バランス♪ -Balance! | とりのアメブロ






  とり「Oさん、1か月どうもありがとう。仕事も大事だけど、休日は仕事を完全に忘れてリフレッシュしてくださいね! 仕事と遊びはバランスが大事なので(^_^)」

  Oさん「とりさんこそ! 週末はペンギンでリフレッシュしてくださいね♪」

1か月でここまで言っていただけるって・・・なんでこうなっちゃったんだろう(笑)? みなさん、よい週末をお過ごしください!

Good evening, this is Tori's writing.

Today is the last day of January. I welcomed two new members and taught them my work. To teach someone is good study for me, too. I was busy in this month, but I spent useful days.

By the way,

Tori "Ms.O, thank you very much for your work in this month. To work is important, but please forget your work in weekend and refresh!! To balance work with hobby is important, I think(^_^)."

Ms.O "You, too! Please refresh to see penguins!!"

To say so in one month......She is kind of course, but what made her say so :-) ? Please have a nice weekend!!

【2014年1月12日(日)に葛西臨海水族園で撮ったキングペンギンたちです。注目すべきは一番左のウミちゃん! こんなところでかかと立ち!?】

< The King penguins at Tokyo Sea Life Park on January 12. Please look at left King penguin Umi!! She is standing such a place!? >