Good evening, this is Tori's writing. We felt cold in Kanto area today, but it might be warm for people in Hokkaido area. Japan seems narrow, but it's wide, I think!
By the way, at Otaru Aquarium in Otaru City, Hokkaido, they judge whether it's cold or warm by such a way. :-)
Guests who came from Honshu area may not decide whether it's warm or cold. To judge it, please see Pelicans in the outside pool or not!
Wow! It's a wonderful way to judge!! Please visit the aquarium when you may not decide! :-)
【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo
【2016年8月10日(水)におたる水族館で撮ったジェンツーペンギンのボン君です。こちらのみなさんが外に出てくると「寒い」でよろしいのではないでしょうか? (^_^)】
< Gentoo Penguin Bon at Otaru Aquarium on August 10. We can say "It's cold." if they come to the outside? :-) >