほしいです。
(3) むこうで走っているイヌは彼のものです。
(1) This is the song which made me happy.
(2) I want a machine which cleans my room.
(3) The dog which is running over there is his.




--- 2018高校入試問題改(私立英語科)にチャレンジ ---

Q. 次の表現を読み、それぞれが表すものを与えられた文字で始まる英語1語で書きなさい。
(1) all the animals, plants, and other things which are not made by people〔n〕
(2) the object which goes around the Earth once every four weeks〔m〕
(3) an animal with a long tail which lives in hot countries and climbs tree〔m〕
(4) a written or printed message which is usually put in an envelope and sent by mail〔l〕
(5) a game which is playd by two teams of eleven players using a round ball〔s〕
(6) the time which will come after the present or the events which will happen then〔f〕
(7) Work which is given by teachers for students to do at home〔h〕
(8) A child's toy which looks like a small person or a baby〔d〕
(9) One of the 60 parts which make up one hour: 60 seconds〔m〕
(1) すべての動物や植物や人間に作られていない他のもの→nature
(2) 4週間ごとに1回地球の周りをまわるもの→moon
(3) 暑い国に住んでいて木に登るしっぽの長い動物→monkey
(4) たいてい封筒に入れて郵便で送る、書いたり印刷したりしたメッセージ→letter
(5) 丸いボールを使って11人の選手の2チームで行われる試合→soccer
(6) 現在の後にやってくる時や起こる出来事→future
(7) 生徒が家で行うよう先生によって与えられる仕事→homework
(8) 小さな人や赤ちゃんのような子どものおもちゃ→doll
(9) 1時間をつくる60個の部分の1つ:60秒→minute