首痛のその後♪ -About my neck ache! | とりのアメブロ




私の首の頸椎ヘルニアについてですが、日々よくなってきています! 参宮橋の脊椎専門病院のS先生、参宮橋駅近くの整骨院の先生のおかげで、激痛はおろか、痛みももうわずかな状態まで改善しました♪(違和感はまだありますが(^^;))



いい先生とのご縁を大切に、これからも治療に励んで行きたいと思っています♪ ご心配いただいている皆さん、本当にありがとうございます(^o^)/。

Good afternoon, this is Tori's writing.

Today I will write about my cervical disc herniation. I'm getting better every day! Thanks to Dr.S in a cervical pecialized hospital and doctors in a hospital near Sangubashi station, I have no hard pain any more! (However, there is still some uncomfortble feeling.)

Dr.S says that I will be getting well completely without a surgery if I will do 'McKenzie method'. A doctor in a hospital near Sangubash station also says that I may get well because only two treatments have an effect on my neck!

I can't write the hospital name in this blog as I don't get permission, but two doctors are very kind and I am relieved to consult them.

I will continue recieving treatment for a while! Thank you very much for every friends who are taking care of me! :-D

【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo


< King Penguins at Asahiyama Zoo on February 18. I will do my best to get better like them going forward!  >