























Coaching Seminar On! 


Right nowJUDOs NPO, of which I am President, is running its first coaching seminar in four years. 

Seven coaches from 6 countries around the world are participating in a month-long program based at Tokai University, designed by International Instructor MITSUMOTO Kenji.

This year’s members are a diverse line up with various backgrounds including ex-Olympians.


The seminar has a number of goals. 

The first is for instructors to improve their skills here in Japan, the birthplace of judo. 

The second is to expand the judo family and build relationships which transcend differences in nationality, language, religion and culture.

The third is for participants to learn about Japanese history and culture to get a feel for the country. 

It is also our hope that after returning home the coaches will contribute toward further developing judo in their respective countries.


Master KANO Jigoro claimed that the ultimate goal of judo is to train the mind and body through judo in order to give back to society. We hope that participants will put this theory into practice.


Though it sounds a little boastful I have to say that it really was a wonderful seminar.

As I mentioned earlier, the goals were not only about judo practice but also about learning the history and culture of Japan. Yesterday we visited the National Peace Memorial Hall in Hiroshima and today we are visiting Butokuden in Kyoto.


I think it’s safe to say that the seminar has been filled with things that originated and can only be learned here in Japan.


We would very much like to get the message out to as many people as possible about the seminar. Check out our daily updates on Instagram & facebook!


A big thank you to all the staff for leading the course, and a safe journey home to all the participants!