























XP(=Experience Point)!


In judo at the Paris Olympics we won eight medals in total, three of them gold. 


The three gold medal winners, TSUNODA Natsumi, ABE Hifumi and NAGASE Takanori fought superbly showcasing the appeal of judo to the full. 


One thing I noticed all three athletes had it common was how they tapped into their experience. 


Each of them has grown and  developed  by experiencing frustration in challenging matches and at times losses. Without a doubt tapping into that experience is what helped them to peak and succeed. 


Overall some of the matches were won by a narrow margin and there were inevitably losses. At the Olympic level you need to be able to compete inside those narrow margins and I think it’s an issue to consider moving forward. 


 I would also argue that being familiar with the rules is key. Athletes need a clear and accurate understanding of what the specifics of the rules are and what they are designed to achieve and importantly how that affects their individual style of judo. This is something that we need to review and reconsider. 


On the other hand, I wonder, in terms of the development of judo, if the the current rules aren’t overly detailed and resulting in far too many fouls as due to that I feel that some of the appeal of judo will be lost. There were in fact more than a few  incidents at each event during the Paris Olympics when I felt that the varying benchmarks, trends, and biases among referees were cause for concern.


In the team event, as at the previous Olympics in Tokyo we lost to the French team and ended up with a silver medal. 


Yet again we were made to feel the punishing strength of some of the the athletes in powerhouse  French team.


The underlying strength of the French team is not solely the strength of its athletes I felt it also came  from the response of the spectators who filled the venue. The spectators warmly applauded and cheered for every hard fought match, as was the case when ABE Hifumi lost. They cheered for him irrespective of nationality. This unity with the spectators was something which gave me cause to feel overwhelmed with emotion on more than one occasion. 


 I believe this experience is something special to France where there is a great love for judo and it also feels more  special because it is of course the Olympics. 


At the same time I truly felt that the Olympics are indeed different to any other competition. All the more reason why a distinct strategy is necessary I believe.

 I spoke to a number of people at the venue including LLIADIS the Uzbekistan coach and we agreed that ‘there is something unique about the Olympics.’


Conversely the allure of the Olympics is perusing how to perform at your normal level and prepare  accordingly this is concurrently the allure and challenge of the Olympics.