今日のとりさん-その9~16- -The 9-16th ACCIDENTS on my way | とりのアメブロ




その9 大宮駅13時16分発の高崎線:雪のため6分遅延。
その10 その電車が赤羽駅で運転見合わせ。上野駅で信号確認のため。
その11 さらに、その電車自身も上野駅手前の信号で運転見合わせ。上野駅でポイント故障。
その12 葛西臨海公園から武蔵野線に乗ろうとするも、しばらく来ないとのこと。京葉線も40分以上遅延。
その13 振替輸送の都営バスで東京メトロ東西線・葛西駅に向かうも、信号トラブルのため運転見合わせ中。
その14 上野駅17時14分発の宇都宮線小金井行き、ポイント凍結のため運転見合わせ。
その15 ならばと向かった京浜東北線も、着いた途端、運転見合わせ。
その16 その14の列車に戻ったら、違うホーム(5番線)の電車が先に発車すると案内を受けるも、着いた途端、またまた運転見合わせ。


Good evening again, this is Tori's writing. When you saw this blog's title, you might think what was happening to me. Today, a new record was made!! EIGHT ACCIDENTS a day(^_^;)!!! Please read about them in digest(^_^;;;).

The 9th : The 1:16 PM Takasaki line train from Omiya station was delayed six minutes because of snow.
The 10th : It stopped at Akabane station because of signal inspection at Ueno station.
The 11th : The train itself stopped at the signal before Ueno station because of switch trouble at Ueno station.
The 12th : I was going to take the Musashino line train, but a station staff said it will not come for a while. In addition, the Keiyo line trains delayed over forty minutes.
The 13th : I got a metropolitan bus to transfer and went to Kasai station on the Tokyo Metro Tozai line, but the operation was stopped because of signal trouble.
The 14th : The 5:14 PM Utsunomiya line train for Koganei couldn't depart from Ueno station because of switch frozen.
The 15th : I decided to take the Keihin-Tohoku line train, but when I arrived at the platform No.1, the operation stopped.
The 16th : I returned to the Utsunomiya line train, but the conductor said that another train would depart from platform No.5. But when I arrived at the platform No.5, the operation stopped again.

When I arrived at Omiya station, it was 9:00 PM. I departed from Tokyo Sea Life Park when it was still light......(^_^;).


< The Southern Rockhopper penguins at Tokyo Sea Life Park on February 8. In the snow, there were a few penguins on the ground(^_^;). >