【お詫び】日記引き続きお休みのお知らせ -An apology | とりのアメブロ







Hello, this is Tori's writing. I was going to resume writing this blog in October, however, I couldn't do due to several reasons. I apologize to everyone who was waiting to read this blog.

If I were able to write my life in Hokkaido was very enjoyable and confortable, it was very good, however, my apartment house is very noisy and unconfortable, so I am now looking for an another one. :-<  In addition, I have to do many things for my family. Therefore, I can't write this blog for a while.

I set my goal to solve many problems in 2017 and I hope I will be able to write this blog in confortable environment.

I wish I can find a good room next time!

【久々の今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo


< A King Penguin chick at Asahiyama Zoo on September 29. He/She grew so well! >