パッとビジョン! -Patto-Vision! | とりのアメブロ







なんと、りんかい線の車両のLEDがLCDに変わっていました! コイト電工の「パッとビジョン」を導入していたとは~♪ 省エネで、表示情報量も多いので、言うことありません(^_^)。








Good evening, this is Tori's writing.


Today I took the 7:44 a.m. Saikyo line local train for Shin-Kiba from Omiya station and when I saw at the top of a door......


Displays of Rinkai line trains were changed from LED to LCD! 'Patto-Vision' system made by Koito-Denko Co.Ltd were set! They are energy-saving and they can display more informations, so they are perfect. :-)


By the way, informations of trains' delay also became conspicuous eye-friendly visible!


"The Utsunomiya line trains are delayed due to a person injury accident."


...... :-| Now did I walk over a big mine......? It may be an imagine! :-)


【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo



< A Jackass Penguin at Nasu Animal Kingdom on March 20. He/She is moulting now! >