























 これはビジネスの世界でいう「パーパス」あるいは「 MVV(ミッション、バリュー、ビジョン)」にあてはまるものだと思います。













 Long Term Development Guidelines


On August 24th the All Japan Judo Federation announced their ‘Long Term Development Guidelines.’I’m sure that some of you may have already read them. 

To show that it is the direction in which the world of Japanese judo is heading, it  should be called the ‘Grand Design.’


It was drafted mainly by ISHII Takanori and KOYAMA Katsuhiro with the cooperation of a number of other stakeholders. 

Obviously, the questionnaire conducted by members of the branding committee was an invaluable resource. I’d like to extend my gratitude to Mr ISHII and Mr KOYAMA.


The goals of the guidelines encompass the social background, past issues, and considerations with judo up to the present day. It clearly states the direction in which the world of Japanese judo is heading into the future and is something we can be proud of both domestically and internationally.


What is critical though is what happens from here. It is important that everyone involved with judo understands these guidelines and learns to implement them in their own way, whatever their situation.


In addition, the guidelines are on a grand scale, targeting not only the judo community but the population as a whole.


It was formulated from the perspective that the appeal and value of judo is great however I feel we must endeavor to get as many people interested as possible and get the message across of where Japanese judo is headed.  


We need to stress that we are not claiming that judo is great or amazing but instead explain clearly what judo can do for our society as a whole.


As you well know judo was founded in 1882 by Master KANO Jigoro. Master KANO wrote the following about the essence of judo and the purpose of training.

‘Judo is the way of using one’s mental and physical strength in the most efficient manner.


Through training and practicing techniques for offense and defense, one disciplines and cultivates body and spirit, and thereby masters the essence of this way.

Thus, the ultimate goal of judo is to strive for personal perfection by means of this and benefit the world.’

In other words, perfecting one’s self and using that power to contribute to society.



I believe it is akin to ‘Purpose’ or MVV - ’Mission Value Vision’ in the business world.  

Based on the ultimate purpose of judo and including the activities we have worked on up to this point, we need to think about how that applies to the long-term guidelines and take action. 


Even within the All-Japan Judo Federation, each committee is working together to improve. Moving forward we will need to co-create and create dialogue with a great number of people. We are at the stage now where we are working on what basis that will be.  



 The same goes for public relations. There are some aspects of the policy that may be difficult to interpret so we will need to hold meetings repeatedly so that everyone can deepen their understanding and we ca disseminate information effectively.

Naturally there may be some things which we have missed and as time moves on though the essence of judo will not change, I do think that efforts and approaches to implementing these guidelines will change.



I hope to work towards taking action based on the above and look forward to talking and exchanging ideas with many people. Let’s all collaborate on this together!