【注意喚起】怪しいメールにご注意を! | とりのアメブロ



- Please be careful for suspicious e-mails!!

こんばんは、とりです。最近、私のスマホに怪しいメールが来るようになりました(--;)。これらのメールに返信したり、添付ファイルを開こうとしては絶対にいけません!! 私のところに来たのは以下の3通。ぜひ拡散をお願いします!



[クリップ] 145757.jpg

件名:Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
本文:We failed to deliver mail because the volume of recipient's mailbox exceeded the local limit. 5444739ece282


知人の携帯やスマホを監査するわけにはいきませんので、ぜひ、自己防衛をしましょう! 名前を名乗らないメールはそのアドレスに直接返信しない。あと、添付ファイルがあるメールは、開く前に差出人に確認。

怪しいメールにくれぐれもご注意を! みなさん、よい週末をお過ごしください♪

Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Recently, suspicious e-mails are sent to me. :-< NEVER SEND A REPLY TO THESE E-MAILS OR OPEN FILES WITH THEM!! Three e-mails below were sent to me. Please spread not to reply or open files with them!

From : time-waits-for-no-one@i.softbank.jp<time-waits-for-no-one@orwdce.biz>
Title : アドレス変えました。 *** Written in Japanese ***
Text : 前の携帯、もう使えないからこっちにメールするようにお願いします!
iPhoneから送信 *** Written in Japanese ***

From : aya-u_u-@docomo.ne.jp.mindflee.org
Title : お返事無いけど…忘れちゃった? *** Written in Japanese ***
Text : お~~い!!あんなに仲良しだったのにお返事無いなんて(T□T;)本当に覚えてない?この写真を見ればわかるはず!! *** Written in Japanese ***
Clip : 145757.jpg

From : MAILER-DAEMON<ret@addwash.com>
Title : Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Text : We failed to deliver mail because the volume of recipient's mailbox exceeded the local limit. 5444739ece282

Acoarding to the latest information, some people downloaded a suspicious application which is programed to get personal informations, and via the application, addresses in a smartphone or in a mobile phone are stolen. Maybe, my e-mail address was stolen by my friend's smart phone or mobile phone. Finally, such suspicious e-mails are sent to the stolen e-mail addresses.

We can't check our friends' mobile phone or smart phone, so let's protect ourselves! Don't send a reply directly to an e-mail which isn't written a sender's name. If files are attached to the e-mail, confirm to a sender before opening them.

Please be careful for suspicious e-mails!! Have a nice weekend!


< The King Penguin at Noboribetsu Marine Park NIXE On August 29. About the series "Don't imitate", this action is more DANGEROUS than the yesterday's action! >