黄色に染まってきました(笑) - I was dyed yellow!! | とりのアメブロ




その途中、そごう大宮店の8階に立ち寄ったのですが、ロフトイエローバザーが絶賛開催中! 見渡す限り、黄色いキングペンギンのPOPが!!


これはペンギン好き、特にキングペンギン中毒のみなさんにとっては大変危険な状況です(笑)。この他にも「LAND of SUMMER」イベント用のジェンツーペンギンの置き物もあったり、ペンギンづくし~。


Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today there is not a practice at Odawara, so I did my tasks in Saitama city.

During doing my tasks, I went to the eighth floor of Sogo Omiya department store. At this floor, 'LOFT Yellow Bazar' is held now! Wherever I look around, posters of the King Penguins dyed yellow are displayed!!

Tori "Wooooow!!"

This situation is very DANGEROUS for penguin lovers, especially extraordinal lovers of the King Penguins :-). On the other hand, there is an object of the Gentoo Penguin, so we can see so many penguins!!

Dear Penguin lovers who live near 'LOFT' store, please go to the nearest store till July 21......Oh, I'm not a secret agent(^_^;).


< The King Penguin and the Gentoo Penguin at Adventure World in Wakayama on March 21. They are the main casts! >