
 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・ 




If you are reading this blog for the first time,

we recommend that you start from the article below.





The following information includes information from Mr. K 

as well as my own theories.  I am editing them.



The solar system that houses the Earth we live in is called the 「 Milky Way galaxy 」

and is the 132nd galaxy to be born in the entire universe.


「天の川 銀河= あまのがわ ぎんが 」in Japanese is「Milky Way Galaxy」in English. 

Here, the explanation will be mainly in Japanese.

The correct spelling for「 あまがわ 」in space is not 

the katakana「ノ」but the hiragana「の」.

katakana =「アマガワ」


The katakana「」 is an abbreviated form of the hiragana「の」.


There is a reason for this as well「の」fundamentally means「spiral galaxy」

It is a state that descends clockwise from a higher dimensional realm.

The Milky Way Galaxy consists of a total of 130 planetary orbital systems 

similar to our solar system.


For this reason, our solar system is positioned as a「solar system 」 

within the nebula of the「Milky Way Galaxy」


Our solar system is made up of a total of 13 planets, not including the sun.


The sun is called the Central-Sun System, and it functions as a network 

that maintains the life forms of the entire universe through bright light.


One of the 13 planets in total, 

Maldeg (an asteroid belt floating between Mars and Jupiter),

 existed in the past.
However, about 10.3 billion years ago according to 

the time axis of the earth's material world, this entire planet was 

annihilated into tiny pieces due to a nuclear war within Maldeg.


A total of 12 other planets are all inhabited 

by humanoid lifeforms that are almost the same as us.
They only differ slightly in terms of skin type, hair type, and color.


Everything except Earth lives in the inner world of each planet, 

and so does the inner world of the Sun.


This means that the Central Sun System

 is also at work in the inner world of each planet.


In these areas, different kinds of life forms live crowded together, 

like animal species on Earth, or like the angelic, fairy, and natural spirit worlds.


In this situation, our level of earth science is at the very lowest level, and we, as humans on Earth, are about to begin our glorious lives as galactic space humans.

 ( From 2013 AD onwards )



★ A total of 13 dimensional regions within our solar system


A total of 13 dimensional regions within each planet at the present time   

( February 2010 )


The reason why these dimensional areas are divided into the material-immaterial dimensional area and the spiritual dimensional area is based 

on the concept of ``the universe having a dual structure'' in earth science.


The next time for each planet's ascension is scheduled to be around 

the winter solstice at the end of 2012 in the Western calendar.


In other words, it can be said that the fate of the Earth has an impact 

on the entire solar system.


( Until now, the Ascension Plan has been postponed until 

 March 16, 2024. That's a blessing. )




 Estimated total population: 1,267 million people

Material-non-material dimension area → 5.1-dimensional area to 7.8-dimensional area
Spiritual dimensional realm → 11.1 dimensional realm



 Estimated total population: 1.334 billion people

Material-non-material dimension area → 6.1-dimensional area to 11.9-dimensional area
Spiritual dimensional realm → 16.1 dimensional realm



 Estimated total population: 7 billion (surface), 

 18 billion (Agartha), 900,000 (Shambhala)

Material dimension area → 4.1-dimensional area to 4.9-dimensional area
Spiritual dimensional area → 5.0 dimensional area (on the earth's surface), 

11.1 dimensional area (the entire earth)


( The illustrations below were found online, 

but please note that we cannot guarantee their authenticity. )



Inner world “Agartha” → 5.1-dimensional area to 6.9-dimensional area

  (as of February 2010 AD)
Inner world “Shambhala” → 9.1-dimensional area to 11.1-dimensional area 

 (as of February 2010 AD)


  ( Famous Ascended Master )


Most of them are solar gods sent to Earth from the inner world of the sun.


 Jesus, Virgin Mary, Moses, Buddha, Apollo, King Solomon, El Morya, 

 Kannon, Ganesha, Thoth,  and others...


By the way, Jesus is sometimes called Christ and 

Gotama Siddhattha is sometimes called Buddha.
But these are not names.


It is the title of a person who has mastered sun worship.


Even the Sun Godman was reincarnated as a human on Earth in the distant past,

 achieved personal ascension, and continues to this day.


