

















Branding Committee Meeting Completed


Here follows the report.


The All-Japan Judo Federation’s Strategy and Branding Committee, of which I am chair, came to an end at the All Japan Judo Federation board meeting yesterday, December 8th. The completion will come into effect at the end of this month.


We set up operations in September 2021 and have received support and cooperation from a great number of people. I would like to take this opportunity at the point of completion to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have offered their support, cooperation, and enthusiasm for judo.


You can view the Committee goals and projects on the All Japan Judo Federation website.



 Our achievements, as listed in the judo federation documents and formulated with the support of committee members include the promotion of our strategic Grand Design ‘Long Term Development Guidelines’ which came into effect back in August this year. In order to further promote this, at the end of November we established the concept of ‘Judo for All.’ The project aims to widen the appeal of judo to the whole of society, to people of all ages, gender and abilities. Projects are already underway to spread the word and help penetrate this concept.


There are also a number of other projects which we plan to continue and further develop in the belief that we can set a new path for the future.  



 When we first established the committee, everything was new, and it took us a little while to get into the rhythm. However, after holding discussions with the other committee members we tackled each issue one by one and worked through it all. I am very grateful to the committee members and the secretariat. Without their help and back up we would not have been able to achieve such great results .


I, personally have gained a great deal of experience which is a huge asset to me and I will certainly use this experience moving forward. 



I’d again like to express my deepest gratitude to all those who lent their support and cooperation.