-The 25th, 26th and 27th ACCIDENTS on my way
その26: 新宿駅18時54分発の湘南新宿ライン、高崎線直通籠原行きは大宮~浦和駅間での架線に付着物の影響で21分遅れ。
その27:その26の列車は満員で乗れなかったので、3本後の 新宿駅19時13分発の湘南新宿ライン、高崎線直通籠原行きに乗ることに。この列車、前にたくさん列車が走っている影響で18分遅れ。
Good evening, this is Tori's writing. I have a head ache although I don't have a cold...... :-|
The 25th : The 8:14 a.m. Saikyo line local train for Shin-Kiba from Omiya station was delayed twenty-two minutes due to clearing tracks at a crossing between Itabashi and Jujo station.
The 26th : The 6:54 p.m. Shonan-Shinjuku line train for Kagohara direct to the Takasaki line from Shinjuku station was delayed twenty-one minutes due to clearing cable obstructions between Omiya and Urawa station.
The 27th : I couldn't take the 6:54 p.m. Shonan-Shinjuku line train because of congestion (It was full), so I took the 7:13 p.m. Shonan-Shinjuku line train for Kagohara direct to the Takasaki line, that departed from Shinjuku station three trains later. But this train ran slowly as there were too many trains forward and was delayed eighteen minutes.
I want to get a charm only for traffic conditions. :-)
【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo
< A Gentoo Penguin at Otaru Aquarium on February 19. I want to go to my office smoothly tomorrow! >