Therefore, what every soul should aim for is to master the sun faith and

continue walking on the path of limitless divine truth.
That is what the Creator desires.


In ``The Truth of Kabbalah'' written by M. Doreal,

he explains Kabbalah along with the memories of his past life in Atlantis.


Details of the footprints of Archangel Melchizedek 

and the truth behind the pyramids are also described.
It's definitely a must-see.

From page 174 「 Earth’s interior map 」


※ All fixed stars and planets in the universe are hollow.
  Similarly, the Earth is hollow underground.
  That world is called "Agartha".
( Agartha / Referred to as Amenti in the Emerald Tablet)


 At its center is an area called「Shambhala 」and within that area is the Earth's

「 Akashic Records = Library of the Universe 」

The Akashic Records are made of「 super gigantic crystals 」


At the center of each galaxy there is also a recording device called the

「 Super Giant Crystal = Akashic Record = Library of the Universe 」


This record is a compilation of the Akashic Records that exist on each planet.


Each planet's「Akashic Record 」contains records of the past, present, 

and future of all planets.


Because of this, God can judge the sins of individuals without error.


In other words, each individual has an「Akashic Record 」


I, Shinzo, suspect that the human soul itself is an ``Akashic Record.''


When I did a pendulum test on this, the answer was "NO".
Hmmm, I'm sure it's somewhere in Shambala.

No, I'm sure the individual soul is connected to the Earth's Akashic Records.

 For this reason, I believe that every emotion, thought, 

word and deed of an individual is always recorded.


Because of this, you must not have evil thoughts or 

evil desires or embody them !


( Here is an excerpt of the training method recommended in the previous article, 

so please use it as a reference. )


 「 自霊拝=Ji rei hai 」


 ※「 鏡=カガミ=Ka ga mi=Mirror 」

「ガ = 我 = ga 」 has the same meaning as 「 I 」 in Japanese, 

but it can also mean selfishness, self-centeredness, etc.

In other words, if we can remove egoism from our reflection in the mirror, 

we can discover our true self, which has God within.

This is a practice called「 自霊拝=Ji rei hai 」 practiced by the Emperor, 

and is meant to enhance one's spiritual status.

 《 3 Articles of Ascension 》

1. Purification of mind and soul has reached 81% out of 100%.
2. DNA Article 12 has been completely lifted.

  (Can be verified with Penduram test)

3. Connected to the network of light and reaching earth consciousness.


  1. Purification of mind and soul has reached 81% out of 100%.


This first one is extremely difficult.
This is because unless you look at the ugly parts of your heart and dig into them,

 it is impossible to purify your soul deep within.


Everyone, let's face ourselves with courage!

If you don't know what's ugly and what's beautiful, 

your only choice is to look closely at the world,

 or look it up in books or on the internet.

Aesthetic sense, exploration ability, and insight matter here, 

so let's do our best !


In my case, it took about a year and a half until I felt that

 I had achieved 50% of the 100% purification of my mind.


As of March 2024, I think it has reached 70%...


Of course, it is unclear how God will judge.


It is difficult to discard one's evil thoughts and desires,

 maintain a beautiful state of thought, and promote purification.


This is because there is a test from God.

God, the parent, does not spoil his children, humans !  

Because it's training...


In the center of Agartha is the 「 Central Sun System 」


The inner world of the earth, ``Agartha'',

 has a different frequency band from that on the earth's surface.
Furthermore, there are multiple paths to Agartha other than 

the Arctic Circle and the Antarctic Circle.


However, both are covered with electromagnetic barriers and 

are normally impossible to pass through.

Most of the round spaceships you see in the videos 

you often see on the internet are made by Agartha.


Excerpt from “The Truth of Kabbalah” written by Dr. M. Doreal...


It's not just them, but spaceships coming from other planets

 just show up and do nothing...

1. To show that humans on Earth are not the

  only intelligent life forms in the universe.
2. To monitor so that humans do not destroy the earth itself.
3. Also, in the event of a global catastrophe,

    to rescue humans who are transmitting light signals.
 ...For the reasons above.

