メモリアルBOOK発刊! -A memorial book will be issued! | とりのアメブロ




私もメンバーになっているマリンピアクラブ(マリンピア松島水族館の後援会)では、5月10日(日)に閉館する同館のメモリアルBOOKを制作しました! 5月8日(金)に発売予定で1冊1500円(税込)です。


ただいま、先行予約を受け付け中です! まとめて3冊以上発注してくださった方には、先着順でマリンピアお楽しみグッズが付く予定です。詳細は別途ご案内いたしますので、コメントもしくはメッセージにて「メモリアルBOOK予約希望」の旨をお伝えいただければ、別途ご連絡差し上げます!


Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today I will write an information!

Marinepia Club (Suppoting organization for Marinepia Matsushima Aquarium) made a memorial book of this aquarium as it will close on May 10! It will be sent on May 8 and the price is 1,500 JPY (Tax Include).

Many staffs of this aquarium and the persons concerned wrote manuscripts and this book has very rich contents. I also wrote a manuscript with pictures about my visiting on April 23, 2011 that was the day of this aquarium's reopen day.

Now we accept an advance reservation! If you order more than three books, we will present this aquarium's goods, first served. For details, I will inform you what to do if you want to buy it, so please give a comment or send me a message!

I'm sad as the aquarium will close, but I will be happy if you take this book and you will remember the aquarium forever!


< King Penguin Ao and Southern Rockhopper Penguins at Marinepia Matsushima Aquarium on April 12. Does Ao become beautiful as he finished moulting? >