Hello everyone, or good evening・・・


If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.





The pure animal in the title refers to the soul that was originally created

as an animal or insect to maintain the natural world.


When you see a pet animal, it may act like a human or become 

strangely attached to humans.

Pets that behave like humans may be reincarnated humans 

who have fallen to the animal level.


In other words, it is God's mechanism to make people realize their 

own foolishness by reincarnating them into animals.


Most humans today seem to have fallen to the level of animals.
If this continues, we will be reborn in the inner world 

of Mars or Jupiter, which are said to be the planets of hell.
There, the process of reincarnation will continue forever.

See the article below,



4. Mars(火星)



 Estimated total population: 4 billion people

  (prepared to accept people from the earth's surface)


 Material dimension domain → 

  1.0-dimensional domain to 3.9-dimensional domain

 Spiritual dimension domain → 

  4.0 dimension domain to 4.1 dimension domain






 Estimated total population: 1 billion people
 (As of June 2010, we are accepting 1.2 billion souls 

   from the surface of the earth)
 Material dimension domain → 

  1.0-dimensional domain to 3.9-dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimensional area → 

  4.0 dimensional  domain  ~ 4.1 dimensional domain 



Also, the situation is slightly different between Mars and Jupiter.


Mars is targeted at people whose learning in the earth's physical world

 is so weak that it is nothing, 

while Jupiter is targeted at those who have been able to learn even 

a little bit of spiritual evolution. 




Please be aware of the level of your soul and work hard to purify

your heart and soul.


Compared to humans, who unknowingly pollute their souls every day, 

the souls of animals and insects are truly beautiful.


Please read Mr. K's article and deepen your understanding.


August 1, 2009


Let's take a look at species in nature.


We must overcome this period in which we are moving from the 

physical world to the multidimensional realm of the universe.
For that reason, we need someone who can teach us through 

actual experience that ascension is in progress, 

someone who can serve as a role model.

It is important to meet great mentors and teachers.
This is necessary in most cases to walk the path of spiritual advancement.


The reason for this is that for many people, without such 

great mentors and teachers, they would not be able to be 

so strict with themselves.


However, don't we forget that there are people close to us who

can serve as role models for ascension?


They are the inhabitants of the natural world, including plant species, 

animal species, and insect species.


These inhabitants of the natural world are living beings who are

ready and capable of ascension at any time.


They are the inhabitants of two worlds: the physical world (this world) and

the world of 弥勒 Miroku, the visible world and the invisible world.


We human beings, as a whole, are behind in spiritual awakening.


When human consciousness and frequency reach from 

earth consciousness to cosmic consciousness, 

they will be on the same wavelength as the inhabitants of the natural world,

and they will start talking to you in a friendly manner.


However, if you think that just because they are speaking to you, 

it is in Japanese or some other language, it becomes a story in the anime.


Rather than that, I would like you to think of it as speaking to me 

in a telepathic sense through visions such as light, sound, and symbols.


At that time, these inhabitants of the natural world come into 

contact with us quite frequently and actively.


You can clearly see this when you go to worship at a shrine or go into 

nature such as mountains, rivers, and the ocean.


Species such as butterflies, which tend to be the most spiritual mediums,

fly around your body and often try to land on your head or shoulders.


This is especially evident when worshiping at a shrine.


For example, I was called to a shrine and went there.

( You invited me here today ? )

When I say this out loud, a butterfly comes flying towards me from

the grass on my right.


Also, if you try reciting the Kannon Sutra in front of a subsidiary shrine 

that even the locals of the village do not often worship...
Butterflies fly in from the corners and back of the shrine, and they flutter around the body.

Also, if you try reciting the Kannon Sutra in front of a subsidiary shrine

that even the locals of the village do not often worship...
Butterflies fly in from the corners and back of the shrine, 

and they flutter around the body.

Also, although it had been quiet until then, as soon as we started worshiping,

the birds started chirping, and in areas where there were chickens

in the temple grounds, the chickens suddenly started crowing and wouldn't stop...
Crows also suddenly start crows and sometimes continue to crow forever.

In the case of plants, the scent of flowers wafts toward you even though 

they are a little far away.


This is often caused by the wind, like when there was no wind until then, 

but suddenly the wind starts blowing.


I plan to continue covering this topic often in the future as an example 

of being guided by shrines, but if you tune in with the inhabitants 

of the natural world, they will respond to your call.


Of course, behind this is the intervention of the spiritual inhabitants 

of nature: angels, fairies, and spirits.


Why is it important to have contact with nature?
These beings who are ready for ascension reach out to support 

those who are not yet ready.

Those who are spiritually awakened first seek to support those who follow.


When they feel like they are coming to talk to you, they are sending

you a sign that they are ready to help you.


The inhabitants of the natural world are good role models for 

ascension in higher consciousness.
In order to actively interact with them, (touching nature) leads us 

towards the light and gives us power.



Species in the natural world continue to live their lives in the harsh

environment of nature, where only the fittest survive, 

and within the bounds of God's laws.


Therefore, ascension is naturally possible.


The reason humans fail to reach the ascension level and

instead fall is because they become addicted to evil desires.


The main ones include power, money, sexual desire, appetite, 

material desire, possessive desire, etc.


It's extremely foolish to keep making mistakes without knowing how to adjust,

but if you still can't control it, there's nothing you can do about it.


It is the height of foolishness to ask for more than is necessary.

On the contrary, it will accumulate dirt.


Even gods and angels are expelled from heaven if they break the 

rules and indulge in greed.


The so-called evil gods and demons are beings that have fallen

from the normal gods.


They skillfully use their desires against humans to enslave them.


Are you being manipulated?

I've been manipulated quite a lot, but I've managed to control 

my greed and get to where I am today.



Next time, we will focus on the foolish evil god who turned his 

back on God and was chased out of heaven.





  Today's cat video.