共愛学園高等学校学特入試対策・練習問題◈英語◈語彙・文法 | 赤城❤︎.*




【A】 意味のとる英文になるように、指定された文字で始まる単語を書け。

1. May is the (f     ) month of the year.

2. (T     ) comes between Wednesday and Friday.

3. (A     ) is the season when leaves change color and the weather becomes cooler in Japan.

4. A (h     ) is a building in which some lives.

1. fifth  2. Thursday  3. Autumn  4. house


【B】 次の文が表す1語の英単語を書け。ただし、指定された文字がある場合はその文字で始まる語を書け。

1. the day after today

2. the activity of riding a bicycle <c>

3. a series of thoughts, image, and feelings that you experience when you are asleep <d>

4. a game played by two teams of eleven players using a round ball

5. something that you remember from the past about a person, place, or experiences <m>

6. a written or printed message that is usually put in an envelope and sent by mail <l>

7. the two parts of our body, one on each side of your head, with which you hear sound

8. an animal with a long tail which lives in hot countries and climbs tree <m>

9. the object that you can often see in the sky at night, and it goes round the Earth once every four weeks

10. all the animals, plants, and other things in the world that are not made by people <n>

1.  tomorrow  2. cycling  3. dream  4. soccer(football)  5. memory  6. letter  7. ear  8. monkey  9. moon  10. nature


【C】 次の英語の表現が表すものを、それぞれ与えられた文字で始まる英語1語で答えよ。

1. (f     ) the time which will come after the present or the events that will happen then

2. (c     ) a grey or white mass made of very small drops of water, that floats in the sky

3. (a     ) a place where planes land and take off and that has buildings for passengers to wait in

4. (m     ) a building where objects of artistic, cultural, historical or scientific interest are kept and shown to the public

5. (w     ) an opening in a building, car, etc., usually covered with glass

6. (s     ) any of four main periods of the year; spring, summer, autumn and winter

7. (m     ) one of the sixty parts which make up one hour: sixty seconds

8. (d     ) a child's toy which looks like a small person or a baby

9. (h     ) work that is given by teachers for students to do at home

10. (m     ) a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that is seen in the cinema

1. future  2. cloud  3. airport  4. museum  5. window  6. season  7. minute  8. doll  9. homewrok  10. movie


【D】 次の文が表す1語の英単語を書け。ただし、指定された文字がある場合はその文字で始まる語を書け。

1. a specially shaped of wood or metal that you use for hitting the ball in games such as tennis <r>

2. the special set of clothes worn by all members of a group at work, or by children at school <u>

3. a very small town in the countryside

4. a time of rest from work, school etc. <h>

5. a hot, dark brown drink which has no sweet taste

6. to rest your mind and body, usually at night when you are lying in bed with your eyes closed

7. the part of the day after the morning and before the evening <a>

8. a situation in which there is no war or fighting <p>

9. a boy or man who has the same mother and father as another person <b>

10. a system of communication by written or spoken words, which is used by people <l>

1. racket  2. uniform  3. village  4. holiday  5. coffee  6. sleep  7. afternoon  8. peace  9. brother  10. language


【E】 次の文が表す、指定された文字で始まる1語の英単語を書け。<英語科>

1. the things that people wear to cover their body or keep warm <c>

2. the material that we get from trees <w>

3. the sister of your father or mother <a>

4. the red liquid that your heart pumps around your body <b>

5. coming next after the eleventh and just before the thirteenth in position <t>

【F】 次の文の空所に入る最も適切な語句を一つ選べ。

1. The (   ) are held every four years, in the Summer and Winter

ア. Olympics games イ. Olympic games ウ. Olympics game エ. Olympic game

2. Zika fever is mainly spread via the bite of (   ).

ア. mosquitoes イ. flies ウ. bees エ. spiders

3. The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or (   ) was won by Yohinori Ohsumi.

ア. Medical イ. Mediation ウ. Medicine エ. Mediterranean

4. Nowadays, we can choose an (   ) company by ourselves in Japan.

ア. electric イ. electricity ウ. electronic エ. electrical

5. The Group of Seven countries include Japan, the US, Germany, the UK, Italy, France and (   ).

ア. Russia イ. Canada ウ. New Zealand エ. Australia

E 1. clothes  2. wood  3. aunt  4. blood  5. twelfth

F 1. イ  2. ア  3. ウ  4. ア  5. イ


【G】 次の文が表す、指定された文字で始まる1語の英単語を書け。

1. the day between Friday and Sunday <S>

2. popular or well known to the public <f>

3. a pain in the head <h>

4. a person whose job is to care for sick and injured people <n>

5. the language of France and some other countries <F>

1. Saturday  2. famous  3. headache  4. nurse  5. French


【H】 次の文が表す、指定された文字で始まる1語の英単語を書け。<英語科>

1. the planet that we live on <e>

2. a sweet, sticky, yellow, golden brown substance made by bees <h>

3. a small, soft, round fruit with shiny red or black skin and a large seed inside <c>

4. a page or series of pages showing the days, weeks and months of a particular year <c>

5. a large black and white animal like a bear, that lives in China <p>

1. earth  2. honey  3. cherry  4. calender  5. panda


【I】 次の文が表す、1語の英単語を書け。

1. a person whose job is to treat people who are sick or hurt 

2. a sister of your father or mother

3. the third month of the year

4. the day between Monday and Wednesday

1. doctor  2. aunt  3. March  4. Tuesday


【J】 次の会話文の空所に入る最も適切な語を、下のア~コの選択しから選び、記号で答えなさい。ただし、同じ語は2度使えず、文頭に来る語も小文字にしてある。
A: Hi, Yuki! (  1  ) are you?
B: I'm (  2  ) just fine.  How about you?
A: Not too bad.  The weather is great, (  3  ) it?
B: Yes.  It's absolutely beautiful today.
A: I wish it was like this more (  4  ).
B: I (  5  ).
A: So where are you going now?
B: I must stop at the grocery store to by (  6  ) for dinner tonight.
A: Oh dear, it's already dinner time?!
B: Indeed, which (  7  ) me I need to get something for dessert as well.
A: You almost forgot the best part of dinner!
B: I (  8  ) did.
A: Well, I'll get (  9  ) then.
B: See you.
A: (  10  ) it easy.

ア. often  イ. reminds  ウ. take  エ. how  オ. agree  カ. going  キ. doing  ク. something  ケ. isn't  コ. almost

1. エ  2. キ  3. ケ  4. ア  5. オ  6. ク  7. イ  8. コ  9. カ  10. ウ


【K】 例のように(  )内の語を適切な形にかえなさい。
例)  The (build) works very hard.   builder
1. The (China) tourists loved the hotel.
2. I'm not very (interest) in cars.
3. My sister and I have never (eat) natto.
4. This dog is (heavy) than that one.
5. It was an (excite) game.

1. Chinese  2. interested  3. eaten  4. heavier  5. exciting


【L】 次の英語の表現が表すものを、それぞれ与えられた文字で始まる英語1語で答えなさい。
1) coming next after the eleventh and just before the thirteenth in positon  (t     )
2) the read liquid that your heart pumps around your body  (b     )
3) the sister of your father or mother  (a     )
4) the material that we get from trees  (w     )
5) the things that people wear to cover their body or keep warm  (c     )

1) twelfth  2) blood  3) aunt  4) wood  5) clothes





検索ワード:学業特別奨学生 普通科進学 特別進学 私立入試 過去問 共愛 中学3年 中3