


















Business Judo


All Japan Business Team Competition was held at the Nagahama Ika Twin Arena on June 8th and 9th.

This year’s winners were Asahi Kasei, ALSOK and Nippon Steel in groups one two and  three respectively.
In the women’s, East Japan Railways took the win in group one and Park 24 were the winners in group two.
Congratulations to everyone on the winning teams.

The group one men’s final between Asahi Kasei and Park 24, two powerhouse teams with talented athletes was a fantastic match to watch.
 In terms of competition planning I thought it was great to have an outdoor event on at the same time making use of the space around the arena.

Not only was there a talk show given by top athletes and a live commentary by Anai Takamasa, Tenri university’s coach but also an area with athletic equipment for kids to play on making it a doubly enjoyable experience for the spectators.

The lively banter between Mr. ANAI of Asahi Kasei, Tenri University coach YAMAMOTO Yuji and NAKAYA Riki ( ALSOK, assistant coach at Tokai University) was very entertaining. (lol)
It was obvious that the athletes themselves were enjoying the talk show, but I also felt it was an opportunity for the fans to get to know the athletes a little better. It was well organized and is something I’d like to see more of and take part in myself moving forward. Well done to everyone involved.