


たいよう保育園の主催で行われたたLittle kids Judo festivalに参加しました。






















Little Kids


Since the start of the year I’ve had a lot of opportunities to interact with kids through judo.

The first event I attended, the ‘Little kids Judo Festival,’ in Saitama on January 13th. It was organized by Taiyo (Sunshine) Nursery School which is run by a group of  nurseries. The Taiyo nursery runs a programme which incorporates judo on a daily basis. The event was organized as a presentation of their hard work.


Dressed in their white judogi the children performed techniques like ukemi competently, showing their parents just how far they have come along.


Taiyo Nursery is run by a senior of mine from Tokai University, NAKAJIMA Daikatsu.

According to Mr NAKAJIMA, his reasoning behind incorporating judo into the curriculum was to help kids learn self-control and how to push through problems and difficulties. I’m sure most people who have ever taken up judo would agree with him. Having started judo at the age of 5, I of course agree.


Mr NAKAJIMA’s son, NAKAJIMA Takushi also assisted with the event. As it happens Takushi was a seminar student of mine at Tokai University.As a student he always worked very carefully and diligently. Now that he is an adult, I can see that he has not changed. He did a great job on the day.


 I learned a lot from watching Mr AIBA the instructor, he had a great way with the children, but it wasn’t only about fun. He conveyed very carefully the important points to remember about etiquette, ukemi, techniques and building strength. 


I believe that if judo is to move forward we need to reconsider fundamentals like how a dojo is run and our step-by-step teaching methods.


I feel strongly that it is the entourage of instructors in local dojos, schools and clubs who are the real pillars supporting the judo world.