 In other words, the part 3 that says they are not transmitting 

light signals means that we will not rescue people whose souls 

do not shine brightly.

God is strict.


The above command has been sent throughout the universe, 

and most of the cosmic comrades are obedient,

 but it cannot be denied that there are some evil gods and demons 

who object to and rebel against the regular gods. 


Therefore, people with evil desires are seduced by evil gods and 

demons and cause wars, conflicts, terrorism, and riots.
Their usual method is to use religion to

 brainwash weak humans and enslave them.


We humans must cooperate with the legitimate gods and 

fight against the evil desires that nest within us and 

the evil gods and demons that exist, without fighting between humans.


The first thing to do is to practice not letting out your evil thoughts, evil desires, 

and removing the dirt that has accumulated in your soul and polishing it.
Otherwise, the soul will not be able to shine and send out signals of light.


  The following is my motto.


「 You can't polish if you can't remove the dirt. 

  If you can't polish it, you can't shine 」


For that purpose, we must search for the dark, dirty, 

and ugly parts of our own hearts.
This is the most unpleasant task for humans, but if dirt is not found,

 cleaning cannot be done.


In the previous article, we introduced the third planet, Earth.
Before moving on to number 4, although it is not a planet,

 I would like to introduce the Earth's artificial satellite, the moon.



★ Dimensional area of the artificial satellite " Moon "


 At the present time (January 2010 AD),
 A dimensional realm that is directly attuned to the Re-Tuning System.

Non-physical dimensional area → 11.1 dimensional area
Spiritual dimensional realm → 16.1 dimensional realm


Why is the artificial satellite "Moon" an artificial satellite?
The reason is that it is a star created by extraterrestrial life forms.

In a previous article, ``Number Spirits of 22, 23, and 24''

it was reported that the planet Earth was born 319,147,829,532 years ago,

 starting from March 2010 in the Western calendar.


 See article below・・・





The artificial satellite "Moon" was created one year ago, 

319,147,829,533 years ago.


( Maybe this is also where you should comment,

 Did the moon and the Earth exist before all the galactic star systems ?  )


Now, for the Sun, it was one year ago, 319,147,829,534 years ago.


In other words, the sun, moon, 

and earth that exist in our solar system are one set.


The beings who created these were created by the 72 gods 

who were born at the same time after the creation of

 the "Tree of Life" at the origin of the universe.
Since then, it has been nurtured with great care and

 care as a star for experiments in cosmic evolution.

Humanoid life forms began living on Earth only recently, 

5,427,829,480 years ago as of March 2010.


The problem here is that humanoid life forms began

 to live around 5.4 billion years ago.

A big problem arises here!
I've ignored this until now, but if you think about it, it's a big problem.


As mentioned above, 

( humanoid life forms began to live on Earth only ~5,427,829,480 years ago ).
This is the part.

The era when the super ancient emperor descended from Sirius A

 is approximately 315.7 billion years ago.


This is the first reign of the「上古1代= Joko era」,

but at this point there was already a super ancient emperor,

(humanoid life forms began to live on Earth only ~5,427,829,480 years ago)

so this seems quite contradictory.


Therefore, I would like to describe the results of my own interpretation.
This has been pendulum tested many times.


To put it simply, the interpretation is that humans who have

 existed for 5.4 billion years have a physical body.


The interpretation is that the people who existed before

 5.4 billion years were divine beings with non-physical ghost bodies.


I was satisfied with that, but I couldn't find a clear answer like this 

in the Takeuchi Documents.


However, the supernatural abilities of the people known as 

divine beings would have been beyond imagination.


For example, wouldn't he also have fighting abilities like a Super Saiyan ? ...




( Photos of the front and back of the moon. However, it does not appear that there is a space base on the back side as shown below. I can't even see the inverted triangular gate.However, in photos showing details, structures that appear to be man-made structures have been discovered. The parts you want to hide in the first place can probably be hidden with an electromagnetic barrier...)


When viewing the artificial satellite Moon from Earth,
only the front side is always visible.

The reason we can't see the other side of the moon is 

because it's covered with space bases run by extraterrestrials.


