














Meeting Bhutan’s head coach FUKUI Yuki at the venue.

You can follow his instructor’s diary on the JUDOs website!




The Changing Face of Asia

At the Asian Games the Japan Men’s Team won 1 gold medal and the Women’s Team won 3. On the final day we won the mixed team event. 

Thank you to everyone who offered their support.


As this was not a national selection tournament for Japan it is difficult to give a general evaluation of the results however for everyone who took part it produced a number of results and also challenges.


Overall, in the men’s six countries won medals over the seven class events and in the women’s Uzbekistan’s women won the first weight class clearly showing a trend of diversity among the stronger countries and also the rise of emerging nations.


It’s great that there is more diversity in the countries that are winning medals from the point of view of increased popularity of judo however from a strengthening perspective it also poses a number of difficulties. We have to face the reality that not only is it becoming more and more difficult to win at the world level but also in Asia.

On the other hand, one thing which is very noticeable is the progression of globalization in teaching with instructors from Japan and world class ex-champions coaching all over the world. 


Looking at these trends the day will come when we will need the perspective of foreign instructors here too. We need to think about how we perceive global trends with the aim of developing and strengthening our athletes.