18 Jul, 2023 22:11  

US Covid-19 deaths overcounted by nearly a third – New York Times 


米国のCOVID-19による死亡者数、約3分の1が過大にカウントされる - New York Times


The newspaper has long defended the official pandemic statistics, even suggesting the death count was low




以下翻訳 by Kotaroe


Nearly a third of US deaths ascribed to Covid-19 were actually caused by something else, the New York Times admitted on Monday, citing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



“The official number [of Covid-19 deaths] is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had [the] virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death,” the Times article read, explaining that both CDC data and a study in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases support the claim that “almost one third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category.”


タイムズの記事は 「 (COVID-19による) 公式な死者数はおそらく誇張されたもので、死因ではないにもかかわらず、死亡時にウイルスに感染していた人が含まれている」 として、CDCのデータと学術誌『Clinical Infectious Diseases』に掲載された研究結果の両方が 「最近の公式なCOVIDによる死者のほぼ1/3がこのカテゴリーに分類される」 という主張を裏付けている、と説明している。

Titled 'A positive Covid milestone', it claims all-cause mortality in the US has returned to its pre-pandemic baseline. All-cause mortality hovered around 30% higher than normal during the worst of the pandemic, according to the outlet – a figure which sounds less scary when accompanied by an admission that Covid deaths were overcounted by about 30% to begin with. 


「COVIDの前向きなマイルストーン」 と題したこの報告書は、米国における総死亡率がパンデミック前のベースラインに戻ったと主張している。同情報筋によると、パンデミックが最悪だった時期の総死亡率は通常より約30%高かったが、COVIDの死者数が、そもそも約30%多かったことを認めた上でのこの数字は、それほど恐ろしくはないように感じるだろう。

The admission contradicts years of insistence from the Times, other prominent US news outlets, fact-checkers, and chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci himself that any questioning of the official death toll was mere “conspiracy theory” spawned by baseless rumors on social media and disinfo-spewing right-wing pundits.


この告白は、タイムズや他の著名な米国の報道機関、ファクトチェッカー、そして最高医療顧問のアンソニー・ファウチ自身が、公式の死者数を疑問視することはソーシャルメディア上の根拠のない噂や偽情報をまき散らす右派の専門家によって生み出された単なる 「陰謀論」 である、と長年主張してきたことと矛盾している。

The Times pounced on then-president Donald Trump in 2020 when he suggested that the number of pandemic deaths was “lower than” the official figure, claiming “most statisticians and public health experts say he is wrong” and arguing the number was in fact “far higher” than recorded.



Fauci in particular found unconscionable the suggestion that the death toll was being artificially padded, telling NBC in 2020 that “there is absolutely no evidence that that’s the case at all.” Meanwhile, motorcycle crash victims, gunshot victims, and other unrelated deaths were found to have been added to the total.


特にファウチは、死者数が人為的に水増しされているという指摘には良心的でないとし、2020年にNBCに対して 「それが事実であるという証拠は全くない」 と述べた。一方ではバイク事故の犠牲者、銃撃の犠牲者、その他の無関係の死者を加えたことが判明した。


The CDC even suggested at the time that the figure represented an undercount of the true number, despite having encouraged doctors to list Covid-19 as cause of death even in some cases where the patient had not been tested for the virus.



Italy recalculated its own Covid-19 mortality figures in 2021, revealing that just 2.9% of pandemic deaths could be exclusively attributed to the virus. The remainder had at least one chronic disease, often several – though fact-checkers were quick to counter any claims that these comorbidities, not the virus, were responsible for the patients' demise.



Washington Post columnist and vociferous lockdown advocate Leana Wen admitted in January that the “medical community” was “overcounting Covid deaths and hospitalizations,” citing two infectious disease experts who told her the figures for hospitalized Covid-19 patients were overstated by as much as 90%.


1月には、ワシントン・ポストのコラムニストでロックダウン主張者のリアナ・ウェンが、COVID-19の入院患者数が90%も誇張されているとする2人の感染症専門家の話を引用し、 「医療界」 が 「COVIDの死亡者数や入院患者数を誇張している」 と認めた。





Photo FOX News







「ちょっとだけタチの悪い風邪」に対して長期的副作用が不明の遺伝子ワクチンを何回も打っちゃた人は、どう思っているんだろう?  事実に気がついてなけれな、何とも思わないか・・・









