

団長の尾縣貢さん、一緒に副団長を務める谷本歩実さん、土肥美智子さんとともに、「TEAM JAPAN」がパリ五輪で最高のパフォーマンスを発揮し、世界中の人々とスポーツの価値を広く共有していけるよう力を尽くして参りたいと思います。



私としては「TEAM JAPAN」の更なる一体感情勢のため、各競技団体と意見交換をするone on one ミーティングを続けると共に、大会視察も精力的に行っていきたいと考えています。








皆さん、「TEAM JAPAN」を宜しくお願い致します!



Role as Vice Leader 


I have been working as Strategy Project Leader for the Paris Olympics since the end of the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 however, after a JOC board meeting on March 21st I have been elected to be the Vice Leader of Team Japan for the Paris Olympics. I feel very humbled to be asked to take on such an important role.


I will be working alongside team leader OGATA Mitsugi, TANIMOTO Ayumi who is also a vice team leader and DOHI Michiko. We will do everything in our power so that ‘TEAM JAPAN’ can give their ultimate performance at the Paris Olympics and people all around the world will get a true sense of the value of sport.


 With the aim of bringing together and unifying the whole of ‘Team Japan’ I plan to continue having one on one meetings to exchange ideas with each sporting team and get out there to see as many competitions as I can.


In March I went along to see breaking and swimming then in April canoeing. I plan to watch volleyball and athletic events over May and June.

Something I notice in the meetings with the teams is how each sport has its own unique traditions and culture.


It’s my job to support the provision of an environment where teams can maximise their performance in their particular event while messaging the true value of sport through the team as a whole by engaging in activities which benefit society. 


It’s already at less than 100 days until the Paris Olympics!

I’m hoping everyone will get behind TEAM JAPAN’ and offer their support!