中2英語▶3学期期末・学年末試験◀TOTALENGLISH2 | 赤城❤︎.*






(1) They were afraid (at / of / for) Red Demon.

(2) Ms. Suzuki showed (we / our / us) a nice picture.

(3) One of my brothers lives in Chiba and the (other / others / another) lives in Saitama.

(4) "Get out of here, (and / or / but) I'll hurt you !"

(5) The climate is different (to / from / with) place to place.

(6) "Hello, this is Meg.  (Shall / May / Would) I speak to Deepa?"

(7) We read manga from (left to right / left and right / right to left) in Japan.

⑴ of  ⑵ us  ⑶ other  ⑷ or  ⑸ from  ⑹ May  ⑺ right to left



(1) Mt. Fuji is (high) than Mt. Akagi.

(2) Ken can run the (fast) in our class.

(3) The (child) wanted to be friends with me.

(4) This comic is (popular) than that one.

(5) What manga do you like the (good), Ms. Suzuki?

(6) This J.H.S is (big) than that one.

(7) I think this question is (easy) than that one.

(8) Thank you for (call) me.

⑴ higher  ⑵ fastest  ⑶ children  ⑷ more popular  ⑸ best  ⑹ bigger  ⑺ easier  ⑻ calling



(1) 私は冬より春のほうが好き。

 I like spring (   ) (   ) winter.

(2) そんなことはしないって!

 I won't do (   ) a (   ) !

(3) 彼女がぼくをお誕生日会に招待してくれた。

 She invented (   ) to her (   ) party.

(4) 彼は英語もフランス語も話せる。

 He can speak (   ) English (   ) French.

(5) 久美のお母さんは久美よりずっと忙しい。

 Kumi's mother is (   ) (   ) (   ) Kumi.

(6) みんなの中であなたが最年長なの?

 Are you the (   ) (   ) all ?

(7) 2月はすべての月の中で最も短い。

 February is (   ) (   ) of all (   ).

(8) ぼくは兄と同じ身長だ。

 I am (   ) (   ) (   ) my brother.

⑴ better than  ⑵ such, thing  ⑶ me, birthday  ⑷ both, and  ⑸ much busier than  ⑹ oldest of  ⑺ the shortest, months  ⑻ as tall as



(1) なんできみは旅行をするのが好きなの?

 (like / do / why / traveling / you / ?)

(2) 間違い電話だと思います。

 (number / think / the wrong / you / I / have / .)

(3) 最も長い英単語って何?

 (English / what / word / is / longest / the / ?)

(4) 数学は理科より難しい。

 (than / science / more / is / math / difficult / .)

(5) 5人の中でいちばんかわいいのはだれ?

 (five / cutest / is / who / the / the / of / ?)

(6) 読書は勉強と同じくらい大切だ。

(important / books / as / studying / reading / as / is / .)

(7) お父様によろしくお伝えください。

(to / hi / father / your / please / say / .)

(8) いつまでもあなたの友だよ。

(be / your / I'll / friend / always / .)

⑴ Why do you like traveling?
⑵ I think you have the wrong number.

⑶ What is the longest English word?
⑷ Science is more difficult than math.

⑸ Who is the cutest of the five?

⑹ Reading books is as important as studying.

⑺ Please say hi to your father.

⑻ I'll be always your friend.



(1) Ms. Suzuki is 160 centimeters tall. Who is taller, Ms. Suzuki or you ?

(2) Which season do you like the best and why ?

(3) Which do you like better, ONE PIECE or DRAGON BALL ?

(4) What is the happiest time for you ?

⑴ I am taller than Ms. Suzuki.
⑵ I like summer the best.  Because I can swim in the see.
⑶ I like DRAGON BALL better than ONE PIECE.

⑷ Sleeping is the happiest time for me.