Also, on the other side, there is a gate in the shape of an inverted triangle

 that leads to the inner world of the Moon.


Who exactly are they ?  They are a space security group called the

「 Space Union 」in the Earth's material world.


The「 Space Union 」is mainly composed of a total of 23 cosmic races within 

the material universe.


Earth humans in the Earth's material world, like them, 

exist within the material universe, but they do not yet belong to the「 Space Union 」


Therefore, the earth is a dimensional realm that has been 

isolated for a long time.


In other words, the artificial satellite "Moon" is the base of the「 Space Union 」, 

and the reason why they are there is


★ Continuing to send life energy to maintain the life support

  of Earth's human life forms (This includes all species in nature)

★ Protect the Earth from all negative influences and continue 

 to defend it from the threat of destruction.


★ In the spiritual evolution of the universe,

  we will continue to support you no matter what, 

 as the mother consciousness called a perpetual motion system.


 These three points.


In common parlance, sayings such as ``Santa Claus is on the moon'' or

 ``There is a rabbit poking rice cakes on the moon'' are codes that indicate 

that there is an alien species on the artificial satellite ``the moon.''


  “ My mother is always great. ”


The people of the「 Space Union 」have been telling us in unison

 that we want humanity on earth to know this, 

and to never forget it, even for a moment.



4. Mars(火星)


 Estimated total population: 4 billion people

  (prepared to accept people from the earth's surface)


 Material dimension domain → 

  1.0-dimensional domain to 3.9-dimensional domain

 Spiritual dimension domain → 

  4.0 dimension domain to 4.1 dimension domain





 Estimated total population: 300 million people
 (Just before the nuclear explosion)

 Material dimension domain →

   3.2-dimensional domain to 3.9-dimensional domain

 Spiritual dimensional domain → 

   4.0 dimensional domain ~ 4.9 dimensional domain





 Estimated total population: 1 billion people
 (As of June 2010, we are accepting 1.2 billion souls from the surface of the earth)
 Material dimension domain → 

  1.0-dimensional domain to 3.9-dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimensional area → 

  4.0 dimensional  domain  ~ 4.1 dimensional domain 





 Estimated total population: 453 million people


 Material-nonmaterial dimensional  domain  → 

  5.1-dimensional domain to 5.8-dimensional domain 
 Spiritual dimensional domain  →  6.2 dimensional domain 


8. Uranus(天王星)


 Estimated total population: 732 million people


 Material-nonmaterial dimensional  domain →
  5.1-dimensional domain to 5.8-dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimensional domain → 6.2 dimensional domain




 Estimated total population: 143 million people


 Material-nonmaterial dimensional domain →

   5.1-dimensiona ldomain to 5.8-dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimensional domain → 6.2 dimensional domain




 Estimated total population: 125 million people


 Material-nonmaterial dimensional domain →

   5.1-dimensional domain to 5.8-dimensional domain 
 Spiritual dimensional domain → 6.2 dimensional domain

Inner world “Space Prison” → 4.1-dimensional area to 4.9-dimensional area


★ The following 3 planets are completely different from the 10 planets

  mentioned above in terms of their orbital and orbital 

  axes in our solar system.
  For this reason, it is an entity that has been difficult 

  to confirm from the earth's material world.




( AntiーEarth )Almost the same size as the Earth


 Estimated total population: 364 million people


 Material-non-material dimension domain→

  5.1-dimensiona domain to 6.9-dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimensional  domain → 8.1 dimensional domain





 ( Dark planet )Approximately 250 times the size of Earth


Estimated total population: 127.8 billion people (Annunaki = evil god = devil)


 Material dimension domain →

   3.1-dimensional domain to 4.9-dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimensional domain→ 5.1 dimensional domain





 ( Low gravity artificial planet )Approximately 3.5 times the size of Earth


 Estimated total population: 571 million people


 Material-non-material dimension domain →

  5.1-dimensiona domain to 8.8-dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimensional domain → 11.1 dimensional domain



Regarding the content of this article, rather than the knowledge 

and vocabulary of earth science, we have translated the information

 from space into more appropriate vocabulary to make it easier to understand.


In general social news, there was an announcement that

 ``Pluto has been demoted from the status of a planet.''

