ENG Trans.>"Hunter Type" Control Scheme Post | 「コジブロ」コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログPowered by Ameba

ENG Trans.>"Hunter Type" Control Scheme Post

Hi Everyone, it's Christine againニコニコ

We've received some feedback comments from our overseas blog readers (thanks for reading!音譜) about a post by Matsuhana-san, Creative Producer of Peace Walker. He wrote a blog titled "Hunter Type Control Scheme" regarding the upgraded Japanese playable demo for PW, so I'd like to provide a translation of his post. If there is any feedback, please leave us a comment. Click here for the English intructions on howビックリマーク

(Matsuhana-san is the left-most member in the Kojima Productions banner picture and those who attended TGS 2009 may remember him from his on-stage Peace Walker presentations.目)


"Hunter Type" Control Scheme

This is Matsuhana, on stand-by at the office just in case there may be some issues with the game distribution.

I wanted to review once again, how to switch to the hidden "Hunter Type" control scheme!

(1)Press the "START button" during a Mission to open the Menu window.
(2)Have the "詳細マップ" tab displayed. (left-most tab) ["詳細マップ"means "Detailed Map"]
(3)After the above conditions have been met, enter the "KONAMI Command."


A nostalgic(?) jingle will confirm if you have succesfully entered the command. Please refer to the key settings.

For this time, the "Hunter Type" control scheme was included as an experimental hidden specification and so there is no detailed explanation as to what action will occur when a certain button is pressed.

"How do I roll?"

"How do I ready my weapon?" "How do I shoot it?"

"Which one is the Action Button?"

The following is the current key binding for the "Hunter Type" control scheme.
Please use the following as reference and try out a variety of things.
We're waiting for your feedback!

■L button Item Selection Button/Camera Reset Button:
[When a weapon is not readied]
・(Long Press) Opens the Item menu (Select with ○□)
・(Short Press) Equips Items & resets the Camera behind the Player

[When pressing against an object or lying down]
・Enemy Search

■R button Weapon Selection Button/Precision Shooting Button:
[When a weapon is not readied]
・(Long Press)Opens the Weapon menu(Select with ○□)
・(Short Press)Equips Weapon

[When a weapon is readied]
・(While pressed)Precision Shooting mode (The Camera can be controlled with the Analog Stick. The character does not move.)

[During Enemy Search]
・(While Pressed)Places a Tag on the enemy

■Directional buttons:
[Normal mode]
・Camera Up/Down/Left/Right buttons

[During Precision Shooting mode]
・Change the view of the TPS Camera using Left and Right (During TPS)
・Zoom In/Out using Left and Right (In first person [using Binoculars], while zoom is supported.)

[On the Weapon/Item menu screen]
・Use an Item by pressing Right (Limited to supported Items)
・Drop by pressing Left (Limited to what is applicable)

■Analog Stick
[Normal mode]
・Moves the Player character
※Using the Analog Stick, you can walk and switch to run

[During Precision Shooting mode]
・Moves Camera

■Start button
・Opens the Menu window

■Select button:
※One of the following functions will be selected optionally.
 ②Arbitrary real-time Codec CALL (Not implemented in the Demo version)
 ③Preset Codec
 ※After being pressed, dialog can be selected using ○×△□

■△ button Ready Weapon Button/Weapon Attack Button:
[When a weapon is not readied]
・A weapon will be readied

[When a weapon is readied]
・Weapon attack

■□ button Bare-Handed Attack/Releases Character from the "ready weapon" stance:
[When a weapon is not readied]
The resulting actions will take place with the following priority.
1.There is a weapon that has already been set, and the set weapon is currently equipped:
 Set weapon will be activated
 (Activation will start in order from the one set the earliest.)

2.There is no Analog Stick input and there is an enemy nearby on which CQC can be used:
 Restrain the enemy

3.There is Analog Stick input and there is an enemy nearby on which CQC can be used:
 Throw the enemy

4.Instances other than the above

[When a weapon is readied]
・The ready weapon stance is released

■○ button Action Button:
・Use ladder
・Press against an object (While the button is held)
・Snake In (While the button is held)

■× button Crouch Button:
・(Short press when there is no input for the Analog Stick)Crouch
・(Button press when there is no input for the Analog Stick)Lie down
・(Button press when there is input for the Analog Stick) Roll


※Currently, the "Hunter Type" control scheme is set during the Mission, however please understand that the settings will be reverted to the original button settings each time you return to the Mission Select screen.

For the English guide on how to post comments on our blog, click HERE!