Exclusive: ‘Mutiny Brewing’ Inside State Department Over Israel-Palestine 


Policy Morale is low, and some staffers are preparing to formally express their opposition to President Joe Biden's approach, officials told 

HuffPost. By Akbar Shahid Ahmed 

Updated Oct 19, 2023




以下抜粋翻訳 by Kotaroe


President Joe Biden’s approach to the ongoing violence in Israel and Palestine is fueling mounting tensions at the U.S. government agency most involved in foreign policy: the State Department.


Officials told HuffPost that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his most senior advisers are overlooking widespread internal frustration. Some department staff said they feel as if Blinken and his team are uninterested in their own experts’ advice as they focus on supporting Israel’s expanding operation in Gaza, where the Palestinian militant group Hamas is based.



“There’s basically a mutiny brewing within State at all levels,” one State Department official said.


「基本的に、省内ではあらゆるレベルで反乱が起きようとしている」 と、ある国務省当局者は述べた。

Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel, fighting in the region has killed more than 4,000 people, and Israel is preparing a ground invasion of Gaza that is expected to claim tens of thousands of additional lives.



Two officials told HuffPost that diplomats are preparing what’s called a “dissent cable,” a document criticizing American policy that goes to the agency’s leaders through a protected internal channel.


2人の当局者がハフポストに語ったところによると、外交官は米国の政策を批判する文書 「反対意見公電」 を準備しており、これは保護された内部ルートを通じて政府機関の指導者に送られる。

Such cables are seen within the State Department as consequential statements of serious disagreement at key historical moments. The dissent channel was established amid deep internal conflict during the Vietnam War, and diplomats have since then used it to warn that the U.S. is making dangerous and self-defeating choices abroad.



The cable would come in the wake of Josh Paul, a veteran State Department official, announcing his resignation on Wednesday. After more than a decade of working on arms deals, he said, he could not morally support the U.S.’s moves to supply Israel’s war effort.



“In the last 24 hours, I’ve been getting an immense amount of outreach from colleagues... with really encouraging words of support and a lot of people saying they feel the same way and it’s very difficult for them,” said Paul, whose departure was first reported by HuffPost.


「過去 24 時間で、私は同僚たちから非常に多くの支援を受けてきました...本当に心強い応援の言葉や、多くの人が同じように感じていて、彼らにとってはとてもつらいことだと言ってきました」とポールは語った。彼に辞任は、ハフポストが最初に報じていた。








しかし、どうしてブリンケンはいつもバイデンを睨んでいるのだろう? 台詞の間違いが心配なのか? 



Photo The Mirror US

Photo Dhaka Tribune