 The background behind this was the hint that

 ``the demon world would disappear from the earth'', and in reality,

 it is still a member of the planet in the solar system at this time.


Recently, Clarion and Nibiru have been a hot topic, 

but Lastearifa is the 13th planet in our solar system that will finally be discovered.


When viewed horizontally from the 1st to 10th planets in our solar system,

Lastearifa rotates around the planet while tilting vertically.
And it seems to be setting up and operating by sending out multiple 

signals so that it cannot be confirmed from the earth's physical world.

It is said that this setting will be lifted at the end of 2015 in the Christian calendar, 

so its full-fledged appearance in the earth's physical world will begin

 in 2016 in the Western calendar, at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.


The planetary orbit system differs for each galaxy or solar system.
It would be something like each individual's unique time-space 

axis management function that ascends in a left-handed (counterclockwise) 

spiral through the spiritual evolution of the universe.


Mars, Jupiter, Nibiru, and the world of Maldeg just before 

the nuclear explosion are the material world, just like our "this world."


Mars and Jupiter are currently receiving 3rd - 4th dimensional

 transition incarnations from Earth, and this will continue until the end of 2020 AD.


Also, the situation is slightly different between Mars and Jupiter.


Mars is targeted at people whose learning in the earth's physical world

 is so weak that it is nothing, 

while Jupiter is targeted at those who have been able to learn even 

a little bit of spiritual evolution. 



0. Sun(太陽)


 Estimated total population: 283,000 people


 The non-physical dimensional domain is 16.1 dimensional domain
 The spiritual dimensional domain is 23.1 dimensional domain

The main sun gods are the sun 天日鷲神 Ameno hi wasi no kami  (Horus god ),

 猿田彦大神 Sarutahiko Okami, etc...


The Sun Gods were reincarnated from the "Tree of Life" 

at the origin of the universe to the "Sunflower Galaxy", 

the first galaxy created in the entire universe.
These are the beings who then moved to the inner world of the sun 

and have remained there, or have continued to exist, for a long time.


 The reason why the sun gods continue to stay inside the sun is


1. Continuing to send life energy to maintain the life support 

 of human life forms on earth ( This includes all species in nature. )

2. To protect the Earth from all negative influences and 

 to continue to protect it from threats of destruction.


3. In the spiritual evolution of the universe, the perpetual motion system,

  or rather, the Father Consciousness, will continue to support

  you no matter what happens.


 「 Message from the Sun God 」


『 At all times, my father embraces everything and accepts it,

  just waiting there patiently. 』


And the artificial satellite 「 Moon 」 continues to support us with 

our mother's consciousness.



★ Dimensional realm of the inner world of the entire「 Sirius star system 」

    (as of February 2010 AD)


 Material-immaterial dimensional domain → 23.2-dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimensional domain → 54.2 dimensional domain


This shows that the spiritual dimensional realm of the Sun 

and the material-immaterial dimensional realm of the Sirius star system

 are in the same frequency band.
There is actually a passageway that allows you to 

enter the Sirius star system from the Sun.


According to Mr. K, as of February 2010, the dimensional realm of the 

「 Tree of Life the origin of the universe, has risen to the following levels.


 Material - non-physical dimensiona domain = 1872. 1-  dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimensional domain = 3242.1 dimensional domain



By the way, as of February 2010, the Sunflower Galaxy

which is the highest peak in the entire universe, has reached the following areas:


 Material - non-material dimensional domain = 984.1 dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimensional domain = 1253.1 dimensional domain



  Excerpt from Wikipedia


M63 (NGC 5055) A spiral galaxy located in the Hunting Dogs .
It is commonly known as the "Sunflower Galaxy."

It is thought to have a diameter of 100,000 light years,

 about the same as the Milky Way.



A vast universe containing the vast solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, 

and countless galaxies !
Compared to the great deeds of the Creator and the countless gods,

 human deeds are so immature that it is difficult to describe them.
You should apologize deeply, change your mind,

 and walk strongly in God's path !



Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".

This time, I would like to introduce you to the insert song of my favorite anime.


From Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, these are Gurenge and morning star.